Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Being Sold

Chapter 1 is sold

“Hurry up, sell them and we’ll have money to flee.”

“That’s right, we don’t have enough food. If we sell them, we won’t be hungry for a long time.”

“Aniang, this **** girl is too heavy, I can’t lift it.”

“Grandma, I can’t lift it anymore.”

“Persist a little longer, and we will reach the shore soon. None of these four people can swim. As long as they get on the boat, it will be called “every day should not be done, and the earth will not work.”

Nangong Anshan, who was being carried, was in a daze at this moment. Hearing these words, she frowned slightly.

Didn’t she go into the water to rescue the child who fell into the water? How could it be carried?

Judging from what those people said just now, it doesn’t look like the person who picked her up, but seems to be selling her.

Could it be that she was not drowned, but was washed away by the water and met a trafficker?

No, they said just now that there are four people, but she is alone?

Just when she was puzzled, there was a sudden sharp pain in her head, which made her faint again.

When she woke up, she felt that she was put on the ground.

She tried to move her body, but found that she had no strength. In desperation, she had no choice but to stay still for the time being.

Suddenly, a series of memories appeared in her mind, and she was born again.

Right at this moment, the female voice heard just now began to speak again.

“Here we are, Liu Dashan, give us the money quickly, six taels of silver for a child, a total of twenty-four taels of silver.”

Liu Dashan said: “Twenty-four taels? It’s too expensive. I’ll give you ten taels of silver at most.”

The old woman said dissatisfiedly: “Ten taels of silver? You only gave ten taels of silver after we worked so hard to bring them here? These are four children.”

“That’s right, it’s only ten taels. If you don’t want to, just take the child away. Anyway, there are so many people fleeing now, and I don’t lack four of you. If you don’t want it, then forget it. I’ll go find other people.” people.”

“You!” The old woman suddenly became angry.

”A Niang.” A woman said: “Just ten taels of silver, otherwise they really don’t want it, and we really won’t get a penny.”

“That’s right. That’s it. One or two is better than nothing.”

The old woman thought for a while, and obviously felt that what the daughters said was right, so she nodded, “Okay, just ten taels of silver, give it to me.”

Liu Dashan smiled with satisfaction, and gave the money to the old woman.

After the old woman left with her family, Liu Dashan proudly said to the people around him: “Look, I said they are easy to cheat, the boss gave us thirty taels of silver to buy someone, but we ended up with ten taels of silver Just bought four people back, and now we can make a lot of money.”

“Brother is smart, let’s quickly lift them onto the boat, lest they repent and turn back.”

While speaking, Nangong Anshan felt that she was lifted up again and placed on the rickety boat.

She tried to move her body again, and her strength had recovered more than half.

At this moment, Liu Dashan spoke again.

“No wonder the master likes it. This little girl is probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.”

“Brother, her younger brothers and sisters are also as thin and tender as her. This kind of meat must taste very good.”

Nangong Anshan was taken aback. Are these people actually going to eat human flesh?

Liu Dashan said: “Are you greedy? Hold on to your greed. Their birthdays coincide with the young master’s, so we can’t touch them. Send them to work. Anyway, there are so many children who escaped for their lives. There will be plenty of meat to eat in the future. Sit down now, we’re leaving.”

“Brother, listen to you.”

Liu Dashan said with a smile: “The master really has a vision, so many beautiful children are buried with him, even if his children die, it is worth it.


Nangong Anshan was startled. The purpose of these people buying them was to kill the four of them. How could that be possible!

Nangong Anshan felt that her strength had almost recovered, she quickly opened her eyes, and kicked the person sitting on her left down.

Judging from their conversation just now, they must have eaten human flesh, and they also wanted to kill the four of them. It is not a pity for such a person to die.

The other five people heard movement around them, turned their heads and saw Nangong Anshan retracting her feet.

A man saw his accomplice fell, and said angrily: “You stinking girl, what are you doing!”

Nangong Anshan sneered and said, “What are you doing? Isn’t this obvious?”

After speaking, she saw a man rushing towards her, she grabbed his arm and took a step back, and the man fell to the stern due to inertia.

The boat was not big, but the man fell too fast, and the boat wobbled. He couldn’t control his body at all, and he fell into the river at once.

Seeing this, the other people on the boat rushed towards her.

Seeing this, Nangong Anshan was impolite, and kicked this person and that person, and soon only Liu Dashan was left on the boat.

Liu Dashan didn’t expect a nine-year-old girl to have such a great ability, he gritted his teeth and said: “Stinky girl, you dare to treat my people like this, I will kill you!”

He took out a dagger from his pocket and rushed towards Nangong Anshan.

Nangong Anshan sneered, seeing the dagger stabbing towards her head, she didn’t intend to avoid it. When the dagger was about to pierce between her eyebrows, her hand suddenly grabbed Liu Dashan’s arm.

Liu Dashan’s eyes widened in disbelief. He obviously couldn’t believe that she had such great strength. He was about to attack her with the other hand when he saw her pinch her lightly. The pain from the hand made his face instantly Twisting, the dagger in his hand fell on the boat, and he shouted anxiously: “It hurts, let me go.”

“Who is the master you speak of?”

“I’ll never tell you!”

“Huh?” Nangong Anshan exerted force on her hands.

“I said, I said, he is the richest businessman in Yongwang’s fief, and his surname is You.”

Nangong Anshan snorted, and knocked him out with a knife in his hand.

Taking advantage of the fainting, she put her hand into Liu Dashan’s arms, and found twenty taels of silver.

She put away the silver and kicked him into the water with one kick.

After a while, Liu Dashan and some of his men were washed away, but one of them seemed to be very good at swimming, and tried to swim towards the boat after falling into the water.

Seeing this, Nangong Anshan picked up the oar and slapped the man’s head. The man was instantly fainted and washed away by the water.

After finishing everyone, she turned to look at her brothers and sisters lying on the boat.

After feeling the pulse of the three of them, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It was the same as what she had just now, she had inhaled a lot of drugs, but she woke up first.

Seeing that the boat was getting farther and farther away from the shore, she picked up the paddle and rowed towards the shore.

It’s just a trivial matter of rowing a boat, and it won’t bother her.

She sorted out all her memories, and she has already started to live the third life after this time travelling.

From ancient times to modern times, and now back to ancient times.

A new book is released, please recommend, please recommend.

(end of this chapter)

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