Rebirth Space 80 Little Fierce Wife

Chapter 436

Chapter 436 Li Xiuhua Was Arrested

Chapter 436 Li Xiuhua was arrested

Shao Qiping didn’t want to talk nonsense, so he directly told Li Xiuhua’s home address, and a few thugs knew what to do after taking the money.

Isn’t it just beating people? They like to beat people when they have nothing to do, and then they are stealing something. This time, they can not only beat people to vent their emotions, but also get money. Who wouldn’t like it?

Each and every one of them can’t wait to do more of this kind of thing.

“Big brother, don’t forget to call us next time when something like this happens.” The local ruffian said with a smile.

Shao Qiyuan nodded before leaving with Shao Qiping.

A few local hooligans were also quick to do things. Knowing where Li Xiuhua’s home was, a few people blocked their faces and rushed directly into Li Xiuhua’s house.

Shao Hongyan watched a few people suddenly break into the house, so frightened, she hurriedly called for a man in the house.

Before Ke Ren could shout, Shao Hongyan was kicked to the ground.

She was in pain, her face was full of pain, and then her hair was caught by someone, and then she slapped a few times: “Ah, ah, ah, murdered, Yujun, hurry up and save me.”

Several local hooligans looked at Shao Hongyan screaming in pain, all with excitement on their faces.

When Li Yujun came out, he saw four or five men standing in the yard. All of them were tall and strong. He was so frightened that he couldn’t help but lose his confidence.

“You, what are you doing, get out of my house, or the police will come later.”

A few hooligans laughed when they heard this, and they weren’t afraid when the police came.

“Go.” With a shout at the beginning, two or three people rushed out towards Li Yujun, kicking him several times in a row.

Li Yujun screamed on the ground in pain.

Li Xiuhua saw this scene when she came out of the house. She cautiously wanted to go out and call the police, but she didn’t want to kick on the stool.

instantly attracted the attention of a few local hooligans. The first one didn’t forget the main target of this one. He glanced at Li Xiuhua’s lewd smile: “You are Li Xiuhua.”

“What do you want to do?” Li Xiuhua didn’t expect that they knew her, so she immediately backed several steps in fright.

When several local ruffians saw her reaction, they immediately knew that this person was Li Xiuhua.

“Leave this to me, you can continue.” The man at the head looked at Li Xiuhua very satisfied, this little girl is pretty good.

Anyway, he told the money one to teach the family a lesson, but he didn’t say how to teach him a lesson. Since everyone came, he didn’t want to come for nothing.

Watching Li Xiuhua’s man drag him directly into the house, Li Xiuhua’s miserable cry came from the house after a while.

The man walked out of the room with a contented face, and looked at the two people on the ground, their faces were bruised, and their bodies were even more bloody.

“Okay, don’t beat them to death and see if there is anything valuable in this yard and take it away.”

As soon as the    man said that, several younger brothers stopped their movements and started looking around the house.

“Brother, the police are here, run quickly.” A younger brother was watching the wind on the street and immediately shouted when he saw a policeman walking towards him.

When the    leader heard it, he immediately called the brothers to stop: “Okay, let’s go quickly.”

After saying this, a group of thugs ran away in a hurry.

Li Yujun’s three people didn’t even see what the gangster looked like, so they watched people run away.

Shao Hongyan touched her face and cried out in pain.

“Where is Li Xiuhua?” Comrade police officers will look for Li Xiuhua when they enter the door.

Shao Hongyan didn’t hear what the police said, and when she saw them coming, she thought it was the neighbor who helped call the police, so she ran in the direction of the gangster and said, “Comrade police, those people have run away and are walking along this road, hurry up and chase them. .”

“What are you chasing, Li Xiuhua, come with us to the police station.”

“This is Li Xiuhua.” Li Xingwen looked around in the yard, only to see a woman at the door of the house, he quickly turned his head away after just one glance, why is Li Xiuhua not wearing clothes in the daytime.

It’s shameless. Thinking of what Li Yujun said just now, Li Xingwen’s face is suspicious. This girl will not be bullied.

But she deserves it, this girl has a bad mind, and she probably offended a lot of people outside.

Li Yujun endured the pain and got up, then stood in front of his daughter and asked, “Why are you looking for my daughter?”

“What are you talking about, your daughter caused my daughter to bleed heavily, what are you talking about looking for her, she deliberately murdered my daughter.

I have never seen a shameless person like your daughter, Qi Xuan is already a wife, and your daughter is still holding on to my son-in-law, so shameless. “Li Xingwen became more and more angry, staring at him and really wanted to hit someone.

If the police were not there, he would have killed the family.

Li Yujun was still confused.

“Li Xiuhua is suspected of intentional homicide and private break-in. We are now taking her back for questioning. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Li Yujun didn’t believe it, how could his daughter honestly kill people, looked at a few police comrades and said, “This must be a misunderstanding, yes, misunderstanding, our daughters don’t kill people.

And you have also seen that our family has just been beaten by hooligans, you should not go after hooligans now, and my daughter has been bullied by others.

Shouldn’t you, as the police, be hooligans first? ”

“Li Yujun, don’t talk about it here, who knows if there are too many people who have sinned outside, so you have been retaliated against.

You might run away as soon as we leave, comrade police, I think it’s okay to arrest Li Xiuhua first and then catch the hooligans. ”

Several policemen nodded.

Li Yujun didn’t plan to let him go.

But the police didn’t care so much, they just found a piece of clothing for Li Xiuhua and covered it, carried the person and left.

When the people were finished, Li Yujun looked at his wife and asked, “Shao Hongyan, what’s the matter? Are you looking for Qi Xuan again?”

“I, I didn’t go, it was Xiuhua’s girl who secretly ran away. When I went, that girl had already pushed Li Siwen to the ground.” Shao Hongyan said, shrinking in fear.

She felt that her daughter was going crazy and was already obsessed with marrying Shao Qixuan.

It’s all her fault. If she had agreed to Xiuhua’s marriage to Qi Xuan, there wouldn’t be so many things.

It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world.

Lee Soo-hwa was sentenced soon for intentional homicide.

When Shao Hongyan found out, she lost her energy and ran to Shaojia Village to endure the discomfort.

“Mom and Dad, please save Xiuhua and let eldest brother release Xiuhua.” Shao Hongyan ran to Shao’s house and knelt directly in front of Grandpa Shao and Grandma Shao.

Grandpa Shao and Grandma Shao already know the ins and outs of the matter. Grandpa Shao is firm in his own ideas and will not embarrass the eldest son.

Although Grandma Shao felt sorry for her daughter and granddaughter, she was taught by Grandpa Shao and didn’t care about it.

Xiuhua has grown up, and she is not a child. She has already thought about the consequences before doing anything, and she dares to bear the consequences if she dares to do it.

When Shao Hongyan saw that her parents were determined not to help her, she felt helpless and hated.

gave Grandpa and Grandma Shao a vicious look in his eyes and left.

Grandma Shao felt so uncomfortable when she saw that her daughter hated her so much.

“Old man, you said we were wrong.” Grandma Shao looked at her wife and said.

Grandpa Shao sighed, saying that this also has a great responsibility for him, Hongyan has become like this now that they have no way to teach.

“Old man, I have been losing money to Hongyan for a long time. I wanted to be nice to her to make up for her, but now it has become like this.” Grandma Shao used to have some patriarchal thoughts.

Of the previous three children, Shao Guoyi was the one she hurt the most, followed by Shao Guomin, and then Shao Hongyan.

When Shao Hongyan was young, maybe five or six years old, due to Grandma Shao’s negligence, Shao Hongyan fell into the river in the winter, and she was almost out of breath when she was rescued.

In the end, I went to the hospital for a day and a night before I woke up. After that, I had a high fever again, which lasted for a week.

(end of this chapter)

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