Rebirth Space 80 Little Fierce Wife

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Fried Meat

Chapter 3 Fried Meat

Shao Qixuan frowned in pain, and knew what Grandma Li meant in his heart. If she didn’t suffer a little, she wouldn’t forgive herself, and asking him to say he deserved it would break their hearts like that.

“Grandma, if you don’t let me wash it, I won’t wash it, I’ll chop wood, chop wood.” Shao Qixuan looked at the large block of wood leaning against the kitchen and walked over, picked up the machete and started working. Anyway, he made up his mind, In this life, the relationship between the two families cannot be made as rigid as in the previous life.

Grandma Li looked up at him and smiled a little, then lowered her head and continued to do the laundry.

The clothes were washed and hung on the rope. Grandma Li checked that it was getting late, got up and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

This year, the village of Kaichun started to implement the division of fields to households. Each household has its own land. Except for the harvest, the rest is owned by the household.

As soon as this policy came out, some people were happy and others were worried, those who were diligent were happy, and those who worked with them all day long and were lazy, not to mention more happy.

Those who are lazy and don’t like to work are considered bitter. They used to be able to eat enough after a day’s work, but now they don’t serve crops seriously, so they wait for hunger.

Li has a large family. Grandma Li gave birth to four children, three sons and one daughter. There are five grandchildren and daughters-in-law, and there are thirteen people in the family, not including married daughters.

As soon as Grandma Li entered the kitchen, Shao Qixuan hurriedly followed with eggs and meat on the table, poked her head into the kitchen, and looked at Grandma Li with a smile.

“Milk, let’s fry the pork. Siwen just woke up after falling into the river and is very weak. I fry it to make up for her body, and this egg, cook one for her a day, and I’ll bring it back when I don’t have it.”

Grandma Li snorted coldly: “Let it go, I don’t know if I feel sorry for my granddaughter, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

Shao Qixuan scratched his head and didn’t dare to talk back when he saw this, and ran to the firewood stack and continued to chop wood.

As soon as lunch was ready, Old Man Li came back with his sons, daughters-in-law, and eldest grandson just in time.

followed by a few children hiding behind them, not daring to show their heads.

Taking advantage of Mrs. Li’s inattentiveness, Li Yonghao took his younger brother and sister to the house and found some clean clothes and threw them to his younger brother and sister.

“Yongtian, this is the last time, next time you dare to take a few of them to jump into the mud pit, I don’t care about you, just wait for the milk to beat you!”

Li Yongtian changed his dirty clothes, stuck his tongue out at Li Yonghao and ran out of the house.

Li Yongxin and Li Yongan also ran out.

Li Yonghao watched the few people who ran away helplessly pick up the dirty clothes on the ground, and swore in his heart that this was the last time to help these stinky boys.

Old man Li entered the yard and felt that the person chopping wood looked familiar, and it was not until Shao Qixuan turned his head and called to him that he could see who it was.

Li Laosan was angry and picked up a wooden stick and smashed it on him: “Okay, you stinky boy, you dare to come to my house, look at how you harmed my daughter, I have to replace it today. Your father taught you a good lesson.”

Shao Qixuan didn’t dare to dodge when he saw the flying stick, hoping that hitting him would relieve some of the third uncle’s anger towards him.

How could Mrs. Li accept this kid’s wishes, she quickly pulled Shao Qixuan to avoid the stick.

Her granddaughter has suffered a lot. During those days, she washed her face with tears every day, and she felt distressed when she saw it. If this kid wanted to take a bite, he would forgive him without even thinking about it.

He has to pay back the pain his granddaughter suffered.

Shao Qixuan took a few steps back without being hit, his eyes were a little sad, he missed a good opportunity, but he was not discouraged.

Looking at Li Laosan Shao Qixuan’s flattering expression: “Uncle San, you are back, you are exhausted after a day’s work, you are thirsty, I will bring you some tea.”

Shao Qixuan went to the main room after he finished speaking. He spent most of his childhood in Li’s house and was very familiar with the things in his house. He took a thermos and a few cups to the yard, and he poured a glass of water for him.

Old man Li looked a little unnatural when he took the water, gave him a strange look and drank the water.

Boss Li didn’t care much. He just thought that this kid was a little bit conscientious. Seeing that Siwen was injured for him, he could come to see her.

On the other hand, the second daughter-in-law of Li had a sharp nose and asked Mrs. Li, “Mom, the meat is fried at noon, where did we get the meat from?”

This year, the land is divided and the work points are not implemented, but the tickets are still used. Where do you get the meat tickets?

Even if you can’t buy meat at home, regardless of the meat ticket, how expensive the meat is, it’s not easy to fill your stomach with your own conditions.

In this day and age, every household can’t get enough to eat, and it’s even rarer to eat something like meat.

Mrs. Li glared at her: “Rourourou, you only think about the meat. That meat was given to Siwen by Qi Xuan, so don’t even think about it.”

Lu Chuanmei was not unhappy when she heard it. It’s okay to eat some minced meat. Besides, Yi Siwen’s character, she wouldn’t eat this meat alone, and she would share it with her family, so she wouldn’t eat it alone. I have nothing to talk about with my mother-in-law.

“Oh, that’s all for Siwen. She’s been weak these days, so she needs to make up for it.”

After saying this, Lu Chuanmei looked at Shao Qixuan: “Oh, it’s hard for Qi Xuan to still think about my Siwen, and Siwen’s kindness to you in the past is not in vain, but Qi Xuan, since you want to be with Yang Min Well, then don’t come to my Siwen.”

“That’s right, Siwen finally agreed to break off the marriage. If you come to my house, Siwen will be reluctant.” Fu Qiu followed suit. The crying of Siwen’s girl a few days ago made her feel bad. Shao Qixuan looked hostile.

“Eldest daughter-in-law, shut up if you can’t speak.” Mrs. Li looked at the eldest daughter-in-law’s belly full of anger, what is it that he would not give up after visiting Siwen several times, how good he is, Siwen Not uncommon.

Fu Qiu watched his second sibling wink at him and immediately knew what was going on, and when he saw Shao Qixuan, he started chasing people: “You hurry up, or my Siwen will be mad at you, she finally figured it out this time. , and see you again, you must not pick up the guy and hit you.”

When Yu Ying saw that they were not talking, she looked at Shao Qixuan and said, “Shao Qixuan, you bastard, get out of here, I’m so **** good to you, a white-eyed wolf, I’ve hurt my daughter so badly. I just want to pass up, let go of your Spring and Autumn Dreams.”

“That’s right, my daughter-in-law, you have used it well in this Spring and Autumn Dream, and you will grow.” Li Laosan looked at his daughter-in-law and flattered.

Yu Ying looked at Shao Qixuan for a while, and seeing that he didn’t move, she directly picked up the broom by the wall: “You don’t leave yet, wait for me to drive you away!”

Shao Qixuan saw that they were all hostile to him, and knew that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time, but Siwen agreed to break off the marriage, which was great. He had always been Siwen just like his own sister, and he really had no relationship between men and women. Now she It’s better to be able to understand.

Shao Qiaoying was lying by the window watching the excitement, and when she heard the third brother’s voice, she glanced at Siwen: “Sister Siwen, I’ll go back first, don’t worry, I won’t recognize Yang Min as my sister-in-law.”

Li Siwen was indifferent to He Min, and didn’t like Shao Qixuan very much, so she nodded to Shao Qiaoying and told her to walk slowly.

Shao Qiaoying just went out and Mrs. Li stopped her. In the morning, Shao Qixuan brought a lot of meat, at least two kilograms. This meat is not easy to buy. She guessed that Shao Qixuan must have brought all the meat in the house.

“Qiaoying, take this bowl of meat back to eat.”

Shao Qiaoying wasn’t polite to her either, the two families were used to it, but although she hated the third brother’s recent actions, she still didn’t forget to say something nice for him.

“Well, then I’m welcome. The meat that my mother just bought was not warm in the kitchen, so my third brother used it to nourish Siwen sister. Fortunately, he has a conscience to remember my sister Siwen. , if I gave it to that fox, my mother would be **** to death.”

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(end of this chapter)

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