Rebirth: Recovering My Treasure Girl

Chapter 376 The college entrance examination is over

The next subject is Chen Yang’s strength, geography.

The exam went very smoothly, and it only took more than thirty minutes to complete the entire paper.

When Chen Yang checked, he felt that he had answered every question correctly, and 100 points was not impossible.

With this illusion, Chen Yang handed in the paper and left the examination room.

Jenny Wu and Ye Shiqi were in other examination rooms this time, and when Chen Yang handed in his papers, there were not many people outside.

Chen Yang found a conspicuous position and sat down by the flower bed, flipping through the biology textbook while waiting for Jenny Wu to leave the examination room.

A few minutes later, Ye Shiqi walked out of the examination room.

Ye Shiqi saw Chen Yang sitting by the flower bed at a glance, and was secretly surprised.

Ye Shiqi walked over to meet Chen Yang's gaze and asked, "Why did you hand in the paper so quickly?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "The question is simple, just hand it in after you finish it."

Ye Shiqi nodded, and then said: "Then I'll leave first."

Chen Yang immediately said: "Squad leader, don't you want to chat for a while? It's still early."

Ye Shiqi shook her head: “No, Jenny Wu will come out and see her later, and it’s time to show my face again.”

"Leave her alone, she is just sick." Chen Yang said angrily.

Ye Shiqi said nothing, waved to Chen Yang, turned around and prepared to leave.

As soon as she took a step, Ye Shiqi stopped, turned around and asked, "By the way, there is one more thing..."

Chen Yang looked at Ye Shiqi, waiting to hear the next words.

Ye Shiqi said: "I met Shu Cheng two days ago. She asked us to go to the Happy World in Tanzhou during the summer vacation. Do you know about this?"

"I know." Chen Yang nodded: "Shu Cheng told me last time in the school cafeteria that I asked her to ask your time. It's easy to tell Hao Yangguang and I."

Ye Shiqi hesitated for a moment and asked, "Then you go out with us, aren't you afraid that Zhou Lin will have any objections?"

Chen Yang thought for a while and asked, "Then if I ask Zhou Lin to go with me, will you agree?"

Ye Shiqi paused for a moment, then said, "You have to ask Shu Cheng about this. After all, Shu Cheng's father is driving us there. As long as she agrees, it'll be fine."

Chen Yang nodded: "I understand. I'll call Shu Cheng later."

Ye Shiqi nodded after hearing this, then waved again, turned and left.

Ten minutes passed after Ye Shiqi left, and Jenny Wu came out of the examination room building.

Jenny Wu trotted up to Chen Yang and said happily: "Let's go, Chen Yang."

Chen Yang stood up and said with a smile: "Miss Wu, looking at your happy look, you seem to have done well in the geography test!"

Jenny Wu slapped her chest: “90 points is solid!”

Chen Yang laughed at that time: "Hahaha, then I'll wait and see."

"Why are you laughing? Do you not believe me?" Jenny Wu was very dissatisfied with Chen Yang's reaction.

Chen Yang smiled and shook his head: "No."

“You’re still laughing, you obviously don’t believe that I can score 90 points!” Jenny Wu frowned and shouted.

Immediately afterwards, Jenny Wu said: “Do you dare to make a bet with me?”

"What bet?" Chen Yang asked curiously.

Jenny Wu thought for a while and said: “If I get 90 points or more in the geography test this time, including 90 points, you have to promise me one thing unconditionally!”

"Promise you something unconditionally?" Chen Yang said with a surprised expression: "Do you want to be so big?"

Chen Yang added: "If you ask me to jump into the river, do I have to go too?"

Jenny Wu immediately shouted: “Of course it’s not that kind of thing! I promise it’s a legitimate and legal thing, and it will never cause any harm to you!”

Chen Yang nodded slowly, and then asked: "What if you don't get 90 points?"

Jenny Wu said without hesitation: “Then I will unconditionally promise you something!”

Chen Yang thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, I'll bet!"

When Jenny Wu heard Chen Yang's promise, she immediately stretched out her right hand: "Pull the hook and seal it!"

"No need, I'm not a kid anymore, why are you trying to hook me up?" Chen Yang wanted to laugh.

But Jenny Wu refused, and instead took Chen Yang's hand and completed the hook-seal ceremony with her.

When she let go of Chen Yang’s hand, Jenny Wu’s smile was already very bright.

"Chen Yang, you will definitely lose this time!" Jenny Wu was extremely confident.

Chen Yang looked calm: "Okay, then I'll wait and see!"

Then, the two of them walked towards the school gate.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the biology exam began.

The examination room for Chen Yang and Jenny Wu was very close, in the classroom next door.

The exam process went quite smoothly. Except for a few questions where I couldn't just write random answers, the rest of the questions were reviewed.

Because it was the last exam, Chen Yang did not hand in the paper in advance.

It wasn't until the moment the bell rang that Chen Yang got up and left his seat.

Chen Yang couldn't help but stretch out as he walked out of the examination room, thinking: The college entrance examination is finally over!

"Chen Yang!" Jenny Wu's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Chen Yang stopped and turned around, seeing Jenny Wu running towards him.

Jenny Wu ran over and asked the first thing she said: "How did you do in the exam?"

Chen Yang said: "It's definitely no problem to pass."

Jenny Wu immediately raised her chin and said proudly: "Then you can't do it! I will definitely have no problem reaching 80 in biology this time."

Chen Yang curled his lips and said: "You are awesome, let's do it!"

When Jenny Wu saw Chen Yang’s expression, she immediately smiled happily.

When going downstairs, Jenny Wu suddenly asked: "Chen Yang, how long will it take for the results of the high school entrance examination to come out?"

Chen Yang thought for a moment and said, "It seems like half a month or 20 days. I'm not sure exactly."

“Is it going to take so long?” Jenny Wu was a little disappointed.

Chen Yang looked at Jenny Wu and said puzzledly: "It's not the college entrance examination. What impact does it have if the results of the general examination are done later or earlier?"

Jenny Wu said: “We made a bet, don’t I want to see you lose to me sooner?”

"It's too early to tell who will lose and who will win!" Chen Yang said.

After a while, the two of them left the examination room building.

When she was about to reach the school gate, Jenny Wu suddenly said: "Chen Yang, I know there is a newly opened dessert shop nearby. It's still early, let's go have some dessert."

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "I won't go. I want to go home early and lie down for a while. The exams in the past three days have made me a little nervous. I just want to sleep now."

Although Jenny Wu was disappointed after hearing this, she couldn’t say anything.

Chen Yang said at this time: “Jenny Wu, I’ll take the car back in a while, so I won’t bother you to deliver it today.”

“Why?” Jenny Wu asked hurriedly.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Now that the exam is over, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to ride on your car."

Jenny Wu said: “It’s okay, I don’t dislike you.”

Subsequently, no matter how invited Jenny Wu was, Chen Yang still decisively rejected her.

After leaving the school, Chen Yang said hello to Uncle Bao and then headed to the bus stop.

Jenny Wu was very disappointed, but she could only leave with Uncle Bao.

After Chen Yang walked to the bus stop, he did not wait for the bus. Instead, he found a small shop and made a page from a public phone.

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