Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – Want Money Back

Chapter 6 Asking for money back

“Beheading? Now the Yongwang fiefdom is in chaos because of the heavy taxation, and there are rebels everywhere. Those officials and lords are only interested in fighting, so they have no mood to care about these trivial matters. It is normal for a few people to die on the way to escape. Life in troubled times Haven’t you heard of the phrase “cheaper than grass?”

“You!” Qiu suddenly became angry.

“Three.” After Nangong Anshan finished speaking, she was about to attack Dai Yingying.

“Okay.” Qiu said with a look of fear, “I’ll give it to you, I’ll give it to you.”

After she finished speaking, she took out five ingots of two taels of silver from her arms with a heartache on her face, and threw them on the ground.

She loves Dai Yingying very much, and she really doesn’t want to risk her granddaughter’s life.

“Take it!”

Forget it, let’s just take it as a way to save money and avoid disasters. Anyway, if Liu Dashan knows that the children have run back again, she will definitely not be able to keep the money. Then she will ask Liu Dashan to go to Nangong Anshan, so that Nangong Anshan will be safe. damn.

Nangong Sheng also looked excited when he saw other people. After all, their Qingshan Village used to be a well-known poor village. Few people saw so much money at once, so they immediately stepped forward to pick up the ingots.

Nangong Anshan kicked Dai Yingying’s **** hard, kicked her to the opposite side, and snorted, “Dai Yingying, don’t feel innocent, our debt is not over yet, I will settle it with you slowly .”

“You!” Dai Yingying rolled up her sleeves and wanted to step forward to teach Nangong Anshan a lesson.

It’s just that before she walked in front of Nangong Anshan, she saw Nangong Anshan pointing a dagger at her.

Nangong Anshan said with a half-smile, “Come on, I’ll give you a treat.”

Dai Yingying was frightened immediately, and retreated to Nangong Miao’s side, crying, “Aniang, help me clean her up, I’ve never been treated like this in my life.”

“Okay, A Niang will help you teach her a good lesson today.” After Nangong Miao finished speaking, she was about to step forward when she saw Nangong Anshan walking towards a huge rock and said with a smile: “Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you that God seems to be pitiful to me, so he gave me a special ability.”

As soon as the words fell, she stepped on the stone that was taller than a man in her prime. With a little force under her foot, the stone shattered into several pieces.

Then she came to another boulder, lifted it up easily, and tossed it like a small stone.

“See, God gave me supernatural power last night. If any of you dare to bully my family in the future, I will kick your internal organs into pieces, and then lift you up and throw you all to death!”

Everyone was shocked at the same time. It is simply unbelievable that a nine-year-old girl has such great strength.

How did God treat her so well and give her such great strength!

The people who were still thinking about the ten taels of silver just now flinched immediately. If they were kicked with such great strength, they would not be able to bear it.

Seeing this, Nangong Miao looked at Dai Yingying with some embarrassment, “You have seen it all, let’s spare her for now, if I go forward rashly, you will probably lose your mother.”

Dai Yingying obviously also knew that her aunt was not Nangong Anshan’s opponent, so she stomped her feet angrily, and said with ruthless eyes: “Aniang, I must teach her a lesson if I have the chance!”

“Well, don’t worry, if she treats you like this, Auntie won’t spare her.”

Yang Ruolan saw her daughter holding up the stone, worried that she would hit her foot, so she hurriedly said, “Ashan, put down the stone quickly, before it hits you.”

“it is good.”

Nangong Anshan threw the stone to a place where no one was behind her, and the sky was filled with dust.

She turned her head to look at everyone, saw that they were all looking at her in fear, and said sternly: “Although God has given me supernatural power, don’t be afraid, everyone, who am I, Nangong Anshan, grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, brothers The sisters also know that as long as you don’t provoke me, I will not use my strength to deal with you.”

Some people were suddenly relieved when they heard the words.

Qiu was obviously also frightened by Nangong Anshan’s divine power, tremblingly said: “You…you dare to threaten your blood relatives!”

Nangong Anshan gave her a blank look, and said mockingly: “What are we doing now? We are fleeing! When we are fleeing, we don’t care about anything, but blood relatives? Didn’t you set a good example for me just now? In order not to implicate your children, you can give up me and my siblings, so why can’t I give up your so-called cold-blooded relatives for the sake of my family?”

“You!” Qiu Shi clenched her fists, suddenly looked at her husband behind her, and said loudly: “Old man, your wife has been bullied, do you just watch?”

Nangong Zhen said: “You are doing it yourself. Who told you to sell someone else? Isn’t it normal for Ah Shan to have resentment in her heart? What do you want me to do? Do you want me to beat her? With her so much strength, I You can’t beat her.”

Qiu suddenly became angry, obviously he had a part to sell those four people.

She was about to speak, when Nangong Zhen spoke again, “Okay, we still have to hurry. I don’t have time to waste time with you here, so hurry up.”

After speaking, he raised his foot and walked in the direction of the large army.

Now everyone is fleeing, and many people are not in the mood to watch the farce of their family, and they are already far away from them.

The Qiu family had no choice but to speak harshly to Nangong Anshan, “Damn girl, don’t think that the money is yours if you have it in your hands. There are many bad guys on this road. Even if you get it temporarily, you can’t keep it. I’ll wait to see you.” joke!”

Nangong Anshan smiled and said: “I don’t need you to worry about it. Even if I can’t keep it, I won’t put it in your place. Don’t think about it. Don’t think that I just forget about today’s matter. I will wait with you in the future.” Calculate slowly.”

Ms. Qiu was startled, seeing Nangong Anshan’s smile, a cold sweat suddenly broke out on her back, seeing that her husband had gone far away, she hurriedly followed.

Seeing this, the others quickly followed, and only Nangongkang’s family stayed behind.

Nangong Kang looked at Nangong Anshan with a distressed face, then looked at the three children beside him, and said with concern: “Ashan, are you not injured? How about you? Are you not injured?”

“No, Second Uncle.” Nangong Anshan said with a smile, “It’s okay, we’re all fine.”

In the entire Nangong family, among Qiu’s children, only Nangong Kang was kind to their family.

Nangong Kang felt relieved immediately. Seeing that Nangong Anshan was barefoot, he hurriedly asked his wife to bring a pair of his daughter’s shoes, and said, “Ah Ru is as big as your feet, you can wear her shoes.”

Nangong Anshan didn’t refuse when she saw this. It was indeed uncomfortable for her to walk barefoot. Even if Nangong Kang didn’t give her shoes, she would exchange shoes with someone later.

(end of this chapter)

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