Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 361 - 335: Experience is Enough (Monthly ticket 1850+ updated)

Chapter 361: Chapter 335: Experience is Enough (Monthly ticket 1850+ updated)

Xiao Qian was not just bullshitting, Dong Yi also has a lot going for her. She is taller than the average girl, and is even the top student of a prestigious major in a top-tier university. She won’t have to worry about finding a job after graduation, and the central point is, she’s good-looking.

For good-looking women, the options will always be more.

“No… I don’t want to like any man ever again. I’m good on my own. I’ll work hard to earn money. Boss Qian, he can dump all the money he wants on me, boohoo!”

Xiao Qian had to admire Second Brother Yu’s skill. To agitate such an introverted and steady girl to the point of speaking incoherently…

Okay, he did have a few tricks.

Those who have their hearts broken always say they never want to love again. But when they meet someone suitable, they’ll excitedly throw themselves into it, completely forgetting their disillusioned faces in the beginning.”

“I’m serious… I’m too distressed…”

“Feeling distressed is a good thing! Experience the bitterness, sweetness, sourness, and spiciness of life when you’re young. That’s youth. I should spend some time recording your sad face. When you fall in love again, I’ll show it to you. These are all precious memories.”

“Boss Qian, are you still my friend? I’m in such a state, and you’re not even trying to comfort me!”

“What am I supposed to comfort you for? When a girl reaches a certain age, she will meet someone she likes, feel her heart race for him, feel heartbreak for him, get angry because of him, these are all good experiences. Dong Yi, do you regret liking him?”

Although Yu Mingyi’s final words were harsh, Dong Yi thought back of her memories cooking and looking after the child with him, and shook her head tearfully.

“No regrets!”

“See, the disciple I raised has insight. Right, having a good process, even if the end didn’t go the way we wanted, didn’t you enjoy the process? When you look back when you’re old, you loved an outstanding old man when you were young, you did silly things and shed tears. Teh your grandchildren, these are all memories.”

Dong Yi shook her head, “There won’t be any grandchildren, no sons either, nothing is left.”

In Dong Yi’s heart, there are no good men after Yu Mingyi.

“That’s what every heartbroken person says. I felt the same when Xiao Qiang and I broke up last time. But now, we’re almost engaged.”

Everyone says thmgs in anger, but when you think back on it later, it’s indeed quite childish.

“At least you’ve been in a relationship. I haven’t even confessed my love and I’ve already been rejected.”

Dong Yi felt like she had experienced the most horrible thing in her life.

Xiao Qian enjoyed Dong Yi’s crying and venting.

With Dong Yi’s personality, being able to express her sadness and grievances demonstrated her trust in Xiao Qian, and it also meant that the psychological therapy Xiao Qian had previously given her had worked well.

If she were to keep it inside, saying nothing, that would be dangerous and could easily lead to a recurrence of mental illness.

”Cry it out. As a complete person, you have the right to express your emotions m any way you want. I’m willing to share with you. You can also express all your feelings about him. Say it however you want.”

Xiao Qian guided her to vent her emotions.

“Boss Qian, do we really have no chance at all?”

A girl can become daring and proactive when she likes a man. If this were the past, Dong Yi wouldn’t say these words even in exchange for her life.

“Well, how should I say it? Do you want me to answer from a doctor’s perspective or as a friend?”

“I want to hear both.”

The truth is, it doesn’t matter whether you’re together or not. Because no matter what I say now, you won’t take it to heart. A girl at this time is the blindest, especially when you like him. No matter what I say to persuade you, you’ll find a thousand reasons in your heart to refute me. The only truth is, you like him.”


It’s so sad, he doesn’t even like me!

“But if you want my perspective as someone who’s been through it, it doesn’t matter whether you end up together or not. You are always you. No one else can take your place in life. You two’s issues cannot be made clear through some inspirational quotes. Anyway, just keep moving forward, and it’ll be okay after you’re through this phase.”

Dong Yi listened, her eyes blank. Boss Qian’s meaning is quite vague. In the end, can they be together, or can they not?

“Love is a phase of life. A complete life requires going through its ups and downs. If you want to cry, cry; if you want to smile, smile; you can do whatever you want. But after doing that, you have to live your own life. Even if one day you fall in love with someone else, or one day you can be with him, the outcome will be the same. You still have to live your own life.”

Therefore, as a friend, offering Dong Yi a warm embrace, companionship, and patience is enough as she goes through this inevitable phase in her life.

Life, aging, sickness and death, just like love’s constant reunion and separation, are irreversible. If you choose not to love or like out of fear for the pain of any of these phases, even if life isn’t full of ups and downs, you won’t find happiness.

Yu Minglang had indeed changed some of Xiao Qian’s views. Seeing Dong Yi’s tearful yet reluctant bouts, Xiao Qian seemed to suddenly understand the meaning of Yu Minglang’s words to her.

Being a smart robot sometimes isn’t as good as being a silly fool. Going through a cycle of love, hatred, infatuation, and rage, that’s life.

Xiao Qian accompanied Dong Yi and cried with her until midnight. The two

girls slept together, hugging each other.

Besides love, friendship is also an integral part of life. Without either, life isn’t complete.

Dong Yi is not even 20 years old yet. This phase of life is bound to happen sooner or later. Thankfully, the one who’s accompanying her through this growth is a psychologist, who’s especially good at offering guidance.

After talking to Xiao Qian that night, Dong Yi slept soundly. In her dream, she saw the big snake that always looked at her tenderly.

This time, the snake wanted to turn into a dragon again. Dong Yi rushed over, hugged its head and beat it up. After the beating, the big snake seemed to be begging her to ride it!

Then when Dong Yi wanted to mount it, Xiao Qian’s voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere, “If you want to get hurt, go ahead, you want to reconcile, reconcile. You bubble up in happiness if you so desire!”

So Dong Yi turned around and walked away. The dragon was crying behind her. She joyously laughed at the sky with her hands on her hips.

Yes, it deserves it! It has the same eyes as Second Brother Yu, it deserves it!

Xiao Qian couldn’t sleep because of Dong Yi’s laughter.

It seemed like her emotional counseling was pretty successful. Dong Yi seemed to have let out some of her emotions.

She sent a text to Yu Minglang who was also responsible for the counseling-or his actions could be described as rubbing salt into her wounds.

It was already two o’clock in the morning when Xiao Qian sent the message.

She couldn’t sleep and asked if Yu Minglang was still awake.

Yu Minglang was just finishing up at his end too.

Second Brother Yu was silent after saying a few words at first, just drinking in silence.

The man who could usually hold his liquor well had thrown up from drinking beer, and was now lying on the bed unable to get up..

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