Rebirth: The Return of the Great

Chapter 960

Chapter 961: The Strongest Fight

Palace Master Jiuyou retreated again and again, until he retreated thousands of miles away, and then he really stabilized his figure.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

What a powerful force!

Although Ye Yan also showed strong brute force before, and could split the Immortal King to pieces with just a single collision, the Immortal Kings still had a blind faith in the Jiuyou Palace Master, believing that the power of this one would not be enough. lose.

Now the two are actually fighting each other… The result is out.

Ye Yan is stronger!

This monster, how did he cultivate this strange power?

“Come again!” Ye Yan squeezed his right hand, squeezing the Wuji Palace Master, and then kicked his feet, bursting out at an astonishing high speed, chasing towards the Jiuyou Palace Master.

Peng Peng Peng, the two strongest beings are constantly fighting each other, punching to the flesh, without any tricks.

Everyone was dazzled, even the Immortal King was no exception. They almost couldn’t catch the traces of these two people. Even the Immortal King was like this. Naturally, other people didn’t need to mention it. They could only hear the booming in the sky. The loud bang caused blood to flow out of their ears, and then the stars exploded, but they couldn’t see who was fighting and who had the upper hand.

At least half a day later, I saw two figures appearing in a strange way, as if they were conjured out of thin air, it was Ye Yan and Palace Master Jiuyou.

Ye Yan was nothing, but Palace Master Jiuyou was miserable, with multiple lacerations and blood holes on his body.

What, Palace Master Jiuyou is injured!

The immortal kings were dumbfounded. At first, even if Ye Yan burned the Dao, he only slightly injured the Jiuyou Palace Master, but now he can’t even call the Dao, but in turn beat the Jiuyou Palace Master so badly?

Who can believe it?

But the fact is that, if Ye Yan was nothing, Palace Master Jiuyou was severely injured.

Daosheng gods are different from immortal kings, and there is no way to be reborn in a single thought, and the body of Jiuyou Palace Master is tyrannical to the extreme, but his recovery from injuries is much slower than that of ordinary immortal kings.

This is because Ye Yan can’t use the Dao Principles. If he can…the Immortal Kings don’t dare to think about it.

Hugh, a bamboo pole stabbed.

Yin difference shot.

He also moved the Jiuyou Avenue, and the bamboo pole was pierced by a Ruo Li arrow.


Ye Yan punched it, and the bamboo pole immediately shattered, and the violent wind swept through it, and even blew away the evil hat, revealing his true face.


Even Ye Yan was slightly surprised, because the face of the evil man was actually a white board with no facial features!

It’s just that at the position of the eyes, there are two groups of dark rays of light flashing, which is the embodiment of Dao’s will to control his body.

The errand looked at the broken bamboo pole, and his expression fluctuated slightly.

This is not an ordinary bamboo pole, but it has been with him since he was born. It can be said that it is a part of his body, but now it was interrupted by a punch. Even under the control of Dao, he showed sadness. color.

But this expression only lasted for a moment, his eyes were full of dim light, and he shot at Ye Yan again.

He is the No. 2 figure in the underworld, and his reputation has always been suppressed by the master of Jiuyou Palace. Everyone thinks that he is just a little bit, that is, he collects ghosts all over the immortal world, but in fact, he can be transformed into billions of millions… He is the only one in the entire immortal world!

Yin Cha shot out a palm and turned into hundreds of millions of big hands, and these big hands all condensed together in an instant, turning into a very dark palm, and suppressing Ye Yan.

This blow made all Immortal Kings speechless!

It turns out… the difference is not much weaker than Palace Master Jiuyou!

Ye Yan laughed and rammed away.


Immediately, Yin Cha flew backwards.

Not to mention that he is slightly inferior to Palace Master Jiuyou, even if he is stronger than Palace Master Jiuyou, he will only be severely injured by Ye Yan.

“Go together!”

Of course, the immortals would not watch Ye Yan defeat the two strongest beings one by one, and they stepped forward to participate in the battle.

The battle was fierce.




From time to time, you can see immortal kings being kicked out and flying out of the battle group. The whole person is either torn apart, or directly exploded into blood rain, but these immortal kings immediately returned to their original state and rejoined the battle.

The battle now is who has more endurance.

In this regard, it is obviously the immortal king who takes advantage of the advantage, because the will of the Dao has participated in this battle, so it is natural to cheat and make the energy and Dao here extremely abundant, so that the immortal kings can easily get supplements and combat power. Mist.

Ye Yan?

I’m sorry, Dao’s Will will naturally isolate him and prevent him from getting any supplement.

– Dao’s will cannot control the robbery to bombard Ye Yan for no reason, but it can use such little tricks to affect the balance of the battle.

This naturally made the immortal kings full of confidence, believing that their side would win.

Ye Yan can’t be replenished, no matter how strong your strength is, it will eventually be exhausted.

At that time…you will be refined!

The battle continues, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years… and this continuous immortal war has also become the most sensational event in the immortal world. After all, this involves all the immortal kings. Who would not know or pay attention to it ?

From far and near, immortals came to watch the fun, because such a grand event has never happened before, and it may not happen again in the future.

And when the time came to 100,000 years, Ye Yan still did not show any signs of exhaustion, but Hall Master Wuji couldn’t take it anymore.

Ye Yan has been attacking him, and every time he has been beaten to pieces, it has never stopped. For him, recovering from such an injury is not a big consumption. It doesn’t matter at all in normal times. Well, that’s not enough.

But it has been smashed and reorganized for 100,000 years. Even as an Immortal King, he can’t bear such consumption. He has reached the level of exhaustion, and looking at Ye Yan’s appearance, he is at least still alive. Can last at least another hundred thousand years.

The Promise Hall Master couldn’t hold on any longer. At most half a year, he would definitely be finished.

Immortal King, do you really want to fall into a tragic death?

The Immortal King took a deep breath and his eyes were firm.

Since there is no escape from death, let’s try our best to sublimate it!

Boom, he burned the avenues in his body, and the breath emanating from his body immediately increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Ye Yan, die with this deity!” he shouted, fighting back.


Ye Yan punched down and hit him right in the face, even if he burned the avenue, what if his combat power was sublimated to the extreme, he was beaten to pieces again, and the blood of the immortal flew into the sky.

Seeing this scene, the Immortal Kings were all in awe.

The Lord of the Promise has burned the avenue, but he is still shattered by Ye Yan’s punch. How can people accept this?

In their eyes, Burning Dao is desperate, but what about putting it in front of Ye Yan?

It’s just that the movement is a little bigger, and it’s completely useless!

“Ye, Yan—” The Promise Hall Master gritted his teeth, he hated so much that he wanted to destroy this world.

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