Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Chapter 10: Drawing

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In 1775, the United States issued the first version of banknotes in order to make up for the lack of domestic funds in the United States due to British taxes.

Because the U.S. supreme authority at the time was called the "Continent Conference of United Powers," or "Continent Congress," this version of the U.S. dollar was also known as the "Continent Currency."

At that time, the United States was a country composed of settled households, thieves, robbers, and prisoners. Because the "mainland currency" was issued for the first time and there were not many anti-counterfeiting measures, this version of the "mainland currency" was issued shortly before it appeared on the market. As a result of counterfeit banknotes, the practical value of "continental currency" was very small. At that time, Americans mocked something worthless and would use "not as good as a continental currency" to describe it.

Li Mu's affirmation is not "continental currency", but the "spot note" issued by the US government to authorize the Treasury to legislate for the cost of the Civil War ten years ago. It cannot be exchanged, but because it has gold as a guarantee, it is still very credible. This is also the first U.S. dollar in the general sense, so it is called a "federal bond."

Holding the green federal voucher, Mike still couldn't believe that Li Mu just took a hundred dollars on the table just for a 35-dollar Colt 1872-style single-handed grab.

"Mike, how much money did the old man give you from Shanghai to San Francisco as a doctor?" Li Mu has other plans. Just buying a gun is not enough to ensure Li Mu's safety.

Mike rolled his eyes and thought for a long time before he realized who Li Mu said "Chen Chen": "I'm not hired by Mr. Chen, but by the Prime Minister's Yemen." Mike answered honestly, now Mike doesn't think Li Mu It is a wanderer, but it feels that Li Mu is the illegitimate son of a certain Qing prince, otherwise Li Mu cannot be so generous: "This trip is about 25 days, and my remuneration is fifty dollars."

Fifty dollars, this price is really not high, Li Mu is sure that the ticket paid by the Prime Minister to the Mike must be higher than fifty dollars.

At this time in 1872, the transportation cost was still very high. From Shanghai to Tianjin by ferry, the first-class cabin costs almost one hundred and twenty yuan. If it is more expensive to go abroad, the first-class cabin from Shanghai to Paris costs almost three hundred and two, only The fourth-class cabin that lives in the bottom cabin is also ninety-two. Considering that Li Mu's passengers on board this ship, except for Li Mu, the "staying children" are the staff of the "Children's Office for Foreign Trade". Li Mu and their fellows should pay more.

It seems that the Qing government really spared no money in order to "stay in the United States" this time.

"I still have about ten days to go to the shore. I will pay you another fifty dollars. I will hire you to accompany me during this time. There is only one requirement. Can I do it?" Li Mu can now be said to be wealthy. Take The dollar smashed people without distress.

"Only about eight days--" Mike was stared.

To be honest, the price of Li Mu is really not low. If you are staying in the United States, it is estimated that the level of veterinarian Mike is less than 50 dollars a year.

Of course, a normal veterinarian earns more than that every year, but Mike's level must be limited, otherwise, if Mike's medical level is very high, Mike would not have to travel thousands of miles from the United States to the Far East to discuss his life.

"Eight days, eight days, fifty dollars, how about it?" Li Mu didn't care about the details, eight days and twenty-five days meant the same to Li Mu.

"Okay!" Mike also simply, staying on step by step, taking care of the wounded--

So in the next few days, Li Mu did not even go to the restaurant for dinner, but asked Mike to bring him back. There was only one thing Li Mu stayed in Mike's cabin, which was to practice "cowboy drawing."

This "pulling gun" is the kind of pulling gun in western movies.

It used to be widely believed that the type of "pull-out" in western films was an art fiction, which did not exist in reality. However, in his spare time in the 21st century, although Li Mu has watched many western movies, he has also seen many small videos. Among them, a person named "Bod Bob" left a deep impression on Li Mu.

The Bod Bob is known as the "best cowboy of all time", and he can complete a series of actions such as pulling the gun, hitting the target, inserting the gun back into the holster, etc. in 0.02 seconds.

What is 0.02 seconds?

Generally speaking, the motion of Bod Bob is no longer visible to the naked eye. A high-speed camera is needed to barely see the action of Bod Bob.

Li Mu practiced this kind of gun drawing. In order to facilitate the practice, Li Mu modified the holster provided by Mike, cut out all the extra parts including the holster buckle, and made this complete holster into a Quickly pull the holster to ensure that the gun can be pulled out at the fastest speed to complete the shooting preparation.

When Li Mu first started to modify, Mike was disapproved, but as Li Mu became more and more proficient, Mike became more and more surprised. The day before arriving in San Francisco, Li Mu was able to complete the gun drawing, aiming, and turning within 0.5 seconds. Although the series of actions of returning the holster to the holster has not reached the level of Bod Bob, in the words of Mike, Li Mu is already a qualified cowboy.

No, it's a very good cowboy!

At least Mike has never seen anyone quicker than Li Mu.

In fact, this speed is not fast enough. The reason why Mike thinks so is because Mike doesn't have enough knowledge.

Li Mu knows what the limit of "pull-out" is, so he is not satisfied with the results, but considering that Li Mu's practice time can reach this level in just a few days, it is already very good.

Li Mu attributed all of this to the benefits of “traveling”. Since this week, Li Mu has practiced not only “pulling guns”, but also various physical fitness trainings, because Li Mu knows very well that he wants to live in this era. Better, first of all, you must have a good body. This is an era when there is no penicillin, and there is a typical "doctor" of Mike, who is the opposite. If the body is not good, unfortunately contract any disease. Li Mu does not think this How amazing doctors of the 1950s are.

Through a series of exercises, Li Mu found that his body was very good. Both endurance and explosive power were above the standard. Compared with Li Mu's body in his last life, it was a world of difference. For example, push-ups with the feet 80 cm above the ground, Li Mu needs only 50 seconds to complete a hundred, which is close to the Guinness Book of World Records. For example, push-ups with one-handed thumbs, Li Mu can do 100 in one breath. The last person who could do this was Bruce Lee-

As for why it's all push-ups, it's because Mike's room is too small and Li Mu can only perform this exercise.

Li Mu's staying at home all day has also caused Mike to complain, because Li Mu ’s conditions for hiring Mike are inseparable. In Mike ’s words, these days, Mike “is so boring that he is going crazy”. The day before arriving in San Francisco, Li Mu stepped out of the door and was ready to test his exercise results during this time.

It is estimated that old man Chen is looking for a chance to get rid of what Li Mu should be looking for these days-

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