Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 377 - 351 Lovely Thoughts (Thanks to the

Chapter 377: Chapter 351 Lovely Thoughts (Thanks to the

Jade Bi from the dazed Youyou)

“So, I asked Uncle in advance to accompany that hormonally disturbed Old

Lady, which is a hidden way of taking care of her.”

Yu Minglang sipped his drink, his eyes filled with absolute clarity.

His action was not a spur of the moment, but a well-considered decision. When Aunt used such an extreme way to harm the one he loved, without considering the consequences, he did not need to consider Aunt’s feelings. Since she did not treat him and Xiao Mei like family, he did not need to make concessions for


“The women in our house are really too spoiled, including Xiao Xi, today we re

lucky that Xiao Qian reacted quickly.”

Yu Minglang shook his head, “Xiao Xi and Aunt are fundamentally different. Even though Yu Mingxi is reckless, she knows her limits. What about Aunt? She dares to play tricks without the necessary IQ, completely disregarding boundaries. 1 had to take action before informing others. If our father knows and asks me to tolerate because he feels bad for his sister, who will feel bad for my wife?”

Big Brother Yu did not agree nor disagree, “Should I have another daughter with your eldest sister-in-law? The status of women in our family is quite high.”

“You already have two children, why have another one? Who doesn’t want a daughter? But suppose one day, Xiao Qian and I have a set of twins–” Big Brother Yu couldn’t take it anymore, “You’re too greedy, wanting twins?” Yu Minglang chuckled, “One should always have an ideal, I was just using an example. Suppose in the future my Qian Bao was carrying twin daughters, triplets, quadruplets–”

“Get out of here! Why should all the good things be yours? You’ve already married a good wife and you’re still not satisfied, wanting several daughters?” Big Brother looked both amused and annoyed. Youngest Brother Yu felt too good about himself, already daydreaming just after his engagement.

Their family genes may have an issue. Producing a daughter is incredibly hard. In a generation of brothers, having only one family being able to bear a daughter is considered lucky. Youngest Brother Yu was even greedily thinking about having several!

“I was just saying, merely hypothetically, I would be happy if Xiao Mei would give me a child in the future, whether it’s a girl or boy. But theoretically, if I had a bunch of beautiful and lovely daughters, much more sensible than Yu Sanfeng, I would not spoil them. If parents do not properly educate their children and blindly spoil them, they could end up like Aunt, believing that the whole world should revolve around her. Even at her age she behaves like a child, but would the outside world accommodate her?”

After delivering his righteous statement, as if he had thought of something, Yu Minglang’s face brightened into a smile.

“Besides, even if I wanted to spoil our children, just look at my Xiao Mei, she would definitely make a great mother. Together we will discipline our children. We will provide an abundance of material wealth to our children, but we cannot neglect their spiritual education.”

“Tsk, tsk, look at your shameless expression, I feel like beating you up. You’re thinking far ahead, even thinking about parenting?”

Big Brother Yu found it hard to acclimatize.

The impression he had of his younger brother was still that of a troublemaking kid, but in the blink of an eye, his little brother had grown up.

“Of course, we have to think about it. We don’t know how to raise a child, but we have to learn. After I proposed to Xiao Mei, I started studying relevant materials. Marriage and family, the art of getting along as husband and wife, parenting guides, cooking recipes, and whatnot, I should get a good understanding of these. She is entrusting me with her future, so I can’t just muddle through.”

Yu Minglang might as well start planning what he should do and where he should go after retirement.

Planning for the future with the woman you love is a delightful thing.

“Cooking recipes…” Big Brother Yu thought there was something fishy mixed


“Don’t worry about the details, come on, let’s drink-” Yu Minglang was in a good mood today.

“By the way, if Xiao Qian finds out that Aunt spread the news, does she have any reaction? Does she agree with your way of handling things?” Big Brother remembered something.

As he saw it, Xiao Qian always seemed to retaliate for any slight, unlike a woman who would quietly endure a grievance.

“She and I have reached a consensus. As long as I’m happy with how I handle this, she’s okay with it. Come on, let’s drink!”

Yu Minglang changed the topic, leaving Big Brother no room to ask further questions.

Mother Yu said goodbye to Father Yu’s old friends in advance, left her spouse outside on his own, and hurried back home.

She was afraid that Xiao Qian and Xiao Xi would end up fighting, and spent the entire journey thinking about how to mend their relationship.

When Mother Yu came back, she saw no one in the living room, but heard voices talking in the study room. Upon entering, she saw that Yu Minglang and Yu Mingli had drunk more than half a bottle of the Moutai stashed away by her husband.

“Where are Xiao Qian and Xiao Xi?”

“Don’t know, they’re probably chatting.” Big Brother dismissed it with a wave of his hand, while Yu Minglang grinned at Mother and said.

“Mom, want a drink?”

Mother Yu hit Yu Minglang on the head in frustration.

“Drink yourself to death! How can you be so calm!”

She walked out hurriedly to check on Xiao Xi and Xiao Qian. The two had been at odds in the hotel, and Mother Yu was afraid that they would continue fighting after returning home.

She knocked gently on the door. The door was opened by Xiao Qian.

In Yu Mingxi’s bedroom, Yu Mingxi was lying flat on her bed, with a peaceful expression, sleeping soundly. Mother Yu did not expect this situation, and Xiao Qian made a shushing gesture to her, indicating they should speak outside.

“How did she fall asleep?” asked Mother Yu.

“Xiao Xi has been suffering from insomnia lately. I helped her adjust it.”

“Her insomnia isn’t becoming better? I gave her some traditional Chinese medicine when she called last time. I thought she would get better.”

Mother Yu was also aware of her daughter’s insomnia.

“Her current condition, taking sleep aid medication only addresses the symptom, not the cause- Aunt, you should change her medication to these ones.”

Xiao Qian listed a few medications used to alleviate emotional tension, which confused Mother Yu.

“Why shouldn’t she continue taking sleep aids? I examined her pulse and thought she has insufficient brain blood supply.”

“According to my judgment, Xiao Xi’s insomnia is caused by mental tension. Using medications to ease her emotions, coupled with guidance from a psychological counselor, could help release the tension and make her fall asleep. Her insufficient brain blood supply would also improve.”

“It’s strange, this girl has been fearless since she was little. She left home on her own to attend an arts audition and didn’t feel any tension when she returned. Why is she tense now that she’s grown up?” Mother Yu mumbled to herself but still recorded the medication Xiao Qian mentioned.

By now, no one in Yu family doubted Xiao Qian’s professional abilities. They’ve all seen what she has done.

“The image of someone in our memory often stays at a certain stage, but people do change. Kids grow up. Those who were once strong may need help one day. Xiao Xi might be going through a stage where she’s encountering problems, and the family just needs to pay closer attention..”

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