Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Earn your own life

Zhang Qianxiu took a deep breath, not wanting to argue with his father: “Dad, I just…”

Zhang Aibing didn’t wait for his son to finish, turned his head and glared, and said angrily: “What are you just? You just take your old man’s words as fart? You just treat our kindness as donkey liver and lungs? You really think you have made a little money and you are a capable man. Can you do big business and open a shop?”

Zhang Lanmei hurriedly persuaded: “Dad, my brother still has injuries, he is still young, and he hasn’t eaten dinner yet, so don’t worry about him.”

Zhang Aibing turned his head and glared at Zhang Lanmei: “You don’t want to marry, you just look forward to your brother earning 800 yuan. Will you divorce at that time?”

“You know about your marriage, and that man will want you? All those who can want you are crooked melons and cracked dates. I eat more rice than you eat. I can do this. Unexpectedly? Is this marriage retired at will?”

This is the case in the countryside now, not to mention that it has reached the stage of marriage. Even if two men and women are in love, it will be difficult for this woman to find her husband’s family.

Speaking of her sister’s marriage, Zhang Qianxiu felt angry and displeased, and said, “Dad, that Han Changsheng is not crooked melons? Even if my sister finds one at random, it is better than him!”

In Zhang Qianxiu’s view, although Zhang Jiankang is also a bit stupid, Zhang Jiankang has good nature, is hardworking, and has filial piety, which is better than many people with normal IQ.

What is that Han Changsheng? See who is not pleasing to the eye and can start beating people, such a person can marry?

Seeing his son back, Zhang Aibing’s anger grew stronger: “They are rich in the Han family, and your sister married her. Even if she was a cow and a horse, she would be a golden nest and a silver nest when she slept. Families who can’t afford three catties of rice are stronger.”

“A fallacy!” Zhang Qianxiu evaluated his father’s thoughts in two words, then pulled a chair from the side and sat down, standing with knee pain.

“What do you mean by that? Talk to Laozi!” Zhang Aibing hadn’t read any books and didn’t know what “fallibility” meant, but he knew in his heart that his son must be refuting himself.

Zhang Qianxiu took out his cigarette and lit a cigarette: “Dad, what you said is absurd. What age is it? We can earn ourselves if we don’t have money, and we can leave if we don’t live well. Women may not be worse than men, whoever says they must be women. Rely on men? Who says that women must rely on marrying a good in-law? Women can also rely on themselves!”

Zhang Aibing watched his son smoking, but also contradicted himself, grabbing the stool and hitting him.

Watching Hu Jin’e from the side, he hurriedly rushed up and held the stool: “Zhang Aibing, what are you doing? My son still has injuries.”

Zhang Lanmei hurriedly stood in front of her younger brother. When she heard what the younger brother had just said, her heart of resignation seemed to ignite a trace of hope.

Zhang Aibing wanted to seize the stool, but Hu Jin’e was also a woman doing farm work. He was holding the stool so hard that he couldn’t seize it at once, and cursed in annoyance: “You melon lady, let me loose it. Today I will kill you. This little bastard. I didn’t think I had this son. He really thought he could do it, and he just got divorced after opening his mouth. How old is he? Knowing the world of a fart, if his sister makes some ugly things in the future, he taught him. .”

Zhang Lanmei hurriedly shouted: “Dad, I won’t divorce. I’m married to Han Changsheng. Don’t make trouble with your brother.”

“Should I make trouble for him?” Zhang Aibing sneered, “How can I make trouble for him! He is Monkey Monkey, he can go to heaven.”

Zhang Qianxiu stood up and said, “I will go to someone else’s house for one night!”

After speaking, Zhang Qianxiu walked outside, and stayed again. His father would definitely make a fuss until midnight, and he made no sense to his father.

“Don’t come back if you leave.” Zhang Aibing shouted.

Seeing the trouble at home, Hu Jin’e cried anxiously: “Oh, hello…you father and son, can you stop a little bit! Make a good home, and give you what it is like.”

Zhang Aibing glared at his daughter-in-law: “Why are you crying? What is there to cry? Let him go, don’t think of coming back after you leave.”

Zhang Qianxiu left without looking back. Zhang Lanmei chased it out and said, “Brother, don’t be angry with Dad in the future. You didn’t come back the day before yesterday. He talked about it all day, and he went to find you.”

Zhang Qianxiu knew that his father still cared about himself, but in terms of concepts, there was a big difference between the two.

As for the two matters of sister and business, Zhang Qianxiu couldn’t make any concessions. His father’s die-hards didn’t make any concessions, so it became like this.

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: “Sister, I know, I didn’t blame my father, but I still said the same thing about you, you can’t marry Han Changsheng.”

Zhang Lanmei was silent for a moment, and said, “I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, and I barely knew a few words. The farthest place I have been to is the county seat, and I can only do farm work. My sister is uneducated and incompetent. How can I not find a good wife? Although Han Changsheng is stupid, it is true that his family’s conditions are good. They will not be short of food and clothing after they go. They are better than those of poor families, and they won’t be too bad when they want to come.”

Before Zhang Lanmei said this, she was still thinking about Zhang Qianxiu’s remarks that “women can rely on themselves”. This is what she yearns for, but it takes a lot of courage to act for it. She is still Without this courage, if her brother hadn’t been making trouble, she might have been completely stifled by her father long ago.

Zhang Qianxiu took a puff of cigarette and said, “Sister, you earned your life and learned your abilities. You are still young. It takes you three to five years to learn your abilities and earn your life. You won’t be able to marry another person at that time. As for regretting when I think about it later.”

“Three to five years?” Zhang Lanmei smiled bitterly: “In three to five years, I will be an old girl. As I am, it is estimated that I won’t be able to earn any life, and I will make my parents laugh at that time. I’m not filial.”

Nowadays, there are very few girls in rural areas who haven’t married at 25. If they haven’t married at 25, there will be people who will give pointers in all likelihood.

Not to mention the old girl who is thinking about making her own life. She didn’t make her. Others said that you were wishful thinking. You really made a profit. Others said that you have gone wrong.

This is this world.

Zhang Qianxiu was a little upset when she heard what her sister said. The miserable life of her sister in the last life seemed to be vividly remembered. He took another cigarette and said, “I don’t agree with you marrying Han Changsheng anyway!”

At this moment, Zhang Aibing rushed out of the house, and Zhang Lanmei hurriedly said: “You go to someone in the village to board for one night, and I will stop Dad for you.”

Zhang Qianxiu sighed, nodded, turned and left.

Zhang Lanmei turned around and stopped her father: “Dad, don’t worry about your brother. He is young and ignorant, and I can’t stop him if I marry him.”

Zhang Aibing felt better when he heard what his daughter said. He has a son and a daughter, and there is at least one obedient.

Zhang Aibing yelled, “Zhang Qianxiu, don’t come back if you leave, don’t come back if you can.”

Hearing his father’s voice, Zhang Qianxiu became more and more annoyed, thought for a moment, and walked towards Huang En’s family.

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