Rebirth: Recovering My Treasure Girl

Chapter 17 This word is too ugly!

Chen Yang looked at He Jianjun with some surprise in his heart and said, "Okay, brother!"

I thought my little trick worked perfectly, but I didn't expect that it didn't escape He Jianjun's eyes.

Chen Yang lowered his voice: "You are overthinking, Lao He. We met on the stairs."

"Really? Why do I not believe it so much?" He Jianjun said and looked at Zhou Lin with doubts in his eyes.

Chen Yang also looked at Zhou Lin and found that her cheeks were still a little rosy, but she was obviously in a learning state and there was nothing abnormal about her.

"Believe it or not." Chen Yang was too lazy to explain.

A few seconds later, Chen Yang suddenly asked: "Hey, you weren't caught, were you?"

When He Jianjun heard Chen Yang mention that, he immediately frowned: "Speaking of which, I'm still a little scared. If I hadn't greased the soles of my feet and ran fast, I would have been caught by the security guards!"

"Not bad, not bad. As expected of Lao He!" Chen Yang smiled and said reassuringly.

When Chen Yang and He Jianjun were chatting quietly, Ye Shiqi's voice suddenly appeared in the front row, interrupting them.

"Chen Yang, He Jianjun, it's evening self-study time, can you keep quiet?" Ye Shiqi frowned and turned to look at the two of them.

He Jianjun had always been fond of Ye Shiqi but was also afraid of it. He immediately lowered his head and shut up and started reading the book obediently.

Chen Yang glanced at Ye Shiqi lightly, and then stopped talking.

Two minutes later, a male teacher wearing a gray casual suit walked into the classroom.

The male teacher is about 35 to 40 years old. He has a dignified and elegant appearance. He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses and has a strong bookish air.

His name is Wang Zhengjun, a Chinese language teacher in the second grade of high school, and he is often named the outstanding teacher of the year by the school.

As soon as Wang Zhengjun entered the classroom, he smiled and apologized: "I'm sorry, classmates, I just had something to do, so I'm a little late."

While speaking, Wang Zhengjun had already arrived behind the podium and continued: "Students, we will write an essay for self-study tonight and hand it in before the end of self-study."

After saying that, Wang Zhengjun turned around, picked up the chalk and started writing on the blackboard.

After hearing Wang Zhengjun's arrangement, there was some discussion in the class, but it was only a small number of people and the voice was not loud.

He Jianjun was one of them, complaining in a low voice: "Just study hard in the evening, what kind of composition should you write? Really..."

Soon, Wang Zhengjun's voice came from the podium: "Students, the title of the composition is "The scenery here is unique". Everyone uses their imagination, there is no limit to the genre, and there is no limit to the number of words. Before the end of the evening self-study, the composition text should be handed in uniformly. Go to the class representative.”

"The scenery here is unique...that's good? It's boring..."

He Jianjun complained while finding the composition book from the desk.

Chen Yang also took out the composition book from his schoolbag. As he opened the book, he looked at the composition questions on the blackboard and thought: I am not very good at mathematics, physics and chemistry, but writing compositions is no problem.


“Dingle bell bell…”

At 8:40 pm, the school bell rang for the end of the evening self-study get out of class.

In Class 269, two female students were busy collecting composition texts.

"Whoever hasn't submitted their essay yet, please submit it to me quickly." The owner of the voice was monitor Ye Shiqi.

Ye Shiqi does not also serve as the Chinese class representative. She collected the text because her deskmate Li Nana is the Chinese class representative.

As the squad leader and Li Nana's good friend, Ye Shiqi helped collect them together.

At this time, Zhou Lin, who was sitting in her seat, had just finished transcribing the last short paragraph in her draft book and quickly handed over the composition text under Ye Shiqi's urging.

Then, Zhou Lin turned to look at Chen Yang, wanting to see if he had finished writing.

At this time, Chen Yang had just finished writing. He put down his pen, picked up the composition book and walked over.

When Zhou Lin saw Chen Yang coming, she hurriedly lowered her head and walked quickly towards her seat, for fear of having close contact with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang naturally noticed Zhou Lin's expression and movements, but he didn't say anything, he just secretly found it interesting.

After a while, Chen Yang placed the composition text on the thick stack of notebooks in front of Li Nana's desk.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang turned around to see Zhou Lin, thinking that since Jenny Wu was not here today, he might be able to send her home.

But there was no one in Zhou Lin's seat. Chen Yang immediately looked towards the back door of the classroom and saw Zhou Lin walking out quickly with her schoolbag on her back.

Of course Chen Yang knew that Zhou Lin was deliberately hiding from him, so he could only sigh secretly in desperation.

"Let's go, Lao He."

Chen Yang greeted He Jianjun as he walked towards his seat.

After a while, Chen Yang and He Jianjun left the classroom laughing.

A few minutes later, only Ye Shiqi and Li Nana were left in the classroom.

Li Nana was busy packing her things, so she said to Ye Shiqi: "Squad leader, please wait for me, I will be there soon."

Ye Shiqi nodded without saying anything, and her eyes quickly fell on the stack of composition books.

For some unknown reason, Ye Shiqi suddenly found Chen Yang's composition text and opened it casually.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned the first page, a red score of 55 caught Ye Shiqi's eyes.

Ye Shiqi raised the corner of her mouth with disdain, and then continued to turn back.

For the next two essays, one scored 50 and the other scored 60. Such scores were simply not acceptable to Ye Shiqi.

After turning two more pages, Ye Shiqi saw the title "The scenery here is uniquely beautiful".

In an instant, Ye Shiqi's brows wrinkled, and she said with disgust in her heart: Oh my God, this word is too ugly!

Chen Yang's calligraphy is indeed ugly, and it is so ugly that it is difficult to describe it in words. It would be praising him to say that it is a ghost calligraphy talisman.

Ye Shiqi's thought at the moment was that Chen Yang was definitely perfunctory about writing his essay today. Otherwise, why would the writing of this essay be so different from the previous ones? It would have been so ugly.

But to be honest, Ye Shiqi really misunderstood Chen Yang.

Tonight, Chen Yang took this composition very seriously, but he hadn't written or practiced calligraphy properly in more than 20 years.

It's only been less than two days since I was reborn. It's really not easy to regain the writing skills I had as a student.

Ye Shiqi originally thought about reading one or two paragraphs of Chen Yang's article, but his handwriting was so ugly that her desire to read on was instantly eliminated.

"Monitor, whose composition are you reading?" Li Nana had already put away her schoolbag, picked it up and carried it behind her back.

Ye Shiqi immediately shook her head, closed the book and quickly stuffed it into the pile of composition books.

"No, I just looked through it casually."

Immediately afterwards, Ye Shiqi picked up the stack of composition books and said, "Nana, please lock the door for me and send the composition books to Teacher Wang's office."

"Okay!" Li Nana nodded in agreement.


At the school gate, just a few steps after Zhou Lin walked out, a fashionable and tall girl came in front: "Zhou Lin!"

Zhou Lin looked up and was suddenly surprised: "Jenny? Didn't you ask for leave? Why are you here at school at this time?"

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