Rebirth: Shorting the pound, Yang Mi calls me daddy

Chapter 067

Chapter 0067 The Iron Fist arrives, a fatal blow, an explosion on the spot, and a spiral into the sky!!!!! sky!

Just like Wantong Six Gentlemen who want to wait, there are really not a small number of people waiting for housing prices to pick up.

After all, no substantive policies have come out at all.

The biggest problem with leeks is that they don’t know that they are leeks.

But, in reality, they are leeks.

People with real backgrounds have basically cashed out and left the market long ago. Li Yilian’s family is considered top-notch, but besides the Li family, there are people with similar status to Li Yilian.

They had already made their money, and then left leisurely.

The rest, if they had sensed the wrong direction of the wind early, would have run away long ago. The more they cling on, the greater their losses will be, and in the end they will be trapped.

These people are just leeks, and you have nothing to do with them.

Now for the six gentlemen of Wantong, this is a gamble

“When people gamble, the brain produces euphoric dopamine. The higher the addiction to gambling, the higher the level of dopamine secretion, the stronger the euphoria, and the greater the”toxicity”.

The greater the poison, the stronger the withdrawal reaction will be.

Therefore, gambling on dogs will be like poisonous bugs. It is easy to become addicted, difficult to quit and easy to relapse, and the more addicted ‘The greater the addiction.

From the perspective of behavioral finance, gambling behavior is a famous ‘loss aversion’ trap. For example, if a person wins 100 yuan from the casino, it is easier to leave.

However, if you lose 100 yuan, it is difficult to leave easily.

Because human nature is to take, not to give.

The pain a person gets when he loses the same share of wealth is 2-2.5 times stronger than the happiness he gets when he gains the same share of wealth.

In other words, only strong people who are 2.5 times more mentally mature than ordinary people can leave the market safely after losing money. This is similar to the ‘sunk cost’ in economics. Anyway, you have already lost 50 million, and you can’t stop. If you bet, 50 million will be wasted.

If you bet another 10 million, you will only lose another 10 million if you lose. If you win, you may come back, so why not do it.

For the Wantong Six Gentlemen, they just don’t want to retreat.

As long as they persist and persist, maybe there will be any changes in the policy, and maybe they will still have the possibility of turning around.

Regarding this situation, Li Yilian could only say one thing, wishful thinking.

The following May really gave these dog gamblers some opportunities.

The news broadcast was just one night’s news. After all, the actual policy has not been released. Housing prices have finally begun to slowly rise.

From 3,000 yuan per square meter, it slowly increased to 3,500 yuan.

However, although the house prices are growing slowly, the actual situation is not so optimistic, because the transaction volume is still very small, and there are not many people taking over the houses on the market.

No one knows whether there will be any thunderous blow next.

At this time, you still need to be more stable and observe calmly.

Although the transaction volume is not large, real estate has begun to recover slowly. The speed is not fast, but it also makes a large number of real estate businessmen breathe a sigh of relief.

This is a sign of recovery.

As long as it can be restored, that’s a good thing

“If house prices recover, no matter what, we will exit as soon as possible! Pan

Shiyun said slowly:”Even if we don’t make any money, we have to quit!””

This plummeting actually made Pan Shiyuan feel fear and fear. If he can’t play, he simply can’t play.

“I agree too! Feng

Lun also nodded:”In any case, as long as we can leave safely, don’t think about whether we can make money. The number of people who want to run away with us will definitely not be a small number!””

Pan Shiyuan couldn’t help but started to worry:”Old Feng, you said, if everyone thinks like us, then it won’t be easy for us to sell takeout. Feng Lun took a deep look at Pan Shiyun:”Is it good to sell?” Shut up!”

Pan Shiyuan immediately shut up obediently, while Wang Gongquan on the other side said:”Don’t take any chances, it’s pretty good if we can withdraw safely!”

Hainan’s side House prices are recovering slowly.

Li Yilian didn’t know what to say. The self-cultivation of these leeks really made Li Yilian see.

CCTV has announced it, but you are still insisting.

This is really a dream without giving up until the Yellow River.

When the real iron fist comes, I’m afraid even my pants will be lost.

However, Li Yilian is not in a hurry, but is waiting patiently for a complete collapse before he can buy land from Hainan at a low price.

One is a theme park and the other is a hotel.

In the future, he does not plan to engage in real estate in Hainan, but he can still do business in industries such as theme parks and hotels. After all, it is also the top tourist city in the country.

Take advantage of the current cheap land prices and purchase land quickly.

The second is the rubber industry in Hainan. If you build your own cars, you also need tires, so you can invest in Hainan.

Although the automobile factory is in the Northeast, it is impossible for all of Li Yilian’s investments to be concentrated in the Northeast.

As time goes by.

Time slowly came to June.

The second half of 1993.

Hainan’s real estate fell completely into darkness, and the dream began.

CCTV News started to take action in April. I thought it was suppressed. However, I never expected that it was still slowly recovering.

Senior officials in Beijing are beginning to worry that this bubble is a bit big.

Subsequently, the Hainan real estate bubble led to the introduction of China’s first real estate regulation policy, and the history of China’s real estate regulation began here.

June 23, 1993.

The game of passing flowers by drumming has reached this point, and it finally becomes unplayable. When the last group of players who received the”flower” were nervously looking for their next home, the final whistle suddenly blew without warning.

Subsequently, the top leaders in Beijing gave a speech, announcing the termination of the listing of real estate companies and comprehensive control of bank funds entering the real estate industry.

As soon as the news came out, real estate prices throughout Hainan almost plummeted.

It had been slowly climbing back to 5,000 yuan per square meter, but as soon as the country’s adjustment policy came out, housing prices were cut in half again to 2,500 yuan per square meter.

This is bleeding.

Cut in half!

Pan Shiyuan looked at the TV, dumbfounded, and even felt like his head was buzzing.

Are you kidding me?

At this time, the policy actually came out?

This completely shattered their illusions

“Fake, fake, all hallucinations, they don’t scare me, they don’t frighten me!”

Wang Gongquan suddenly made a sharp voice, and he seemed to be in a state of madness.

Feng Lun also said nothing, and his face was ashen.

He knew that this time it was really over, and there was no room for fighting back.

“There is still a chance, there is still a chance!”

Pan Shiyuan said with a cry:”It’s just prohibiting real estate companies from going public, and it’s just slightly restricting the capital of banks. We still have a chance!”

However, things that made Pan Shiyun desperate continued.

Regulations were further tightened.

The next day, the country issued a new policy, which increased restrictions. This time the opinions were also called the”National 16″ strong regulation measures. All the way Hainan’s booming real estate boom was suddenly wiped out.

Hainan’s real estate industry collapsed like a mountain.

When Yi Xiaodi saw these policies, his eyes suddenly turned white and he simply fainted.

Wang Gongquan still kept shouting,”It’s all fake.” It’s fake.

Although Pan Shiyuan didn’t faint, his throat felt sweet and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

There was no possibility for them to turn around.

The legacy left by this regulation was to give 0.6% of the country’s total population. The most populous Hainan Province has left behind a backlog of commercial housing that accounts for 10% of the country. There are more than 600″unfinished buildings” in the province, covering more than 16 million square meters, 18,834 hectares of idle land, and a backlog of 80 billion yuan.

There are 13,000 homes in Haikou 95% of real estate companies have collapsed.

The four major state-owned commercial banks alone have bad debts as high as 30 billion yuan.

The non-performing asset ratio of many banks has reached more than 60%. China Construction Bank alone has disposed of 267 non-performing real estate projects.

So, Hainan has three major landscapes – Tianya, Haijiao and unfinished buildings.

At the same time, the bursting of Hainan’s real estate bubble triggered a hard landing of real estate across the country. Real estate prices across the country plummeted and the real estate market was frozen.

It had to wait until 1999 to Will slowly usher in the recovery dog.

If you just look at it from this era, you will find that real estate is simply a joke and cannot be played at all. However, who can imagine that twenty or thirty years later, real estate will have changed Has it become a pillar industry?

Li Yilian sighed softly, but he didn’t care about this anymore. Taking advantage of the avalanche of housing prices in Sanya, Li Yilian took the initiative to find the top leader in Sanya and said that I would still be happy to take over part of the assets.

Don’t worry… …

The best thing about me, Li Yilian, is money. I can take over a large number of projects. In addition, I also plan to build a theme park here in Sanya.

Don’t worry, I am full of confidence in the future of Sanya.

After all, the nickname of Hainan Province is Dongsi Province.

Facing the olive branch thrown by Li Yilian, Sanya’s top leaders hugged Li Yilian’s thigh as if they had grasped the last life-saving straw…

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