Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 191

Chapter 191 A request

In the next few days, Zhang Qianxiu was so busy that he would invite the official leaders of the county to have dinner and discuss the lottery. He also had to wait for a letter from the city. Because of the handover procedures, the three factories would transfer. Come here, the procedures are still very troublesome.

Still have time to post a recruitment notice, Zhang Qianxiu wants to hire a few managers, and then help himself manage the canning factory and the biscuit factory.

Every time after finishing the work of the day, as long as it is still dark, Zhang Qianxiu has to go to Shangling Village to see He Daoxun and Ji Yinyao.

On the 13th of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the first day of October, National Day, is a holiday.

Zhang Qianxiu Zhang Qianxiu received a call from Hengchang Rice Factory Qi Youcheng, hoping that Zhang Qianxiu would come by.

Since the last time I had dinner with Qi Youcheng, Qi Youcheng has not talked about woven bags because their new workshop is still under construction.

Zhang Qianxiu never spoke.

A few days ago, the woven bag production line of the Hengchang factory had undergone trial production and was about to be mass-produced. Zhang Qianxiu knew this very well.

After receiving Qi Youcheng’s call, Zhang Qianxiu did not refuse, so he hurried to the city that same day, and was able to buy a batch of rice by the way.

When I arrived at the Hengchang Rice Factory, because it was National Day today, the official workers in the rice factory were on holiday, and only some temporary workers were working.

Zhang Qianxiu went to Qi Youcheng’s office in the office building.

Qi Youcheng didn’t have to go to work today. He wanted to talk to Zhang Qianxiu about the order, so he came to work specially.

“Boss Zhang, I’m really embarrassed, but I will trouble you to run again.” Qi Youcheng said with a smile on his face.

Zhang Qianxiu also said politely: “Director Qi, I’m all by the way, there is no trouble.”

“Sit! Boss Zhang’s business is not bad recently? I heard, how many state-owned factories have you bought?” Qi Youcheng asked tentatively.

The state-owned factories are all under the supervision of a department. Qi Youcheng knows a little bit of trouble. Not to mention that Zhang Qianxiu has acquired three state-owned factories this time, which represents an attitude towards state-owned factories. Discuss, if the state-owned factories are transformed into private companies, what will they do with these managements?

If you stay and follow the private owner, it will not be an iron job.

If the government is allowed to arrange employment, there will be two or three high-level workers in a factory, and ten or twenty more. The total number of people in the whole city will be a few hundred people. The employment of so many people is not easy to arrange!

Therefore, this has also led to many high-level state-owned factories that are not profitable and are in a state of loss, and they are very worried.

Zhang Qianxiu smiled softly and said, “The news of Director Qi is really well-known! I’m just a little mess, and there are no one hundred employees in the two factories.”

Zhang Qianxiu is really not modest. The official employees of Dongtai Cannery and Wanhui Biscuit Factory have only about 30 regular workers, and the two have 50 or 60 temporary workers, but regular workers basically don’t work. Yes, it’s the same as the furnishings.

Do not! The furnishings are still pleasing to the eye, and Zhang Qianxiu finds the formal workers an eyesore.

Qi Youcheng didn’t think so. In his opinion, Zhang Qianxiu came in to stir the muddy water.

“Boss Zhang, don’t you know that after you took over the three companies, it made us people feel sweaty!” Qi Youcheng sighed and said, “Many people are saying that if you succeed, you will lose the factory. It may have to start privatization or reform.”

Zhang Qianxiu was not surprised by this result. Even if the three factories were not taken over by him, it would be a matter of time before the government started to deal with state-owned enterprises.

“Director Qi, even if the government wants to move a state-owned factory, it will not move your Hengchang Rice Factory. You are the largest rice factory in our city.” Zhang Qianxiu wanted to talk about this without thinking about it, and then asked: “Director Qi , Your woven bag production line should be able to produce normally, right?”

Qi Youcheng is also a discerning person. He saw that Zhang Qianxiu wanted to talk about this issue without wanting to go on, and started to talk about the topic: “Boss Zhang, when I ate last time, how did you think about the issues that you asked you? ?”

Zhang Qianxiu has already thought about this issue long ago and said: “I can place an order, but if Director Qi can be promoted, I hope Director Qi can do me a little favor in the future.”

“Boss Zhang, what is it busy?” Qi Youcheng became vigilant in an instant.

Although Zhang Qianxiu said he was a little busy, no one would foolishly think it was really a little busy.

Zhang Qianxiu said, “Currently, the Hengchang Rice Factory only has local rice. I may need rice from other places in the future. Your factory can help me process it.”

Qi Youcheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled bitterly, and said, “Boss Zhang, our factory is too busy, so how can there be time to process it for you!”

Zhang Qianxiu thought about it a long time ago: “Your factory is a long day shift, and there is no night shift.”

Qi Youcheng didn’t speak, but he immediately understood Zhang Qianxiu’s thoughts: “Boss Zhang, do you want to use the evening time to process it for you?”

Zhang Qianxiu took out a cigarette, handed it to Qi Youcheng, and said, “Director Qi, the regular employees of your factory do not actually do much work. Temporary workers can take their jobs instead.”

“In the future, I will produce rice from other places, and I will bear the salary and water and electricity costs. I will give the director Qi the share of it for one night.”

Qi Youcheng was silent for a moment.

Although Zhang Qian repaired his wages and utility bills, the machinery was also depleted.

But in the middle, one of the greatest benefits to Qi Youcheng is that he can make a fortune.

This sum of money, as long as Zhang Qianxiu doesn’t say it, no one will find it.

“Boss Zhang, this…Yes! But give me a little more profit and process it for you. I don’t count the wear and tear of the machine, but there is no profit at all. If someone finds it out, this is not justified.” Qi Youcheng said.

“Okay! But I can’t give too much profit.” Zhang Qianxiu said.

“This is no problem, just a little bit.” Qi Youcheng made a decision and immediately became generous.

Zhang Qianxiu smiled and stretched out his hand: “Director Qi, I wish us a happy cooperation.”

“Happy cooperation!” Qi Youcheng smiled and stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Zhang Qianxiu.

Zhang Qianxiu’s promise to help Qi Youcheng “check orders” is actually a helpless move.

Those three state-owned factories will be able to take over after the Mid-Autumn Festival, but Zhang Qianxiu is not very optimistic about their development prospects.

Dongtai Cannery still has good sales now, because people nowadays don’t have much choice.

Nowadays, many people like to eat canned food. Sometimes gifts are also canned food. Now canned food is one of the most popular products among all non-staple foods, even surpassing non-staple foods such as sugar and biscuits.

But after a few years, the products on the market will become more abundant, and the canned food will fall from the altar.

On the contrary, things like sugar and biscuits have always been more popular.

The cannery has been doing well in the past few years. In the long run, it has no prospects. It is not as good as the biscuit factory.

As for the Wanhui Biscuit Factory, Zhang Qianxiu is actually not very optimistic. It is not that there is no prospect, but the pressure of competition is too great. Biscuits are like clothes. No single company can form a monopoly.

Everyone has different tastes for biscuits, and it is easy for others to produce similar products. Although there are still many people who buy biscuits in the future, the competition is too great to form technical barriers.

In the printing industry, Zhang Qianxiu thinks that it should develop better and better in the future, but it is only a small industry. Because mobile phones are popularized in the future, the demand for physical books will be much smaller.

However, color boxes can be made in the future, and all kinds of exquisite boxes for later generations are not available now.

As for rice, Zhang Qianxiu feels that this is just a need, and there are not many people doing it now. You can try to make a wave of money. Moreover, he barely has some experience and contacts in this area, which is much better than other industries. .

After careful consideration, Zhang Qianxiu decided that even with those three factories, rice would be the core, and the rest would just make money by the way.

If you don’t make money, Zhang Qianxiu has also set a stop loss line. As long as you lose so much money, it doesn’t matter. The big deal is to let the government take the factory back.

Back to the subject.

After Zhang Qianxiu and Qi Youcheng had a good talk, Qi Youcheng became enthusiastic. From now on, Zhang Qianxiu will be his God of Wealth, and it is the key to whether he can successfully turn from deputy to positive.

“Boss Zhang, how many meters do you want this time?” Qi Youcheng asked with a smile.

According to the usual two calculations, one month is ten tons, and every time you come to pull it is one or two tons, two or three tons.

This time Qi Youcheng asked. Zhang Qianxiu knew that Qi Youcheng was intentionally showing good things to him, so he said, “Look at how many cars you can find! It’s okay to pull some back, lest you keep running.”

In the past, the people who contacted the car were Qi Youcheng. The old rule was one or two small trucks with a load of about two tons.

Zhang Qianxiu said that it depends on how many cars can be contacted. Naturally, it depends on how much Qi Youcheng is willing to give.

“It just happens that the factory has goods in these two days, so I will pull ten tons first, and I will try to arrange more for Boss Zhang every month.” Qi Youcheng said.

Zhang Qianxiu was still very satisfied with Qi Youcheng’s point, and he immediately smiled: “Thank you very much, Director Qi, then.”

Although these are polite words, they still have to be said.

“I should be grateful to Mr. Zhang, if it weren’t for your generous help, our woven bag production line orders are all worried!” Qi Youcheng said.

Everyone carried the sedan chair, and both of them knew that this was just a deal. Although there are no outsiders here, they still have to say something polite.

Sometimes people are like this!

Qi Youcheng promised to give ten tons of rice and immediately went to help contact the car.

This time, the truck to pull the goods is slightly larger, and one can pull five tons.

Thinking that your finances did not go to work, the account was not settled. After the rice was loaded into the truck, Zhang Qianxiu and Qi Youcheng said hello, drove ahead and drove straight back to the county.

When we returned to the county town, it was getting late, and Huang Enquan had already gone back. Liu Biao and Hu Jinsong were guarding the shop with a few rice-delivery workers.

Now there are three workers who help deliver rice, and the unloading is indeed much faster.

Ten tons of rice is a lot to talk about, but a pack of fifty catties, a total of only four hundred packs, even if the pile is not too high, ten square meters will be piled.

However, the store is only a few dozen square meters smaller, leaving a place to walk, and a place to put the rice collected from the market, etc., there is not much room to put down the ten tons of rice.

Seeing so many meters, Hu Jinsong couldn’t help but sighed and said, “Small repair! Your business is getting bigger and bigger.”

Liu Biao also said: “Our store has never been so full before.”

Zhang Qianxiu didn’t think there was much of this: “This is not too much. We will try our best to rent a warehouse to store rice before the end of the year.”

Liu Biao asked, “Boss Zhang, if you do wholesale, you can’t just be our county seat, right?”

Zhang Qianxiu planned long ago that he planned to open TJ County first, and then go to Zuoming County, with these two places as backing, and then go to the city to grab business.

At present, the major wholesalers in the city basically have their own small processing plants, and their strength should not be underestimated.

If you rush to develop in the city, I am afraid you will be beaten horribly.

Zhang Qianxiu said: “We will do a good job in the county first, and when the county is done well, we will consider developing other county towns. After we have a firm foothold, we will develop in the city.”

Hu Jinsong heard it on the side, secretly envying, but Zhang Qianxiu was his nephew, and at the same time he was envious, he was also secretly happy, and couldn’t help but worry that Zhang Qianxiu was developing too fast, so don’t go wrong.

Hu Jinsong originally wanted to persuade him to say something, but thought that Zhang Qianxiu was a thousand times better in business than himself, so he held back.

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