Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 101

Chapter 101 Custom production

Liu Yulan and Qi Youcheng immediately went to the director of the Hengchang factory.

The director of the factory is Guo Dong, a man in his fifties who is about to retire. He raised his head and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Liu Yulan and Qi Youcheng looked at each other and said, “Manager Guo, we have a suggestion.”

“Suggestion? What advice?” Guo Dong asked strangely.

“Director Guo, we have a way to increase a part of our income, but it’s not accounted for.” Liu Yulan said cautiously.

When Guo Dong heard it, he understood that this could increase income, and the money would naturally enter their pockets before it was credited to the account.

Guo Dong didn’t directly express his position. He has made a lot of money over the years, and there is still one or two hundred thousand. He is about to retire now, and he doesn’t want to cause any trouble.

“If this kind of thing is found out, we will all be punished!” Guo Dong said.

Guo Dong did not refuse or agree. Instead, he stated the consequences of doing so. He wanted to see how much profit Liu Yulan and the others could make. If something went wrong, how much responsibility he would have to bear, and most importantly, The chance of a problem is very small.

Qi Youcheng understood what Guo Dong meant, and hurriedly said: “Director, this is the case. Isn’t our current rice not enough to sell? We can say that the output is not enough externally and above. In order to facilitate the arrangement of production capacity, all future rice will be pre-determined. Sold.”

“We give priority to customized products. We only need to do some tricks on the bags for customized products. For example, at Schindler Miye, we will print them a big “Da” on the bags. This kind of thing is actually easy to handle. When ordering bags, just say hello to the factory.”

“For customized bags, we charge 25 cents apiece, which means we charge an extra ten yuan for a ton of rice.”

“The two-five cents bag is not expensive. Even if you go to the factory to buy it, you still have to pay a dime, let alone a customized one.”

“At that time, we will think of a way to put the business of custom bags outside to do, it has nothing to do with our factory.”

“Even if it is checked at that time, it has little to do with us.”

Guo Dong nodded secretly as he listened, looked at Liu Yulan and Qi Youcheng for a while, and said: “Which one of you thought of this method? I don’t think you guys seem to think of such a method!”

Guo Dong knows very well that these two deputy directors of his own are thinking about making money every day. The only advantage is that there will be no baskets at work. If they had no problems with their work, Guo Dong would have thought of a way to replace them. Up.

Qi Youcheng hesitated and said, “The factory manager is a customer of ours. He wants to make a brand. Let us customize the bag for him. Then he gave us such attention.”

Guo Dong thought for a while and said, “I will meet this customer.”


Zhang Qian corrected himself and sat thinking about things. He felt that his attention would be agreed as long as the factory manager was a little greedy. Even if the factory manager did not agree, it would not affect his own affairs.

“Boss Zhang!” A voice interrupted Zhang Qianxiu’s thoughts.

Zhang Qianxiu looked back and saw that Qi Youcheng and the others had returned, and immediately stood up.

Qi Youcheng introduced: “Director, this is our customer, Zhang Qianxiu, boss Zhang.”

“Boss Zhang, this is our Director Guo.”

Zhang Qianxiu instantly understood that Guo Dong had promised nine out of ten, and smiled: “Director Guo.”

When Guo Dong saw Zhang Qianxiu so young, he was still a little surprised: “Boss Zhang is so young, a heroic boy.”

“Director Guo passed the award.” Zhang Qian said politely.

“Sit, Boss Zhang, let’s talk.” Guo Dong made a “please” gesture.

After the four of them sat down, they made a few more polite words, Guo Dong and Zhang Qianxiu were secretly observing each other.

Guo Dong had a high evaluation of Zhang Qianxiu in his heart. He was polite when speaking, humble and polite, but insisted on his own principles.

Talking about the kung fu of a cigarette, Guo Dong said: “Boss Zhang, you remind me of a sentence, the world is the softest, and the world is the strongest.”

“Director Guo passed the award, I can’t afford to say that!” Zhang Qianxiu knew that this was from the “Tao De Jing”, and he has already learned the “Tao De Jing” by now.

Guo Dong said: “This is indeed what I think of Boss Zhang! Boss Zhang is a man of great wisdom. Our factory now loses about 200,000 yuan a year. Can you help us turn it around? ?”

Both Qi Youcheng and Liu Yulan looked at Guo Dong in surprise.

Their factory lost only 200,000, which is already considered small, and the 200,000 is caused by a “bad habit” from top to bottom.

The three directors of them did not say that they would have to fish for at least 10,000 or 20,000 from the middle a year. There is a director below, and they have to fish some a year. The warehouse manager below never buys rice at home, and there are extra rice. Selling, their family does not farm, the origin of these rice is self-evident.

Factory employees sometimes stuff two handfuls of rice in their pockets when they go home.

Such things have problems from top to bottom.

As long as these things are eliminated, the loss of 200,000 will be made up immediately.

Such things are very but completely eliminated. Employees of state-owned factories cannot be fired. Many people are not afraid of management at all, because they know that even if you look down on me, you can’t kill me.

Now Guo Dong asks Zhang Qianxiu to come up with ideas. Zhang Qianxiu must understand these things. Isn’t that crazy to show these things to an outsider?

Zhang Qianxiu could think of the situation in these state-owned enterprises with his feet. He didn’t need to understand at all. After thinking about it, he said, “Director Guo, I will give you a few suggestions to modify rewards and punishments, streamline posts, control losses, and increase sources of income. This loss of 200,000 will almost be able to make up for it.”

Guo Dong was a little surprised that Zhang Qianxiu could give a solution without asking a word, and said: “Boss Zhang, we have tried this modification of reward and punishment measures, but the effect is not great.”

“This streamlining of posts is unlikely. Our factory cannot fire people. The procedures are too cumbersome, unless this person has violated the law or made a principled error.”

“Control loss, this can be tried, but we have tried it before, and the effect is not very good.”

“Increase the source of income, which is even more difficult to do. It is necessary to report to the higher level.”

Zhang Qianxiu naturally understands this and said: “The reward and punishment measures are not effective. They have not been implemented, and the state-owned factories are special. Punishment cannot be used alone. If you blindly punish them, they will be passively sabotaged.”

“In the factory, there must be some people who have become old fritters. No matter whether they are rewarded or punished, the effect will not be great. Then transfer them to those positions with a fixed workload and the work is neither easy nor tiring, as long as the work is completed. , No reward or punishment, let him go.”

“The first thing the factory has to do is to distinguish the motivated from the established old fried dough sticks, and then list the motivated people, make a reward and punishment measure, light penalties and heavy rewards, such as a ranking, the first month. Two hundred rewards, five hundred for the first quarter, first for the year, 1,000 rewards, and all the bonuses add up to only five or six thousand yuan. If they improve efficiency, they will definitely make more than that.”

“The remaining diligent employees should not be negligent. If you really work hard, everyone will be rewarded with ten and twenty yuan. Don’t give it to those who are too busy. Anyway, they will be added. The benefits, the previous salary is quite a bit of theirs.”

Guo Dong said anxiously: “Such reward and punishment measures are likely to inspire contradictions, and then the people below will make trouble!”

The income of the state-owned factories is actually the same for everyone. Everyone earns more than 100 yuan a month. Now that some people get so many rewards, some people will definitely be upset. Those thorns will make trouble, but they cannot be expelled casually. These people didn’t make any serious mistakes to expel a person. They had to arrange for someone to come down and investigate. No one was clean. If they were found on their bodies, no one would be able to escape.

Zhang Qianxiu said: “This requires you to be fair and open, record everyone’s work records, the old fried dough sticks are the ones that cause trouble, and they can’t do much work. The rewarded person has done their double or even tripled work. Once a day’s work records are done, whoever makes trouble will throw the work records off his face.”

“This work record is placed in the most conspicuous part of the factory. When many people read it, they feel that they are unreasonable. Most people will not make trouble.”

“If you make a noise, you are not afraid. You have clear rewards and punishments, and those who have won the prizes will also stand by your side.”

Guo Dong looked at Liu Yulan: “Director Liu, you are in charge of production. Do you think this is feasible?”

“Listen to what Boss Zhang said, you can try, as long as you can keep those old fried dough sticks down.” Liu Yulan couldn’t help sighing as she said, “If only those old fried dough sticks can be expelled.”

“Don’t think about it. The factory does not have 20 and there are 18 old fried dough sticks. People will definitely come to the city if they open so many.” After Guo Dong finished speaking, he asked Zhang Qianxiu, “What is the meaning of this streamlined position?”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “I went to your workshop to see that two people did the work of one person, and they were all sluggish. All positions were streamlined, and the extra people were taken to do other things.”

“It’s like using woven bags in your factory. It’s not a technical job. Your place is also wide. Leave a place to make woven bags. You use millions of woven bags every year. Save a sum of money.”

Guo Dong thought about it and turned his head to look at Qi Youcheng: “Director Qi, you have been to a woven bag factory, is it technically difficult?”

Qi Youcheng said: “The technology is not easy to look at. I see that the machine does not seem to be inferior to our rice factory. A new set of equipment is estimated to cost hundreds of thousands!”

Guo Dong pondered for a moment: “Do you think you can make money?”

“Making money will definitely make money.” Qi Youcheng said: “We are looking for a private boss. He bought a car in a year. He only does business with us and the feed factory.”

“Hengyuan Feed Factory?” Guo Dong asked.

Guo Dong pondered for a while and said, “I will go to Hengyuan Feed Factory another day.”

After speaking, Guo Dong asked Zhang Qianxiu again: “Boss Zhang, we know this control loss. What do you mean by increasing the source of income?”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Director Guo, if you make woven bags, you can naturally find customers. We use them in many places, and the products can be diversified.”

“Once it is done, there will naturally be more sources of income.”

“But what you have to pay attention to is that if this woven bag factory is really done, you must prevent and control the situation in the rice factory. Otherwise, you will only continue to open another loss-making factory.”

“And the most important point is that your rice mill is at best to maintain a state of no profit and no loss. The dual price system limits your development. If others increase prices, you still sell them at low prices. If it weren’t for your rice’s purchase price, it’s cheaper. It was from the grain station directly, so no matter how it was changed, it would definitely be a loss.”

“After a few years, when the dual price system is loosened, it will naturally make money.”

When Zhang Qianxiu gave an example of woven bags, he did not expect that the equipment for making woven bags would be so expensive. If he knew, he would definitely not make this suggestion.

However, looking at Guo Dong’s satisfaction, Zhang Qianxiu did not dissuade him. Guo Dong had been the factory director for so many years, and he must have weighed it in his heart.

Guo Dong felt that Zhang Qianxiu had great wisdom at this time, so he laughed and said, “Boss Zhang, after listening to your words, Masai suddenly opened up. I will ponder this matter. You will buy rice in the future. Come to our side and take care of that! That customization I also agree to the branded bag, and I assure you that we will not provide branded packaging services to other customers within this year. If someone requests it tomorrow, we may agree to it.”

Zhang Qianxiu understands that Guo Dong is helping himself. If he builds his own brand and others follow suit, it will be much more difficult.

If Guo Dong is blocked, there will be fewer people who can compete. There are still a few large wholesalers, and even have their own rice processing plants, who are able to change the packaging bags by themselves.

In any case, Guo Dong gave him a face. Zhang Qianxiu said with a smile, “Thank you, Director Guo.”

Guo Dong waved his hand indifferently: “These are all trivial things! If I have the opportunity in the future, I would like to cooperate more with Boss Zhang.”


Guo Dong has already spoken, and the next thing is much simpler. Zhang Qianxiu will calculate it at six hundred and one ton from now on, and Qi Youcheng will give him another custom bag separately.

Zhang Qianxiu made a simple design on the spot. In fact, he put the three words “rice fragrant rice” in the most eye-catching place, and at the bottom wrote “Hengchang Factory OEM”.

Zhang Qianxiu doesn’t make too complicated designs, and he is afraid that the current craftsmanship will not be able to make it. He just needs to sell the brand “Daoxiangmi”.

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