Rebirth Space 80 Little Fierce Wife

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Buy A Bike

Chapter 38 Buying a Bicycle

After seeing that there were not many things on the car, Li Siwen took the ox cart to her aunt’s house. She didn’t plan to go back today, she will go back tomorrow.

Arrived in Yuan’s yard, Li Siwen **** the ox cart, took the rest of the food on the cart to Li Chunfeng, and took the rest of the fish and ham sausage to the factory.

When we arrived at the factory, the elder brothers were already guarding the entrance of the factory. Li Siwen took out a few fish and gave it to a few people and went back in a hurry.

The next morning, Li Siwen took her more than 400 yuan to the place where the bicycles were sold. With the ticket, Li Siwen bought a bicycle with a Phoenix license plate, and it cost 160 yuan all at once.

Pushing the bicycle, Li Siwen’s flesh hurts. No wonder the bicycle is so expensive. It directly uses three or four months’ salary of a normal person, not to mention the ticket, which is even more rare.

Li Siwen couldn’t put it down and touched the bicycle. This is much better than the big ox, but the front beam is annoyingly tight. She has never ridden such a bicycle before.

She used to ride her bicycle from the front. There was a bar on the front of the bicycle, which was embarrassing for Li Siwen.

Li Siwen held the bicycle and waited for a pedal with her left foot, and gently probed up a few times. After the car moved, she directly lifted her right foot and rolled over from the seat, and then she sat firmly on the car and pedaled the car. went away.

Not to mention how happy it is to ride a car, it runs too fast, hehe.

Li Siwen rode a bicycle to the department store. When she got to the department store, Li Siwen went straight to the fabric area and bought several colors of fabrics. She planned to make clothes for her family.

The clothes in the space are not very good-looking in the style of the elderly. They can only be worn by grandparents. Her father and her mother are not suitable for them.

And she also wanted to make a dress for herself. She didn’t have any good-looking clothes out of the white shirt that my sister-in-law bought last time.

“The little girl is really you?” Jiang Lingyun shouted in surprise looking at the girl in front of her.

Li Siwen looked at the person in front of her with some doubts. She didn’t know this person: “Big sister, did you admit the wrong person?”

“No, little girl, I’m looking for you. Do you still have your bicycle ticket? I want to buy your bicycle ticket.” Jiang Lingyun said eagerly, her brother’s wedding time is coming, and she still hasn’t got a bicycle ticket.

She was thinking of buying a second-hand one, but she didn’t expect to meet this little girl. It was fate.

Li Siwen thought of this person after hearing the words: “Oh, it’s you, I’m sorry, my ticket has already been used.”

After speaking, Li Siwen was about to leave with a pile of fabrics in her arms. Before she could walk a few steps, she was pulled back by the eldest sister: “Girl, have you bought a car? That car can also be sold to me.”

It is about ten days, and even if the girl rides for ten days, it will definitely be very new.

Li Siwen didn’t expect this eldest sister to be so persistent, and smiled embarrassedly: “Eldest sister, I don’t sell the car, I also need it.”

“Oh, big sister, just help me. My brother is getting married soon. The woman insists on a bicycle, so you can help me. You can’t watch my brother without a wife.” Jiang Lingyun said with a look of anticipation. looking at the girl in front of him.

I said it was so pitiful, if this girl is sensible, she should sell the car to her.

“What does your brother’s marriage have to do with me? I got my ticket with great difficulty, and I bought the car at a huge price. Why should you sell it to you if you want it?” Li Siwen said impatiently. Not the Virgin, she also needs a car.

“Why don’t you have any kindness, girl? If my brother doesn’t have a bicycle, he won’t be able to marry a wife. What should I do then?” Jiang Lingyun directly took Li Siwen’s hand and prevented her from leaving.

“Girl, otherwise you can sell it to her, and you won’t suffer if she gives you money.” The aunt who was shopping on the side advised.

Jiang Lingyun glanced at the aunt gratefully: “Yes, yes, I will give you the money, the sister will be your sister and beg you.”

“Don’t sell, let go.” Li Siwen looked at Jiang Lingyun angrily, she was planning to buy and sell.

Seeing that Li Siwen was still like this, the aunt immediately felt ashamed. Looking at Li Siwen, she politely scolded: “You girl is really vicious, and you have no kindness at all. Be careful not to marry.”

“I’m sorry Auntie, she will go out and take care of your **** if she doesn’t marry.” After Shao Qixuan said to Auntie, he looked at Jiang Lingyun fiercely. If his sister really can’t get married, it’s a big deal. People’s mouth stinks.

Jiang Lingyun was stunned by this, and immediately let go of her hand when she was afraid. By the time she reacted, she had already walked out of the building.

Li Siwen walked out of the building and thanked Shao Qixuan, then rode away on a bicycle.

Shao Qixuan followed closely and rode a car: “Siwen, are you going home tonight?”

“I won’t go back, the big yellow ox is still at my aunt’s house. I’ll go back tomorrow.” Li Siwen replied.

Shao Qixuan also knows the footsteps of the big yellow ox. If he goes back now, he probably won’t be able to reach the village in the dark.

Sent Li Siwen to Li Chunfeng’s yard, and Shao Qixuan put down an iron lunch box and left. This lunch box was custom-made by him a few days ago, and it contained several more bowls of rice than normal people’s lunch boxes.

Li Siwen looked at the lunch box that Shao Qixuan had thrown away, full of surprises. The lunch box was not very big, but it was very tall. When he opened the lunch box, he saw a full box of stewed chicken with potatoes.

She couldn’t help swallowing her saliva and went back to the house: “Little aunt, I’m back.”

Putting the lunch box on the dining table, a few greedy little ones swallowed their saliva. Yuan Xichun was beaten by Li Chunfeng before he caught the meat with his chopsticks: “Wait for your sister to come and eat it, you are greedy.”

Yuan Xichun smiled and looked at the food on the table greedily: “Mom, my sister is so happy, my brother-in-law brings her meat and vegetables to eat every day.”

Li Chunfeng also smiled and nodded after hearing this. Don’t care about the past, Qi Xuan is really good to Siwen right now, but I don’t know if the two can get together.

“Okay, you can’t stop eating.” Li Chunfeng said when his niece came over and glared at his son.

Li Siwen sat down at the table, and Yuan Xichun ate the chicken in the lunch box.

On the other side, Shao Qixuan went home and pulled a few Chinese cabbage from the field. He was going to make some spicy cabbage while the cabbage was harvested.

“Mom, come here and learn how to make spicy cabbage. I want to make some and take them to the restaurant to sell.” Shao Qixuan shouted.

Mother Shao ran over in a panic when she heard this, looked at her son’s mobile phone and asked, “Qi Xuan, did your manager let you sell it?”

“I don’t know, just give it a try and say, if it is successful, you will get more income. If we don’t eat it by ourselves, this spicy cabbage tastes good, I’m sure you will like it after eating it.” Shao Qixuan said with a smile.

Mother Shao nodded. It was just a few cabbage. It was not worth a lot of money. It would be better to learn it by yourself, and there would be more dishes on the table.

“Okay, then I’ll learn how to do it too.”

Shao Qixuan washed the cabbage and put it in two, and put it on the chopping board for later use.

“Mom, do we have a small tank?” Shao Qixuan glanced at Shao’s mother.

“There is a small tank. I’ll get it for you later.” After that, Mother Shao went to the grocery room at the back.

Shao Qixuan found a vegetable bowl, filled it with half-full of water, and added an appropriate amount of salt. After stirring the salt, put the cabbage into the bowl.

When Shao’s mother came back, Shao Qixuan washed the tank and began to teach Shao’s mother how to make cabbage.

Mother Shao remembered most of it after reading it once, and I can try to do it next time.

(end of this chapter)

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