Rebirth: The Return of the Great

Chapter 908

Chapter 909: Nether Sea

Qing Mian Luo said quickly: “Someone is inquiring about the whereabouts of Lord Ming, and his subordinates think that he is not good, so he wants to notify one of the four adults, so that they can arrest this person, so as not to make any small moves.”

That’s it?

Heishan Guixian showed an obvious anger, staring at Qing Mian Luo but not speaking.

At first, Qing Mianluo was normal, but after being stared at for a long time, he couldn’t help shivering. If he still had a physical body, he would definitely be in a cold sweat and shiver with fright now.

“Are you stupid?” Heishan Guixian scolded, “Who is qualified to be detrimental to the Underworld Lord? How powerful is the Underworld Lord, how is anyone different from an ant in front of the Underworld Lord?”

“Take a step back, if that person really has the strength to threaten the Lord of the Underworld, are you not afraid that after that person replaces the Lord of the Underworld, he will settle accounts with us after the autumn?”


Qing Mian Luo Zhen trembled. At first, he thought about making a small report to earn some Mingzhu, but he was scolded by the Montenegrin Ghost Immortal. He thought about it again, and it really made sense.

If the person is too weak, he can’t threaten the Lord of the Underworld at all—and this should be the greatest possibility, and if that person can really threaten the Lord of the Underworld, is he able to participate in this level of battle?

Can only be cannon fodder!

Fortunately, it’s okay, Lord Montenegro is still wise, otherwise he wouldn’t know how he died!

At this moment, I saw a ghost immortal hurried in and said loudly: “Sir, someone came outside the town and wanted to come in if they didn’t want to pay the bead, and they had a conflict with us. They were extremely powerful and blocked. Can’t stop it!”


Montenegro Ghost Immortal was slightly surprised that someone dared to force his way into his town?


Every town is indeed a very precious wealth, because the stones imprinted with mysterious runes have the effect of resisting the storm of hell, otherwise, the ghosts and immortals below the eighth order cannot resist at all, and the consciousness will be instantly destroyed.

Is this person here to grab the turf?

He sneered, stood up, and said, “Wait for this seat to see who is so bold!”

He walked first, Qing Mianluo thought about it, and quickly followed.

The two ghost immortals came to the entrance of the town. After Qing Mianluo glanced at them, they couldn’t help showing shock.

“It’s him!” he blurted out.

“Do you know?” Qingshan Ghost Immortal looked at the young Ghost Immortal, there seemed to be something wrong, but for the time being he couldn’t tell what was wrong.

Qing Mian Luo nodded quickly: “It’s him who is inquiring about the Lord of the Underworld!”

Heishan Guixian frowned, he was not ideal at all, but he didn’t expect this person to come to the door on his own initiative, so he could only face it.

I hope it’s not crossing the river.

Suddenly, he showed a hearty smile and cupped his hands: “This inmate, but was just thrown into hell?”

Otherwise, how could it be possible to inquire about the Lord of the Underworld?

As long as you stay in **** for a while, who doesn’t know some rumors about the Lord of the Underworld?

Ye Yan also smiled and said, “That’s right, I have just entered the underworld, and I want to see the Lord of the Underworld. I wonder if this fellow Taoist knows where the Lord of the Underworld is?”

Montenegro Ghost Immortal laughed: “The Lord of the Underworld lives in the Netherworld Sea. As long as you stay in the Underworld for a little longer, you will know that this is not a big secret.”

Ye Yan thanked him and asked again, “How dare you ask your friend, do you know where this Nether Sea is?”

Heishan Guixian shook his head: “It’s not that I don’t want to say it, but no one knows where the Netherworld Sea is – I don’t know why you are looking for Lord Underworld?”

Well, the Lord of the Underworld is my father-in-law, and I’m here to pick up my daughter-in-law.

Ye Yan just smiled and didn’t answer.

Heishan Guixian was a little unhappy, this was obviously not selling his face.

But, do you want to turn around?

Qing Mian Luo Yuan is not this person’s opponent, which can be seen from Qing Mian Luo’s fear, and Qing Mian Luo is also a sixth-order ghost immortal, only a head shorter than him, otherwise he would not dare to run around alone. in hell.

Therefore, to be able to make Qing Mianluo afraid like this, this person’s strength should also be seventh-order.

– Eighth order?

That must be the height that the four generals, the four generals, and the few giants can reach, and with such strength, they will no longer be afraid of the storm of hell.

Could the man in front of him be such a giant?

Heishan Guixian didn’t believe it, he believed that Ye Yan was also in the seventh rank, so the cost of turning his face against the seventh rank would be high.

Unless Ye Yan can be killed and all the energy on the opponent’s body can be refined into Nether Orbs, how much energy will be consumed in a battle of the same rank, and I don’t know how many Nether Orbs will be absorbed to make up for it.

In order to save a little face, you have to fight and risk big losses?

Montenegro Guixian shook his head in his heart, it’s not worth it!

He smiled awkwardly and said, “Since the inmate doesn’t want to say it, then I won’t force it, please.”

He sneered secretly, the **** will periodically blow up terrible storms, even the seventh-order ghosts and immortals can’t escape this, because this is aimed at the soul!

Ghosts and immortals have no physical body, how can they fight?

Eighth grade.

Ye Yan had just entered the hell, so naturally he couldn’t know how terrible the **** storm was. He also deliberately didn’t say it. There would be a new storm in one day, and as long as Ye Yan stayed away from such a town, it would be too late to find new shelter. At that time, only the soul will be scattered.

If you don’t give me face, then you die.

——Can be thrown into hell, which one is a good man and a woman?

Seeing that Ye Yan couldn’t find out where the Netherworld Sea was, he naturally didn’t want to waste any more time here, so he had to continue searching.

Fortunately, his speed is fast enough, and his world is wide enough to cover a quarter of the star field, so it should not be difficult to find a sea.

——The Nether Sea should be an ocean.

He turned to leave, and the ghosts of the Black Mountain sneered again and again. After thinking about it, he still decided to contact the four generals, the monster, the monster, and maybe they could make a small contribution.

Just do it.

He screened back left and right, then took out a stick of incense and lit it. After a while, the smoke rose and turned into a person.

One of the four generals!

“What’s the matter?” He asked majestically, his whole body was wrapped in black qi, but the black qi was floating, revealing his true face from time to time.

Black Mountain Ghost Immortal couldn’t help but feel fear, no matter how many times he had seen it, but every time he saw it, it still made him tremble, frightened, and extremely terrified.

“There is a person who has just entered the prison to find out where the Lord of the Underworld is.” He was stunned and quickly reported, “Although the Lord of the Underworld is invincible, the subordinates still feel the need to report to the Lord.”

He didn’t take it to heart at all, and said, “If he has the ability to come to the Netherworld Sea, hehe, he will naturally know the horror of the Lord of the Underworld!”

“Don’t bother me with such trivial things in the future!”

After all, the incense extinguished itself, and his figure disappeared.

He turned around, a terrifying face immediately burst into a flattering smile: “Princess, Lord Underworld is still in retreat, I really can’t see you!”

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