Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 237

Chapter 237 – He Hit You?

Chapter 237 He actually hit you?

Nangong Anshan looked at Nian Pingping’s face and nodded with satisfaction, “Not bad.”

This is Nian Pingping in her impression.

It’s just that we haven’t seen each other for more than a year, and I don’t know what happened to Nian Pingping. At this time, her eyes are full of dark circles, and her skin is not very good, especially the pores on her nose, which are particularly thick and human. Some haggard.

Nian Pingping saw Nangong Anshan looking at herself all the time, she was a little embarrassed and said: “Girl, do you know me?”

Nangong Anshan said: “I don’t know, but you are very similar to a person I knew before.”

Nian Pingping nodded, and suddenly knelt down towards Nangong Anshan, “Girl, please give me a job. I want to support myself and my family. As long as I have a job, my family and I will not starving.”

Nangong Anshan turned her head to look at the shopkeeper, took out another small ingot, and said, “Shopkeeper, can I borrow a place to talk?”

The shopkeeper took Yuan Bao with a smile, and said, “Let’s go to the backyard. There are no people in the backyard right now.”

Nangong Anshan nodded, and said: “Please tell the shopkeeper to keep an eye on the tea stand over there. If an official sends by, tell him that I am here.”

The shopkeeper smiled and said, “Yes, girl.”

The two came to the backyard, and Nian Pingping knelt down again.

Nangong Anshan sat aside, helplessly said: “Get up, if you don’t get up, I won’t promise you anything.”

Nian Pingping had no choice but to stand up quickly.

Nangong Anshan said: “You give me the feeling that you are not from the fiefdom of King Li?”

“Yes, the little girl came from the capital.”

“Come here with family?”

“Yes, my family and I came here behind my former master’s family.”

“I see. You just said that if you don’t work, your family members will starve to death. Judging by your appearance, you should already be married. What about the man in your family? How can you starve to death if you don’t work? Just now The way you dress.”

Nian Pingping hesitated for a moment, but said, “Girl Huiyan, I am indeed married.”

“It’s just…it’s just that I don’t meet people well, and the person I marry loves to gamble. When I first arrived here, I lost all my family’s belongings, even the homestead and fields allocated by His Royal Highness. The men and their parents-in-law, uncles and aunts live in tents.”

“My clothes, which were a little nicer, were also lost. The man in my family also lost his family property, and he has never recovered. He sleeps and drinks at home every day. Now it depends on me and my in-laws to support the family.”

“It’s winter now, we can’t even find wild vegetables, and we are often hungry. That’s why I want to come to the city to find a job, otherwise my family and I really won’t be able to survive this winter.”

Nangong Anshan frowned. She remembered that Nian Pingping looked like her current husband would not marry at the time. At the beginning, she persuaded Nian Pingping, saying that her husband looked like a treacherous villain, not hers. Beloved.

It’s just that Nian Pingping was fascinated by the fascination at the beginning and insisted on marrying Zou Deliang, but she had no choice but to let her go out and marry someone.

At the beginning they made an agreement that she would marry someone, and she would still come back to serve her in a few days, but she didn’t expect her to die suddenly. It is estimated that Nian Pingping lost her job in the prime minister’s mansion, and her life was very difficult.

Nangong Anshan said: “Do you have any children?”

Nian Pingping shook her head: “No, I’m glad I didn’t, otherwise the child would have to suffer with me.”

Nangong Anshan said: “In this case, why do you still stay in that house? Marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat, marry a wife, starve, that man is so useless and not good for you, how about Reconcile with your husband, anyway, their family has hands and feet, and they should not starve to death without you.”

Even if they died of starvation, it was the family who asked for it.

Nian Pingping said: “I…I dare not, he…he will beat me, and even threatened me, if he dares to make peace with him, he will kill me. And I…I am alone in the fiefdom of King Li, leaving him , there is no place to go, no way to live.”

Nangong Anshan was surprised and said, “He hit you?”

“Yes, he beats me a lot, I…” Nian Pingping burst into tears, “Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… Back then I should have listened to my master and not marry him. But back then I was dazzled by his sweet talk, Marry him regardless.”

“But after marrying him, my master died. The master and wife were afraid that they would think of the master when they saw me, so they canceled my slave status and let me leave the prime minister’s mansion.”

“It was only later that I found out that he married me because I was working in front of the eldest lady, and he also wanted to work in the prime minister’s mansion. I lost my errand in the prime minister’s mansion, and I couldn’t find a job, so he beat and scolded me a lot. .”

Nangong Anshan sighed and said, “You are also a miserable person.”

Nian Pingping said: “Compared to Missy, I am not bitter, but Missy is suffering, and she died so badly. If I hadn’t married and stayed by her side all the time, Missy might not have died.”

You are with me, and you will die together.

Nangong Anshan said helplessly: “Okay, don’t mention the past.”

“Yes.” Nian Pingping hurriedly wiped away her tears and said, “Miss, can you give me a job? It’s enough that I can support me and my family.”

Nangong Anshan said: “Yes, but you have to promise me one request.”

She knows this person’s loyalty. She was used to this person before, but she is really not used to another person serving her.

She doesn’t mind keeping people by her side, serving herself as before.

Nian Pingping was overjoyed and said excitedly, “Miss, tell me, let alone one request, I will agree to all ten requests.”

Nangong Anshan smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I won’t make things difficult for you, I just want you to take me to meet your husband and your in-laws.”

“So it’s like this. My husband’s family is in Daxing Village outside the city. If Miss doesn’t mind the hard work, I can take you there with me. It’s just that the Tianxue road is hard to walk. If Miss wants to go there in person, I’m afraid it will be troublesome.”

“It’s okay, I’m not afraid of hard work, just take it as a relaxation. I just want to ask you, if you can really make up with your man, would you like to make up with him?”

Nian Pingping said: “If he agrees, I will naturally.”

There is nothing worthy of her nostalgia for a man like that.

She wanted to find a job for her family, but she just didn’t want to go back and be beaten again.

At this moment, suddenly a person came over, saying that someone went to the tea stand.

Nangong Anshan said: “Then you will follow me from today onwards, and I will count your wages for you from today onwards, even if it is 50 Wen a day, how about it?”

Nian Pingping immediately knelt down, “Thank you, master.”

(end of this chapter)

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