Rebirth: Recovering My Treasure Girl

Chapter 97 Letting go

Of course Chen Yang would not mention these things, because he knew that even if he did, it would be useless.

Moreover, my father has just been promoted and is in a good mood, full of excitement.

Chen Yang suddenly thought of something, so he asked with a smile: "Dad, how much salary increase can this deputy section chief get?"

Chen Ziqiang said: "It should be more than a hundred or so. I don't know the details. I will ask the accountant later."

The so-called best friend is a mother. Zhao Caixia knew that Chen Yang had something on his mind as soon as she saw him, and immediately said: "Why do you ask this? We give you ten yuan a day. Isn't that enough?"

Chen Yang immediately smiled and shook his head: "No, Mom, I just... I just want to ask my dad to advance some pocket money. I have made an appointment with my classmates to go out to play tomorrow. I have to bring some money with me, right?"

"Where are you going to play?" Zhao Caixia's face turned cold, and her eyes instantly became alert.

Chen Yang then told him about going to the Urban Hipster Video Game Center.

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang immediately said: "Dad, Mom, I'm a boy. I can't keep my pockets empty when I play outside. If I want to treat my classmates to a drink or some snacks, it will be so embarrassing if I don't have money." Yeah! You think so?"

When Chen Ziqiang heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "Xiao Yang is right, a man can't live without money when he is away from home!"

After saying that, Chen Ziqiang got up and went to the bedroom.

Soon, Chen Ziqiang walked out with a 50 bill.

"Is it enough?" Chen Ziqiang handed the money to Chen Yang very readily.

Chen Yang actually just wanted twenty or thirty yuan. Unexpectedly, his father was so generous and gave him 50 yuan all at once.

"That's enough, that's enough, thank you dad!" Chen Yang immediately took the money and stuffed it into his pocket happily.

Zhao Caixia immediately said: "Why did you give him so much?"

"It's okay!" Chen Ziqiang smiled at Zhao Caixia, and Zhao Caixia thought for a while and said nothing more.


Saturday, ten o'clock in the morning.

According to the agreed time, Chen Yang came to the Urban Hipster Video Game Center.

When Chen Yang arrived, the video game center had just opened for business.

When Chen Yang saw no one at the door, he went in and walked around, but there were also two or three kittens in the video game center. Zhou Lin, Jenny Wu, and He Jianjun hadn't arrived yet.

Currently, the employees of the video game center are cleaning and preparing for the day's business.

Chen Yang came out and waited for a while before seeing He Jianjun walking from a distance.

He Jianjun also saw Chen Yang from a distance and immediately ran towards him waving his hand.

"Ah? It's past ten o'clock, why haven't they two come yet? Are they trying to let us go?"

After He Jianjun learned that Zhou Lin and Jenny Wu hadn't arrived yet, he immediately showed an expression of boredom and anxiety.

Chen Yang said very calmly: "Don't be too anxious. Wait a minute. Girls have to dress up carefully before going out. It will definitely take more time than us. It's understandable if you are late."

After hearing this, He Jianjun smiled and nodded, and said: "That seems to be the case. Think about it, my sister is the same. She makes an appointment with someone else, but she just won't arrive on time. She will be at least ten minutes late."

After saying that, He Jianjun suddenly touched Chen Yang with his elbow and asked with a smile: "Chen Yang, please tell me honestly, are you already on good terms with Zhou Lin?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but think to himself: I would like to, but I have to be willing.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and asked, "Where did you get the news? Why didn't I know?"

"Tch, stop pretending to be stupid! I'm not blind!" He Jianjun was very disdainful and pointed at his eyes.

Chen Yang then said: "If I say no, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it!" He Jianjun shook his head decisively.

Chen Yang immediately rolled his eyes: "Then I'll give you a rough explanation. You can do it if you think so."

Hearing what Chen Yang said, He Jianjun was surprised and said: "Really not?"

He Jianjun immediately said: "But you have always been inseparable recently, and you have been together every day. Isn't there any progress?"

Chen Yang said calmly: "Lao He, you still said that you are not blind. You are sitting next to me. Didn't you see that she was helping me with my homework?"

"Tuition is tutoring, but I can't keep an eye on you all the time, right? Who knows if the two of you did something small while I wasn't paying attention!" He Jianjun began to speculate on conspiracy.

Chen Yang was too lazy to talk to He Jianjun, so he smiled and stopped continuing the topic.

Wait, wait, it's already past half past ten.

He Jianjun changed from standing and waiting to squatting, and his expression became very impatient: "I said, why don't they come? Are they really what I said, and they want to let us go?"

Although Chen Yang is much more patient than He Jianjun, he is now feeling a little bored after waiting for a long time.

"Wait another ten minutes. If they don't come yet, we will go play by ourselves." Chen Yang said.

He Jianjun was a little surprised: "Should we buy the coins ourselves? Let me tell you, the coins here are not cheap, they cost 50 cents each!"

He Jianjun only had twenty yuan in his pocket today, and he was not willing to spend money on such an expensive coin.

Chen Yang patted his pocket and said, "It's okay. I brought the money. I'll treat you to a game today, and you can treat me to some fried noodles later. How about that?"

"Okay!" He Jianjun nodded immediately, because no matter what, it was more cost-effective to treat him to fried rice noodles.

Another ten minutes passed....

"No wait, let's go play by ourselves." Chen Yang said.

He Jianjun nodded immediately, preparing to follow in Chen Yang's footsteps.

Just when Chen Yang and He Jianjun were about to walk into the video game center, a black private car drove over and parked slowly on the side of the road.

"Beep! Beep!" The black private car honked twice, immediately attracting the attention of Chen Yang and He Jianjun.

"Coming, coming, finally here." He Jianjun recognized the car as belonging to Jenny Wu's family at a glance.

Chen Yang also recognized it and thought: It’s really slow.

Chen Yang thought it would be Zhou Lin and Jenny Wu who got out of the car, but the next moment he found that the door in the back of the car was not open, and the person who got out was actually the driver, Uncle Bao.

"Strange, where are Jenny Wu and Zhou Lin?" He Jianjun wondered.

Uncle Bao wore sunglasses and looked cool. After getting off the car, he walked straight towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang and He Jianjun hurriedly greeted him.

Chen Yang asked: "Uncle Bao, why are you here? Where are Jenny Wu and Zhou Lin?"

Uncle Bao took off his sunglasses and said: "Jenny and Zhou Lin have something to do and are unable to come, but they can't contact you, so they asked me to come over and say sorry to you..."

With that said, Uncle Bao took out some coupons for the video game center from his pocket, handed them to Chen Yang and said, "Here! Jenny asked me to give this to you, saying that you can have a great time."

After Chen Yang caught the invitation, Uncle Bao put on his sunglasses and said "Let's go", then turned around and got in the car and left.

"Alas! Sure enough, I was let go!" He Jianjun sighed and shook his head in great disappointment.

Although Chen Yang was a little disappointed, he was a mature man in his soul, so he expressed understanding and said: "I have something to do temporarily, let's understand it! Besides, they also specially sent the hospitality coupons, which is very good."

As soon as he finished speaking, He Jianjun snatched the hospitality coupons from Chen Yang's hand, and then said with a smile: "Wow! There are so many, I guess five or six hundred coins, enough for the two of us to play for a long time!"

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