Rebirth: Recovering My Treasure Girl

Chapter 59 Is this also called disappearing?

Chen Yang said nothing and continued to play the game.

What Hao Yangguang didn't expect was that in the blink of an eye, Mary, controlled by Chen Yang, used the ultimate combo move, directly killing Kyo Kusanagi, who was still half-healthy and Hao Yangguang still had half health.

"Damn it, why do you have so much blood in this set? This is too bad!" Hao Yangguang excitedly patted the machine and shouted loudly.

Chen Yang was secretly amused, thinking to himself, is this also called Lai? You haven’t seen the worse one yet!

In less than a minute, Hao Yangguang's last red pill was killed by Mary with a Dalian move.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang's three characters appeared on the game victory screen, and the one standing in the middle was naturally Mary.

"Oops, I won by accident." Chen Yang said boastfully.

"Don't be complacent! I didn't perform well in this set. My hands haven't warmed up yet! Just wait..."

Hao Yangguang said and threw in a coin unconvinced.

Unexpectedly, in less than three minutes, the second coin was over. Just like the first coin, Chen Yang won again.

"Impossible! Just wait, I'm going to use all my main players in this game, and I won't let you go again!" Hao Yangguang shouted harshly, and then put in the third coin.


Ten minutes later, the game turned to the victory screen again, and Chen Yang still won the game.

At this time, Chen Yang had two coins left in front of him, while Hao Yangguang had used up all five coins.

In other words, this game showdown ended with Chen Yang defeating Hao Yangguang with a score of 5 to 0.

" did you do that trick just now? Why...why can I die even if I have full health?"

Hao Yangguang held the joystick in a daze, completely unable to understand what had just happened.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Didn't you just say that Snakeskin is weak? As long as you don't make a mistake after hitting this combo, it will be a death! How about it, do you still think he is weak now?"

"Not weak, not weak, this is too strong!"

Hao Yangguang shook his head quickly, his eyes shining with admiration.

After a pause, Hao Yangguang suddenly said: "Chen Yang, please teach me this trick, I am willing to become your teacher!"

At this moment, Hao Yangguang seemed to have forgotten that Chen Yang had a grudge against him.

Chen Yang shook his head decisively: "Sorry, not interested!"

After saying that, Chen Yang turned around and left the arcade, not wanting the two coins left on the machine.

Upon seeing this, Hao Yangguang immediately chased after him, but he turned back after just two steps. He quickly picked up the two game coins left by Chen Yang, and then ran out.

After coming out, Chen Yang didn't go far when he heard a series of hurried footsteps behind him. He didn't even need to look back to know who was chasing him.

"Chen Yang!" Hao Yangguang shouted.

Chen Yang didn't look back and immediately sped up.

"Chen Yang, don't walk so fast, wait for me..."

At this time, Hao Yangguang still looked like a school bully, he was completely a fanboy chasing after him.

A few seconds later, Hao Yangguang caught up with Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, that combo you just made was so awesome. How did you do it? Can you teach me quickly?"

Chen Yang did not hesitate and replied coldly: "I won't teach you!"

After saying that, Chen Yang suddenly stopped, turned around and stared at Hao Yangguang with a frown, and asked, "Who told me just now? As soon as I lose, he will disappear from my eyes immediately!"

Hao Yangguang looked very embarrassed, but he still nodded shamelessly: "I said..."

"Why don't you disappear quickly?" Chen Yang's voice rose two points higher.

Hao Yangguang didn't move, and said with a smile on his face: "Chen Yang, we are all from the same school, please don't be so heartless..."

Chen Yang almost laughed out loud, grinning and said playfully: "Hao Yangguang, you are the school bully! A school bully should act like a school bully, why are you still playing the emotional card here?"

Hao Yangguang giggled awkwardly: "Hehe..."

"You're talking nonsense, disappear immediately!" Chen Yang's face turned cold, and he continued to walk forward, too lazy to pay attention to him anymore.

Hao Yangyang frowned and stayed there for a while, then suddenly shouted: "Disappear when you disappear!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hao Yangguang sprinted out like a sprinter. When he ran past Chen Yang, he immediately brought a strong gust of wind, and then disappeared around the corner in front of him.

Chen Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this guy had finally disappeared.

Chen Yang suddenly touched his cheek, thinking that the punch was quite heavy. It still hurts a little. He didn't know how high the swelling was. If his parents saw it when he got home, how should he explain it? Okay?

While thinking about this problem, Chen Yang suddenly heard another rapid footsteps coming from behind him.

Chen Yang suddenly felt why this voice was so familiar. When he looked back, his face was filled with surprise: "Hao Yangguang?"

After being stunned for less than three seconds, Hao Yangguang ran to Chen Yang. After standing still, he put his hands on his hips and began to breathe heavily.

"What the hell... why are you back again?" Chen Yang no longer understood what he was doing.

Hao Yangguang gasped and said: "Huh... I... I have already disappeared, I, I... I didn't say that I can't reappear after disappearing, and I don't Count...huh, it doesn't count as talking, right? Huh..."

At this moment, Chen Yang couldn't help but hold his forehead. He was completely speechless. How dare he leave his eyes for a while and call it disappear?

In just a moment, Hao Yangguang had quickly adjusted his breath.

Hao Yangguang said seriously: "Chen Yang, I am formally apologizing to you now! I know I was wrong before, can't I change it in the future? Just forgive me, okay?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute..." Chen Yang hurriedly called a pause.

Chen Yang lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Hao Yangguang, why do you want to apologize to me? Can you tell me what your purpose is?"

"Uh..." Hao Yangguang suddenly hesitated, and his eyes began to wander and avoid.

But soon Hao Yangguang's expression became firm and he said seriously: "I want to become your teacher and ask you to teach me how to play games!"

Chen Yang couldn't help frowning and asked: "Hao Yangguang, you must be eighteen this year, right? Why are you still acting like a child who has not grown up?"

Hao Yangguang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that Chen Yang spoke like his elder.

Chen Yang continued: "You are already in your senior year of high school. Your current task is to study hard and take the college entrance examination. As for playing games, there will be plenty of time for you to play so much in the future that you may even want to vomit!"

As soon as he mentioned study, Hao Yangguang's expression changed instantly. He lowered his head slightly, curled his lips, and said in a low mood: "For someone like me, it would be great if I could get a high school diploma..."

After pausing for a second, Hao Yangguang said again: "Besides, with my grades, how can I get into college? Even if God is merciful and allows me to get into college, I can't afford to go to college."

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