Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 – Big Purchase Again

Chapter 48 Another big purchase

“Let me do the math. There are more than 900 catties of these fruits. According to the current market situation in the system, one hundred catties can be exchanged for one merit, so I will round it up for you. Count your ten merits, which can offset what you owe. Ten merits.”

“Ten merits? This is nine hundred catties, which is too little.”

“But you didn’t spend much effort after all. You have harvested this round, and you can harvest it again after six hours, and it will be worth ten merits at that time.”

“…All right.”

It is indeed easier to say that her merits have come, but she still owes more than a thousand merits, and she doesn’t know when she will pay it off.

She went out of space again.

Along the way, she also met some people, and they were all surprised to see her pushing hundreds of catties of medicinal materials by herself.

Some people saw her alone and wanted to grab her medicinal materials, but she beat them all away.

An hour later, she arrived at the gate of the city, and after showing the household registration documents to the guarding soldiers, she entered the city smoothly.

After asking where the pharmacy was, she went there directly.

As soon as the cart stopped at the gate of Jishantang, the sharp-eyed apprentice came over, “Girl, are you going to sell medicinal materials?”

Nangong Anshan said: “Yes, I have classified them into categories. Let’s see how much these medicinal materials can be sold for.”

The apprentice took a look at the medicinal materials and said: “Young lady has a lot of medicinal materials, but we generally only accept processed medicinal materials here. If this kind of fresh ones, the price will not be too high. After all, we still need to spend time and money to process them.”

This girl is really powerful. If he hadn’t seen this girl pushing the medicinal materials with his own eyes, he really couldn’t believe that she had such great strength.

“Well, but most of my medicinal materials are in good condition, and I hope you can give me a real price.”

“Okay, we will try our best.”

After the apprentice finished speaking, he sent someone to unload the goods, followed by weighing.

An old doctor came in suddenly with a medicine box on his back, as if he just came back from a visit, looked at the herbs and said, “Anyone came to sell herbs again?”

The apprentice said: “Yes, Master.”

The old doctor saw a girl in Nangong Anshan waiting inside, he was surprised and said: “Girl, are you the only one who brought these herbs here?”

Nangong Anshan nodded: “Well, I am strong, so my family let me come.”

“You are really amazing.”

After finishing speaking, the old doctor turned his head and said to the apprentice: “These herbs are plentiful and good. It’s rare for someone to sell so many herbs at one time. Please give me a good price.”

“Yes, Master.”

Nangong Anshan was overjoyed immediately, “Thank you, doctor.”

The apprentice quickly calculated the money and said, “It’s eight taels of silver.”

Nangong Anshan said: “Only eight taels? My medicinal materials weigh four to five hundred catties.”

The apprentice said: “That’s right, it’s the price that’s not prepared, and it’s because there are a lot of money grass in it.”

“Okay.” Nangong Anshan said: “Eight taels is eight taels.”

Better than nothing.

She didn’t want to go to other pharmacies to ask, even if it was high, it might not be much higher than this pharmacy.

Money is really hard to earn, it might as well be as fast as she can save people.

It would be great if she could find ginseng. At that time, she would plant a large area of ginseng in the space, and sell one if she was short of money. That would be great.

The apprentice quickly gave her the silver and said, “If you have these herbs in the future, you can bring them over. We have always collected them here.”

Nangong Anshan said: “Well, we will meet next time.”

Thinking that A Niang and Third Brother needed medicine to recuperate their bodies, she bought some medicine for each of them, and more than half of the money went away.

If it weren’t for the fear that the medicines would not be available, and it would take a lot of time to prepare the medicinal materials, she really wanted to find medicines for her family by herself.

After leaving the pharmacy, she went directly to Buzhuang.

Although the weather is getting hotter, the night is still very cold, so we still need quilts.

Before they all slept on the floor with their clothes on and covered them with another clothes.

It was only after she went to the cloth shop that she remembered that there were no quilts in Qinglong Kingdom, and no one even planted cotton.

Ordinary people here generally use linen to make quilt covers, and then fill them with catkins. Reed flowers, willow catkins, and thatch can all be used as catkins.

If you are rich, you can use animal fur as a quilt.

Being helpless, she had no choice but to follow the Romans and buy eight quilt covers made of linen and eight quilts made of willow catkins.

A Niang has two beds, the second and third brothers have two beds, the fourth and fifth brothers have two beds, and she and the younger sister have two beds.

Pillows, pillow cases, quilt covers, bed sheets, etc., she also bought eight sets.

She will find a way to make cotton cloth later.

The weather was getting hotter, so she bought three sets of thin clothes for everyone in the family, all of which were made of linen, of course.

Although the family didn’t need the rice for the time being, and the official sent rice every day, the noodles were still needed, so she went to buy another hundred catties of flour.

Anyway, she will often come to the city to sell herbs in the future. If she needs rice, she can just buy it at that time. Now that she buys it, there is not much room at home to store it.

Passing by the meat stall, Nangong Anshan saw something, her eyes lit up immediately, she hurried forward and said, “Uncle, how do you sell this?”

The butcher said: “You’re talking about white meat. This white meat is a good thing. It’s all oil. If you want it, it’s 18 cents a catty.”

It turns out that Qinglong Kingdom called suet white meat.

“How much is a catty of fat?”

“Twenty coins a catty.”

“What about lean meat?”

“Seventeen coins a catty.”

“I want fat and thin, how much is a catty?”

“Eighteen Wen a catty.”

Nangong Anshan thought for a while, she still didn’t finish eating the rabbit meat yesterday, but if she bought too much, she could put it in the space without fear of damage, “Then give me fifty catties of fat and thin meat, white meat is also all give me.”

The butcher was startled, “Son, are you kidding me? You want fifty catties?”

Nangong Anshan took out an ingot of silver from her bosom, and said, “I’m not kidding.”

Seeing this, the butcher hurriedly followed what she said, for fear that she would go back on his word.

Soon, Nangong Anshan gave the money and put the meat on the cart.

She went to look at other places and bought a lot of daily necessities for the house, even water tanks and the like.

She also bought tables and chairs. As for the large wardrobes, her small tent couldn’t fit them, so she had to stop buying them for the time being.

Seeing that it was almost time, she pushed the cart full of clothes and went straight out of the city gate.

After walking for half an hour, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, she put most of the meat into the space, and then took out some food from the space.

The three children in the family especially like the red bean paste buns, mung bean cakes and big meat buns in her space, so I took this opportunity to give them more.

(end of this chapter)

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