Rebirth: The Return of the Great

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Force

In this world, everything is the most afraid of comparison.

It can be said that everyone was so ugly just now that they fought for the Sunfury Longbow, but Ye Yan didn’t participate at all.

The result was good, but Ye Yan was chosen directly for this third-grade magic weapon!

Even, he disliked it in every possible way. It was the magic weapon that begged like a dog and refused to forgive, which made Ye Yan really annoyed and couldn’t bear it, so he accepted it.

Nima, then what are we?

This slap in the face is so hard!

What’s so good about this kid, why did he have to choose him for a third-grade magic weapon?

Everyone can’t figure it out.

It can only be said that this magic weapon is blind.

“Ye Yan, the Sunfury Longbow is the treasure of this academy, hand it over quickly.” A teacher suddenly jumped out and shouted at Ye Yan.

He is not an ordinary teacher, but also bears the title of deputy dean.

Li Jinqi.

Behind him stood the Wu family.

The Wu family, one of the giants in Yangcheng, the seventh-rank power!

In fact, the entire Jiangnan College has long been infiltrated by various giants, and the vice presidents are all promoted by various giants. Naturally, they also have to serve each giant. The easiest thing is to select talents.

Once the target is found, immediately let the corresponding giants send an invitation, and promise heavy profits.

You must know that even if the college is dedicated to cultivating key geniuses, it is impossible for the college to do its best to cultivate. For example, Jiangnan College has almost 800 people, then the Daxia Dynasty gives 800 resources, each of which is a share, and geniuses can indeed get a little more. But at most five, and no more than ten.

But the wealthy can give twenty or even thirty copies. Can’t they dig people over?

Looking at the overall situation, the Daxia Dynasty paid more than 800 resources, while the giants only needed to pay 20 to 30. As a result, the most talented people were all robbed by the giants.

If things go on like this, how many talents can the Great Xia Dynasty gain?

That is to say, Daxia College is at the feet of the emperor, and the wealthy families dare not intervene, but other colleges cannot provide the country with truly useful talents at all, and they are just making wedding dresses for the wealthy families.

Now that the third-grade magical instrument is born, can the deputy deans and teachers who are the spokespersons of the rich and powerful family not take action?

“Yes, you are just a freshman, how can He De He Neng possess the treasures of the ancestors!”

“Hurry up and hand it over, it must be kept by the academy.”

More teachers speak, even if they are not the spokespersons of the rich and powerful, it is really inappropriate to let a freshman hold the treasure of the academy.

Ye Yan showed a playful smile, does he care about a third-grade magic weapon?

Of course not, on the contrary, he only dislikes it.

However, his dislike is his business, who is qualified to order him?

“Hand over it!” These teachers all gathered around, all of them fierce.

Hehe, are you still forcing me to pay?

Ye Yan’s expression was indifferent, but there was a murderous intent in his heart.

The emperor cannot be humiliated!

“What are you doing?” Hearing a roar, Chen Shan had already come out of the crowd, and he blocked in front of Ye Yan, “The magic weapon is psychic, you will choose your own master, what are you doing? Students rob things? Shame?”

Of course not!

That is a third-grade magic weapon!

These rich and powerful spokespersons are all sneers. Usually, they can listen to your dean on the bright side, but now they can’t.

For this Sunfury Longbow, I believe that the wealthy family behind it will spare no expense!

“President, the magic tool has just been born, maybe it’s confusing.” Li Jinqi said lightly, “It’s better to let the magic tool choose its owner again in a few days, but before that, the magic tool must be kept by the college. .”

“Not bad.” Everyone agreed.

As long as Ye Yan handed over the magic weapon, the forces behind them would definitely find a way to seize it. When the treasure was stolen, alas, the academy could only be blamed for the lack of supervision.

Chen Shan was trembling with anger. He knew that the major forces had already infiltrated the academy. That was the case when he took over the academy. It was hard to get back. The dean’s.

now what?

Open confrontation!

But what can he do, it’s completely empty.

Do it?

He is the only seventh-rank in the academy, and he can indeed be crushed. However, the dean of the academy has to rely on force to make other teachers obey him, and the word of it should not make people laugh to death, and seriously doubt his leadership ability.

Chen Shan was panting heavily, his eyes were like killing people, but none of those teachers were afraid.

Which of the forces behind them does not have a seventh-rank powerhouse?

You Chen Shan really dare to do it!

“Ignore this for now, Ye Yan, don’t hurry up and hand over the Sunfury Longbow!”

“Yes, hand it over!”

“Come on, you are a little freshman, how can He De He Neng be able to sit on a third-grade treasure!”

These teachers did not entangle with Chen Shan, but continued to intimidate Ye Yan.

Just a mere Houtian.


At this moment, the Sunfury Longbow suddenly rose into the air.

Hey, is this the magic weapon to be re-selected?

Also, how can the mere Houtian realm make the Sunfury Longbow surrender.

Choose me, choose me!

Under the ardent gaze of everyone, the Sunfury Longbow actually stretched its own string, and a stream of light appeared out of thin air on the bow, turning into an arrow of light, with a blazing tip, like a big sun.

At the point of the arrow, a teacher suddenly shivered.

The pressure was so great that it seemed like he was going to die at any moment.

call out!

The bow body trembled lightly and let out a soft moan. It was obviously not loud, but it could be heard clearly from any corner of Yangcheng.

The arrow of light is out.

Pfft, the teacher who bore the brunt had no resistance at all, and was directly shot through by the light arrow, his body immediately burned, and then instantly burned to ashes.

However, the power of the light arrow was undeniable, and it even turned a corner in the air and shot at another teacher. Pfft, that teacher was also shot through and turned into ashes. The light arrow folded again and started killing.

Pupupupu, a famous teacher was pierced by a light arrow and turned to ashes.

It was only a breath of time, those wealthy spokespersons who bullied Ye Yan actually died.

At this time, the light arrow changed and disappeared.

This is the third-grade magic weapon, and the power of a single blow is so terrifying!

In fact, this is only a trace of the power of the third-grade magic weapon.

“Master, I have used up the last bit of strength, and it will take at least ten years to recover!” The Sunfury Longbow sent a faint wave of consciousness to Ye Yan.

It was bombarded by Heavenly Punishment before, and the spiritual consciousness that it finally bred out was directly destroyed by 99%. Now it can only barely deliver a blow. Continue to use the Sunfury Longbow.

Of course, this does not mean that this third-grade magic weapon is useless, but if it is controlled by the spirit of the tool, then Ye Yan only needs to pass a thought, and the magic tool can operate on its own, otherwise it must use its own spiritual power and consciousness. to stimulate.

It was like licking a dog, afraid that Ye Yan would be dissatisfied and drive it away.

No, it must stay by the owner’s side, the breath that is infinitely close to “Tao” is of great benefit to it!

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