Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 – Uninhabited Village

Chapter 8 Uninhabited Village

Nan Gongsheng originally wanted to refuse, but he was really tired, and his sister was really strong, so he nodded and said, “Okay, but if you can’t carry it anymore, you can replace it with your second brother.”

“Second brother, third brother is weak, why don’t you carry third brother on your back.”

Nangong Xiu was a little embarrassed, “I’m sorry, it’s all because of my poor health, which dragged you down.”

“Third brother, don’t say that, you don’t want to.”

Nan Gongxiu felt better when he heard the words.

Nangong Sheng said: “Okay, just listen to Ah Shan.”

The third brother is indeed lighter than A Niang.

The large team continued walking like this.

Nangong Anshan felt that Yang Ruolan was not heavy at all, but she kept carrying someone behind her back, so she couldn’t do other things on the road.

After thinking about it for a while, she also had a calculation in her heart, and planned to wait until the next rest time before acting.

By the way, now that she has gained one merit, she has Holy Spirit Water. Boy Tai Le said that Holy Spirit Water can strengthen the body, cure diseases and save lives. Leg disease.

Boy Tai Le suddenly said: “Don’t think about it, your third brother’s problem came out of the mother’s womb, so a little Holy Spirit water is useless at all, he needs to take it for a long time, your mother’s leg disease is also serious, so a little It’s useless, you’d better wait until you have more Holy Spirit water in the future, and then give it to your third brother and mother, now you will need it in the future.”

“All right.”

It will soon be noon.

“Look, everyone, there is a village ahead, and it’s still smoking.”

The crowd suddenly became agitated. They have been walking westward since the eruption of the volcano. After walking for more than a day, the villages they encountered were either empty, or they regarded them as bad people and drove them away without any explanation.

If there is a smoking village, it means that someone cooks, and they can beg for food.

Seeing the team stop, Nangong Anshan took her family to the front, and saw that Zhou Lizheng had already found twenty young men, and planned to send them to scout the road.

Zhou Li was waiting for Qing Zhuang to leave, then turned his head to look at the villagers, and said loudly: “Everyone is tired after walking for half a day, you should rest where you are, and those who want to find food can go Food, but don’t go far.”

Hearing that it was time to rest, the villagers all relaxed and put their heavy objects on the ground.

Nangong Anshan also put Yang Ruolan down.

After a while, the twenty people came back.

Zhou Lizheng asked: “How is it? Is it a village with people?”

His eldest son, Zhou Zhenyang, said: “No one, several kitchens were burned. It must have been an accident while cooking. The whole village fled. We opened a few rooms and went in. I brought everything I could bring with me, and some homes didn’t even have a bowl. There were also a lot of messy horseshoe prints inside, so the bandits probably found the village empty after they entered, so they left.”

Zhou Lizheng sighed, he knew it.

There are wars everywhere in King Yong’s fief, and there are more and more bandits. Robbery and murder are very common in the village. Those who can escape are fleeing for their lives. Maybe the people in this village want to escape to Li, just like them. King’s fief to go.

After thinking about it for a while, he thought that there was nothing to eat in the village anyway, so he wanted the villagers to continue to rest in place, but seeing the sky suddenly covered with dark clouds, and it looked like it was going to rain, he had no choice but to shout loudly: “It’s going to rain , everyone, go to the uninhabited village and hide for a while.”

Although hurrying is very important, but now there are bandits and troops everywhere, if you encounter them, you will die.

But it’s only March now, if they get wet from the rain or catch the wind and cold, they will still die, so it’s better to find a more comfortable way to die.

And they believe that those people should not go around killing people when it rains.

“Yes, just listen to Li Zheng.”

The villagers agreed one after another and followed behind Li Zheng.

Nangong Anshan carried Yang Ruolan on her back and walked in the front. After Zhou Lizheng found the house, she also brought her family into the main room in the courtyard next to Lizheng.

After putting Yang Ruolan down, she said: “I’ll leave later. After I go out, you, second brother, lock the courtyard door. No one will open the door.”

Her second brother has also learned martial arts, and she is not far away, so she can leave with confidence.

Nan Gongsheng asked: “Ashan, where are you going?”

Nangong Anshan said: “I have something to do, I’ll find you something to eat by the way.”

After speaking, she got up and walked to the door.

Nan Gongsheng had no choice but to follow her and lock the door, and told her to be careful.

After Nangong Anshan went out, she walked directly to the nearby grove, and after a while, she pushed a small cart back.

That’s right, she also asked the system for the small scooter, because it is the simplest scooter, and it originally cost ten merits, but she took it in advance and owed another hundred merits.

Originally, she wanted to make one herself, but she thought it would be too time-consuming. If she left her family for too long, they might have accidents, so she had to ask the system for one.

Anyway, there is a merit now, eggs are enough, and they won’t be hungry for the time being.

Not long after Nangong Anshan left, it began to rain cats and dogs outside.

Seeing that her daughter hadn’t come back, Yang Ruolan was worried when she heard a knock on the door.

Nan Gongsheng first asked who it was at the door, and then opened the door after hearing his sister’s voice.

Seeing the cart, he asked in surprise, “Ashan, where did you find the cart?”

Drawers are extremely popular now, and many people in their team have them. Putting things on them is much easier.

Nangong Anshan said: “Let’s talk about this later, first push the cart in, and then you can push A Niang and Third Brother. I’ll go to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat.”

Nan Gongsheng had no choice but to stop asking, and hurriedly pushed the cart in, and locked the door again.

After Nangong Anshan entered the kitchen, she looked around, and found that the cabinets and rice tanks were all empty, except for some water in the water tank.

Now that she has gained some merit, she hastily took out some of the unlocked food and put it in the cabinet.

Thinking that they may have to cook food frequently in the future, and it would be more convenient to have a pot, she asked the system for a pot from this era, and owed another fifty merits.

As soon as she took it out, Nangong Sheng came over.

When Nangong Anshan heard the footsteps, she acted as if she happened to open the cabinet, and when she saw the contents, she said in surprise, “There are cabbage, eggs, and bowls and chopsticks.”

Nan Gongsheng happened to hear what his sister said, saw the things in the cabinet, and said in surprise: “There is so much food, didn’t this family have time to take the food away when they fled?”

(end of this chapter)

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