Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 231

Chapter 231 – Pink

Chapter 231 Pink

Nan Gongsheng also heard from his younger sister who Sun Youtian was, frowned and said, “Sun Youtian accepts Chen Ledong as his concubine? Why does it sound so weird to me?”

“I also think it’s weird. People like Sun Youtian should not fail to investigate the relationship between Chen Ledong and me. The only possibility is that he did it on purpose. As long as Chen Ledong’s life is not easy, Sun Youtian will tell Nangong Cai about him. It was because of my relationship that she blamed Chen Ledong, if Nangong Cai knew about it, she would definitely feel resentful towards me, even though Nangong Cai dare not do anything to me now, but she was forced into a hurry, and she would inevitably jump over the wall in a hurry.”

“So what should we do now?”

“Let it be. I’m not afraid of Nangong Cai coming. She’s just a clown. If she comes, I’ll clean her up like before. If my brothers and sisters go out during this period, let them bring all the servants with them, be careful For the top.”

“Okay, I will listen to you.”

After Nangong Cai returned home, Chen Ledong was dressing up, and Qiu Shi was holding her hair in a bun.

On the table in front of her, there were more than ten kinds of gold and silver jewelry, all of which were sent by Sun Youtian.

There are still relatives around, and they are all smiling at this time.

Chen Ledong saw the three sisters of the Dai family looking at the jewelry on the table with envy, and said with a smile: “I guess this is the first time you have seen these jewelry in your life?”

The three nodded at the same time.

Dai Yingying snorted, isn’t it the first time you see it yourself?

Chen Ledong proudly said: “You don’t have to be envious, I will be considered a member of a rich family in the future, I will help you look after your marriage, let you marry a good family, and the jewelry sent by your husband’s family in the future will definitely not compare to mine. less.”

Dai Jingjing excitedly said: “It would be great if this is the case.”

Chen Ledong suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile: “Oh, but everyone in your family has been tortured, and many of them have been in prison. It is estimated that it will be difficult for big families to get in. I think you should find someone with mud legs to marry in the future. Come on, so that others won’t dislike you.”

Dai Jingjing’s complexion changed, and he frowned and said, “Chen Ledong, what do you mean?”

“What do you mean?” Chen Ledong smiled and said, “Isn’t what I said obvious enough? It means that, in your identities, the big families will definitely look down on you. Even if they are concubines, they probably don’t want their children to be Born of former sinners.”

“You!” Dai Jingjing said loudly: “We are all sisters, you actually humiliate us like this, you are really too much.”

Dai Rourou also said: “That’s right, you might not be able to live a good life in the future. It’s too early for you to be so proud now.”

Dai Yingying said: “Hmph, that’s right, just wait, our three sisters may not marry worse than you in the future!”

Chen Ledong smiled and said: “Who doesn’t know how to talk big, then I’ll just wait and see. I don’t believe that you guys who have been tortured can climb up to other good people.”

Dai Yingying roared angrily: “Let’s wait and see!”

Qiu put the last golden hairpin on Chen Ledong, and said helplessly: “Okay, you sisters have to help each other, how can you say such heartless words? Le Dong, you too, you are an older sister, and you should help your younger sister.” Yes, you will try to help them in the future, understand?”

“I see.” Chen Ledong curled his lips, saw A Niang came back with an unhappy face, and asked: “A Niang, what’s wrong with you? Didn’t you go to invite Nangong Anshan? Why? Isn’t she coming?”

Nangong Cai said angrily what Nangong Anshan said.

Chen Ledong frowned and said: “She actually knew that I was going to be a concubine, and she knew Sun Youtian beforehand, and Sun Youtian gave her a thousand taels of silver?”


The three Dai family sisters suddenly laughed.

Dai Yingying said: “It seems that you are not very important in the heart of my future brother-in-law. I gave you one thousand taels of silver for the person you hate, but only one hundred taels for you, the person next to your pillow, which is a lot less. Nine hundred taels, hahaha…hahaha…”

Chen Ledong said with a sullen face: “Dai Yingying, if you don’t know how to speak, don’t speak. If you treat me like this again, don’t even think about stepping into Sun’s residence!”

Dai Yingying choked and had no choice but to stop talking.

If she doesn’t go to the Sun’s residence, how can she have the chance to make friends with those noble children? How can she fly on a branch and become a phoenix?

“Okay, you two sisters, stop arguing. Now is not the time to argue.” Qiu said, “How did Nangong Anshan know Sun Youtian? Why did Sun Youtian give her so much money? One thousand taels He gave us only one hundred taels of silver.”

“I don’t know.” Nangong Cai said: “Le Dong, when he comes to greet the bride, let’s ask him carefully and see how he explains to us.”

Qiu Shi said: “Ah Cai, Sun Youtian won’t come here. For those who are concubines, the man will send a sedan chair to pick him up. The man doesn’t have to be there in person.”

“What?” Chen Ledong was shocked and said, “He didn’t come to welcome the bride in person? Then I…then if I go like this, wouldn’t it be embarrassing?”

In order to show off in front of the people of Liuye Village, she even asked to get married during the day, but she didn’t expect that Sun Youtian would not come.

The three sisters of the Dai family were also shocked. Is the status of the concubine’s room so low?

They also wanted to be the concubine of a rich family just now, it seems that they have to think carefully.

Qiu said: “When you agreed to be a concubine, you should have thought of this. Not only does he not have to come to greet the bride, but in the future the main room will wear bright red, and you can only wear pink or other reds. Look at this wedding dress, it is Pink ones. There are also sedan chairs, and you can’t sit in big red ones, you can only make pink ones.”

After speaking, she removed the top layer of red cloth on the tray, revealing the pink wedding dress on the tray.

Chen Ledong panicked and said: “I… I can’t wear scarlet? I can’t sit in scarlet sedan chair? This is too much, concubines are human, why can’t I wear scarlet? I have been thinking since I was a child that I can wear scarlet in this life Get married in a wedding dress.”

In this way, wouldn’t others be able to tell at a glance that she was going to be a concubine?

Qiu said: “I thought you knew.”

Chen Ledong suddenly became anxious, “Grandma, aunt, what should I do, I can’t wear pink, and I can’t sit in a pink sedan chair, otherwise I won’t be able to lift my head up in the village in the future. When the sedan chair arrives in the city, everyone in the city Everyone knows that I am a concubine.”

“Then what can we do now?” Nangong Cai said: “We have already agreed to marry you to Sun Youtian, and you have also agreed.”

Chen Ledong thought for a while, and said: “How about I wear Zhenghong’s wedding dress to get married, Sun Youtian likes me, on the big day, he should be able to tolerate my willfulness for a while?”

(end of this chapter)

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