Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 208

Chapter 208 Staff dissatisfied

Zhang Qianxiu looked at Song Tieshan and asked, “Who told you that if I took your factory, you would have no food to eat?”

Song Tieshan hesitated and said, “Don’t worry about who said it, I will ask you, why do you accept our factory.”

Zhang Qianxiu said with a smile: “First of all, this factory is not owned by yours, but by the country. It is now sold to me. Secondly, I accepted the factory, which is regulated by the government. I can’t just fire your original employees.”

Song Tieshan was stunned for a moment: “Can’t you be expelled?”

“Right!” Zhang Qianxiu smiled and nodded: “You can’t be expelled casually, otherwise, the state will take back the factory.”

Song Tieshan was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled: “That’s pretty good too!”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Yes! As long as you work diligently here, I will give you a salary increase.”

“Really?” Song Tieshan was overjoyed immediately.

Pang Zhiye behind him cast a sideways glance at Song Tieshan, obviously a little unhappy, but did not speak.

Zhang Qianxiu said seriously: “Of course it is true, are you a full-time employee?”

“Yes!” Song Tieshan said, “Will you give me a salary increase?”

“It depends on the situation, but you can definitely continue to do it.” Zhang Qianxiu said: “For those who are unwilling to work honestly, I may be fired.”

Zhang Qianxiu really didn’t plan to expel Song Tieshan. People like Song Tieshan are very well managed, as long as they work for him, and Zhang Qianxiu has a limited number of people expelled and will not waste it on Song Tieshan.

Song Tieshan heard Zhang Qianxiu’s words and immediately said, “As long as you don’t fire me.”

However, Zhang Qianxiu’s remarks aroused dissatisfaction among many regular employees. Song Tieshan’s silly and honest work is also easy to be fooled by others, but other regular employees are not so diligent, all of them are sneaky and slippery. Generation.

“The surname is Zhang, you speak nicely, you are not going to fire our old employees by then.” A formal employee who was standing in the corner watching the excitement stood up.

One person came up, and the rest of the people followed up and booed: “Yes! Don’t you want to buy this factory, get out of us.”

“Get out!”

The official employees of the state-owned factory knew very well in their hearts that they felt that Zhang Qianxiu would definitely not keep them as long as they lived in troubled waters before.

Since you can’t keep your job, are you still afraid of trouble?

After the trouble, maybe Zhang Qianxiu’s acquisition fails, and they can continue to mess around.

As for the other temporary workers, they don’t dare to follow along. They even count on Zhang Qianxiu’s purchase of the factory, so that they can become regulars, and they don’t have to worry about the risk of being fired at any time.

Fortunately, there are not many formal employees in this workshop, only a dozen.

A dozen people gathered around, all looking at Zhang Qianxiu with indignation, as if they were about to eat Zhang Qianxiu.

Zhang Qianxiu took a look at these people. When he came, none of these people were working. They were all sitting in the corner smoking or chatting.

“Do you think if I don’t buy this factory, you can do it for a long time?” Zhang Qianxiu asked rhetorically.

“This is the state-run, why can’t we do it? We can keep doing it.” someone shouted.

Zhang Qianxiu sneered: “Wanhui Biscuit Factory has suffered such a serious loss, and the government has to give you a lot of money every year to make up for the shortfall.”

“You can afford a factory like this in a country, but look at the state-owned factories now. How many make money? No matter how rich the country is, it will not be able to withstand your losses. Sooner or later, these factories will be shut down or sold. Drop.”

“I accepted your factory, but it’s not the first one. There have been reports in the newspapers that state-owned factories have been transferred to private factories. It’s just that our city has not yet appeared, but it will happen sooner or later.”

Those regular employees know the situation in the factory very well, but they can only see the immediate benefits. Even if they do not pay wages for two or three months, they can steal some cakes from the factory and sell them, and they can still make ends meet.

Moreover, they believe that sooner or later wages will be paid.

For them, going to work is actually playing, and they can’t find such a good thing outside.

In order to protect their own interests, they are naturally unwilling to make concessions.

“Don’t you say that you want to take over our factory?” A formal employee shouted: “Don’t be fooled by him. As long as we work together, the government will not buy the factory. This factory is still us. of.”

“Yes, don’t be fooled by him, this factory won’t sell to him.”

Zhang Qianxiu looked at these employees. These people really regarded the factory as their own. He sneered and said, “Do you really think the government will listen to you?”

“Those factory directors are afraid of you making trouble, I am not afraid of you making trouble. If you have the ability to make trouble, you can count on your ability. If you can’t make trouble, this factory will still be mine in the future. I have some ways to rectify you. , Do you believe it or not?”

Zhang Qianxiu’s words were not polite, which immediately aroused the anger of many people.

But there were also a few clear-headed people who realized that Zhang Qianxiu’s words were true, not a joke.

In the past, the factory director was afraid that they would make trouble. It was because if they made trouble, the director was likely to be demoted or transferred. Officials would think that the director did not manage the factory and be punished.

But now, the official wants to sell their factory, just want to get rid of their burden, the official will not still be on their side, it is likely to be on Zhang Qianxiu’s side.

A few employees who could see the form quietly stepped back, standing behind and watching the situation, ready to sit on the wall, whichever side is advantageous, they will stand on the other side.

But the others, at this time, were full of anger, as if they were about to eat Zhang Qianxiu.

“Do you really think you can cover the sky with one hand? Everyone is a big deal, and we smashed everything here.” The angry formal workers shouted.


“Yes, if the official is going to sell it to you, we will smash it all, the big deal will be broken.”

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: “Okay! Smash it!”

Zhang Qianxiu is really not afraid of them. The biscuit factory does not have any equipment. In Zhang Qianxiu’s view, these things are not worth a few dollars.

After it was smashed, there was just an excuse to go to the official leader to complain: you see, the leader, those employees are just unsophisticated people! I smashed all the equipment in the factory. I really want to build that factory, but the funds in my hand are not enough. Would you give me an interest-free loan?

Zhang Qianxiu’s acquisition of the factory was originally something that local officials paid more attention to. The factory’s equipment was smashed. Zhang Qianxiu himself was a victim. The official leaders would definitely help Zhang Qianxiu.

Those regular employees were so excited by Zhang Qianxiu. Seeing Zhang Qianxiu’s eyes, all of them seemed to have seen killing their fathers and enemies.

“The surname is Zhang, I will kill you first.” A tall employee jumped out and rushed towards Zhang Qianxiu.

Zhang Qianxiu is really not afraid of fighting now. Although Ge Qingshan hasn’t taught him a trick or a trick, he has fought two lives, and he doesn’t have the tension and fear of fighting, but is rather indifferent.

“You hit me, you must be officially expelled. The ones who benefited are those behind you.” Zhang Qianxiu looked at the opponent’s fists getting closer.

The opponent is not a master of martial arts and can’t retract and release freely, but this punch has failed. Zhang Qianxiu just stepped aside.

The brawny man did not continue to act on Zhang Qianxiu, because Zhang Qianxiu was telling the truth. He did it alone and would definitely be expelled.

The beneficiaries are others.

Unless other people follow him, the official will not be fine at that time, at least they will not be expelled all at once.

Zhang Qianxiu saw what the brawny man was thinking, and said to the people behind him: “You can also do it together, but there are a total of forty or fifty people in your factory, and there are only more than ten in your workshop, and there are a few people who dare not do it. .”

“You can do it with about ten people at most. If you hit me, not to mention expelling all ten of you, the first three or five of you will be expelled.”

“I have a good memory, there is no problem remembering three or five people.”

Zhang Qianxiu’s words really frightened these people.

Whoever does it first will definitely be unlucky first.

And these people don’t want to fight Zhang Qianxiu, but don’t want Zhang Qianxiu to buy the factory, so that they can continue to ensure that they can live a happy life and get something out of the factory.

Now a dozen people are very upset with Zhang Qianxiu, but they dare not do anything.

These people are not young teenagers, and they don’t care about so many when they get excited. These people are adults in their 20s and 30s, and some have children. They have a lot of scruples in doing things, and no one wants to make a strong point.

Even the brawny man who had dealt with Zhang Qianxiu before was unwilling to lose this job.

Pang Zhiye has been standing behind, but he feels cold behind him. He has known that the employees below are dissatisfied, but he has never meant to stop him. He is about to be transferred to work. The position is not promoted, but is downgraded. So he has a lot of opinions on Zhang Qianxiu. .

Leading Zhang Qianxiu in was to make Zhang Qianxiu suffer a little bit. He didn’t expect that Zhang Qianxiu’s few words would calm down these normally inexperienced employees.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Zhang Qianxiu nodded in satisfaction, and said, “I’m not afraid to tell you the truth. Most of you here are not to my eyes. I eat and die in the factory every day. With my temper, I can’t wait to get rid of them all.”

“But the government forbids me to expel all of them, and only gives me a part of the quota. As for who to expel, I can decide on my own.”

“The official treats you with all the benevolence and righteousness. You don’t need to expect the official to be on your side. I am not an unreasonable person. As long as you are willing to work diligently, I will not let you suffer.”

Zhang Qianxiu paused and said, “If you want to continue working here, whether you find a place to work or play, I don’t care about you. Those who want to fight with me can do it now.”

After Zhang Qianxiu finished speaking, he looked at everyone coldly.

Song Tieshan is the first one to leave. He doesn’t care what these people think. His request is simple, as long as he has a job.

There were a few vacillating ones. Seeing that Song Tieshan was taking the lead, they followed along and found a station to pretend.

There are still eight or nine people looking at each other. They are the main cause of the trouble.

Zhang Qianxiu remembered all these people one by one. It is impossible for all of these people to be expelled, but whoever dared to jump too hard would not keep them.

“If you don’t want to go to work, just go out and smoke a cigarette to calm down!” Zhang Qianxiu said.

This is to find them a step down, and they can go out to smoke during work time!

Several people hesitated, and one of them said sternly: “Go, go out and smoke!”

When someone yelled, several people all followed out of the workshop and went to smoke.

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