Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 Big Four Grain Merchants

On the way home, Su Yuwei asked: “What did you promote Bai Yongan so easily?”

Zhang Qianxiu said indifferently: “Looking pleasingly, you nodded again, that means his ability is not bad, now there is a shortage of people everywhere, so let him come up.”

“If you can’t tell a person in one day, it’s better to be careful when using people.” Su Yuwei said.

Zhang Qianxiu agrees with Su Yuwei’s words: “I can’t see a person clearly, but we don’t have so much time to observe slowly now!”

“That can’t be promoted like you do! The specific situation has not been fully understood yet.” Su Yuwei said.

Zhang Qianxiulue felt a little surprised: “Daughter-in-law, you seem to have a lot of management experience.”

“I don’t have management experience. This is the most basic principle. If you want to use people, you must understand them to a certain extent, otherwise you will cause more trouble in the future.” Su Yuwei said this, and suddenly stopped and turned to Said: “I can see that you actually don’t care about this cannery and that biscuit factory.”

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: “I don’t care much.”

Zhang Qianxiu cares about the business of selling rice, so he dare not use people casually. He doesn’t care about the cannery and the biscuit factory. The requirements for these two factories are very low, as long as they don’t owe money. As for the management to be messy, he actually doesn’t care very much. .

Su Yuwei said: “I read the reports of the cannery’s orders, profits, and materials today. The profit is very high, and it makes more money than you sell rice.”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “This thing will not last long. In the long run, the canned food market will definitely shrink.”

“Now everyone likes to eat canned food, one is because you can’t afford to eat too good fruits and the like, and the other is because the taste of canned food is relatively sweet and it tastes okay.”

“Nowadays, canned fruits are the best sellers. When everyone’s financial ability becomes stronger and they have money in their hands and can afford to eat fruits, the sales of that canned food will be greatly reduced.”

Su Yuwei pondered for a while, and said: “Even if what you said is true, this is a process. This process will take at least ten years. In other words, within ten years, as long as you manage the factory well, you can still make money. of.”

“It’s not funny, the rice business or the canned business of the same scale, which one do you think makes more money?”

Zhang Qianxiu fell into deep thought for a while, and he was really tangled, because Su Yuwei was right.

There is definitely a market for canned food within ten years. Even in 2000, everyone’s living standards will be average, and the demand for canned food is still very large.

It seems that it is necessary to re-plan, Zhang Qianxiu sighed and said: “It seems that you still have to discuss anything with others. Everyone considers things from a different perspective.”

Su Yuwei said: “In fact, there are advantages and disadvantages to this. The grain business is just needed. It is needed at all times. Unless something can replace grain, no matter what, it is impossible to shake the status of grain.”

“If one day science and technology can be made out of nothing, some raw materials can be used to produce what we eat, without the need for farmers to plant it, but science and technology will develop to the point where it is estimated that we will not see it in our lifetime.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Qianxiu suddenly thought of several companies, namely the famous ABCD, four companies in later generations.

These four major grain merchants control 80% of the world’s grain trade, and they can even use grain to defeat a country.

After the food incident in Mexico, these four companies made great efforts, which eventually led to the collapse of all of Mexico’s agriculture.

At that time, the United States and Mexico signed a grain import and export agreement, and the United States exports a certain amount of grain to Mexico every year.

Because the cost of corn production in the United States is very low, the price sold to Mexico is almost equal to the cost of its own planting in Mexico.

This is good. The selling price in the United States is basically the same as the cost of planting by farmers in Mexico. Farmers in Mexico are basically going to die, and they can’t be sold. When the gods don’t save face, the cost of planting corn is okay. Buy more corn.

Originally, the Mexican government also took this issue into consideration and imposed a restriction that only a fixed amount can be imported each year. However, merchants are profitable and import large quantities through various means, which greatly exceeds the limit of Mexico. The peasants in the West have finished their calves.

And these operations have the shadow of the four major grain merchants in it.

Subsequently, the four major grain merchants sold seeds to Mexico, saying it was a high yield.

These seeds are indeed high-yield, but if people in Mexico want seeds, they must go to them to buy seeds and supporting pesticides. These seeds cannot be kept for seeding. If you save a little for each harvest for next year, the final yield will be lower and lower. , These seeds are disposable and must be bought every year.

This has also become the last straw that overwhelms Mexico’s agriculture. If a country’s agriculture is destroyed, it will basically be half done.

Farmers in Mexico can’t grow corn, so in order to make a living, they can only help the gang to seed hemp and poppy. They have not been relieved.

Zhang Qianxiu had some illusions in his mind as to whether he could achieve the status of the four major grain merchants.

But this idea just passed by. Those four companies are all century-old companies. Many countries have no choice but to do this. They want to achieve this point. Some idiots are dreaming.

Su Yuwei saw that Zhang Qianxiu hadn’t spoken anymore, and asked in confusion, “What are you thinking about?”

Zhang Qianxiu did not conceal: “Do you know the four major grain merchants?”

Su Yuwei shook her head: “I don’t know!”

Zhang Qianxiu explained: “The combination of the first word of the English names of the four companies is ABCD. These four companies are ADM, Bunge, Cargill, and Louis Dreyfus. They control 80% of the world’s In food trading, many countries in the world cannot be self-sufficient in their food and must be imported. From a certain perspective, these four companies control the food lifeline of many countries.”

“They almost control the price of food in the world. Of course, there are some countries that they can’t control. For example, we, the Soviet Union and the DPRK are not easy to control because of national conditions, but they are relatively open countries. I really dare not offend them at will.”

“I was just thinking about whether we can make it so big, but this seems to be a bit of a fantasy.”

Zhang Qianxiu is now just a small rice store, and the wholesale has not yet been opened. If you want to compare it with the four major grain merchants that control 80% of the world, that is simply a difference.

Su Yuwei asked: “You said it is difficult to make chips, or is it difficult to become the fifth largest grain merchant?”

This is really hard to compare. Zhang Qianxiu thought about it and said, “From a technical point of view, chips are difficult, and from a monopoly point of view, it is estimated that grain merchants are even more difficult.”

“Food is not just a matter of buying and selling food. It is necessary to control the production of food to a certain extent, which is equivalent to indirectly or directly controlling a wide area of ​​land.”

Su Yuwei said: “Since the difficulty is comparable, what are you afraid of? You said before that if you do not succeed, there will only be two results. One is that the company goes bankrupt, but you have enough money and you have nothing to worry about. It is the debt that has reached an astronomical figure, and it may not be able to pay for it in a lifetime.

“Whether you want to try or not, your results will be three, one is success, and the other is the two situations just mentioned after failure. Why don’t you try?”

Zhang Qianxiu really talked about this issue when chatting with Su Yuwei.

If he is really successful and made the best chip in the world, then it goes without saying.

If it fails, he will handle so much money and leave a little bit of it. It will be enough for food and clothing, just like the pile of red sandalwood and huanghuali wood at the door. People can live a lifetime without worry.

Either Zhang Qianxiu was not reconciled and put all his wealth on the ground, and still owed accounts. This is not impossible.

Being an ordinary person who doesn’t owe much and doesn’t have much savings, Zhang Qianxiu thinks he will definitely not be like this in his life.

Zhang Qianxiu felt that Su Yuwei made sense: “If I fail and owe a lot of money, will you be afraid?”

Su Yuwei chuckled and said, “Do you think I would care about those things?”

Zhang Qianxiu and Su Yuwei glanced at each other and said with a smile: “If you have a wife like this, what can your husband ask for!”

Su Yuwei glared at Zhang Qianxiu: “I didn’t promise you anything.”

Zhang Qianxiu laughed loudly: “I took your answer as a promise, but you can rest assured that if I really get to the worst point, I will definitely give you a large sum of money first, and then divorce you.”

“If I want to go to jail, you will raise our children well; if I don’t have to go to jail, then the money in your hand will be enough for us to go for a lifetime.”

“If I really get there, I would rather die than let go for a name,” Su Yuwei said.

Zhang Qianxiu looked at Su Yuwei in surprise: “Don’t you think the method I just said is the most sensible?”

In Zhang Qianxiu’s view, Su Yuwei is a very sensible person, even after chasing him, this process is tossed by her sensibility to the point that there is no romantic atmosphere.

Su Yuwei said, “If the moon is as bright as the end of the moon, the ice and snow will be hot.”

Zhang Qianxiu smiled and said, “Are you confession? I can accept it!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m just telling you, if you really choose, these worldly difficulties are actually nothing to be afraid of.” Su Yuwei said and added: “At least I think so now.”

Zhang Qianxiu sighed again: “If you can get this wife, how can your husband ask for anything!”

Su Yuwei smiled: “Then what do you want from your husband!”

“By the way, we have to buy pots. We don’t have any pots and pans at home. How do you cook?”

“Just go to Haolaixuan, I bought it along the way when I went back,” Zhang Qianxiu said.

“up to you!”

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