Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Store opening

Zhang Qianxiu first bought a two-pole scale and a few account books and put them in the store, saying that he would use it for collecting rice and selling rice.

The account books are used to register members, and maybe they will be used elsewhere in the future.

After shopping, Zhang Qianxiu stayed at the entrance of the market. There were a lot of people coming and going. He didn’t send them first. These hundreds of flyers really needed to be sent to one by one, and they couldn’t stand it.

“Eldest sister, do you want to buy rice? The new store opens, and members worth 39 yuan will be given away for free, and we can send rice to our door for free as members.”

“Uncle, the rice store is open for activities, good rice is 60 cents per catty, and the package is delivered to your door without any other fees.”

Zhang Qianxiu smiled and greeted and asked when he saw people.

People who come to the vegetable market often want to buy rice and salt, but not many people take care of him. They have a little reaction. Zhang Qianxiu handed out a leaflet and said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t buy it, you can first Learn about.”

There are the price of rice and the address of the store on the leaflet. After they read it, if they are interested, they should go to the store to consult.

As for those who did not respond, the conversion rate of the leaflet is estimated to be very low, so I won’t waste this half of the leaflet.

Zhang Qianxiu kept asking about the twenty-odd people, and then an old man stopped and asked: “Are you sending it upstairs?”

Zhang Qianxiu saw that there was a business coming, and said quickly: “Send, where are you going to send it?”

“It’s not far, but it’s a bit high, the fifth floor.” The old man said: “My wife and I are the only ones at home. I have to buy rice and carry it on my own.”

Zhang Qianxiu hurriedly smiled and said, “Then you come to me to buy it, and I will arrange for someone to send it back to you, so that you won’t get tired all the time.”

“Where is your shop? I’ll go and see with you.” The old man said.

“Come with me!” Zhang Qianxiu led the old man to the store.

When the old man saw the empty shop, he was a little surprised: “Are you three bags of rice?”

Zhang Qianxiu explained with a smile: “Uncle, we just opened today, and we have only shipped so much in a hurry. Some people have already taken rice, and they have to pull a few tons of rice.”

The old man nodded: “I’ll just say, you only need three bags of rice when you open a shop.”

“These are good rice. Look, it just opened today and it costs 60 cents a catty.” Zhang Qianxiu said, grabbing a handful of rice and showing it to the old man.

The old man took a look, then stuffed a few more grains into his mouth and tasted it. Anyone with experience can taste whether it is new or old, whether it is damp, etc.

The old man said after tasting: “Then I want fifty catties.”

“Xinglai, let me weigh it for you!” Zhang Qianxiu said as he took a small woven bag, called Shang Zhang Jiankang for help, weighed 50 catties, and then showed the old man the weighing.

The old man nodded and paid: “Then please help you send it.”

“No problem!” Zhang Qianxiu said, “Uncle, you can lead the way.”

Zhang Qianxiu was afraid that Zhang Jiankang could not find his way, so he closed the shop and asked Zhang Jiankang to carry the rice, and followed him.

When he came back, Zhang Qianxiu discovered that although Zhang Jiankang’s head is often not bright, he is still very accurate in recognizing the way, and he can basically find it after one walk.

After returning the rice, I was about to open the door, and I saw a big sister with a leaflet standing at the door.

Zhang Qianxiu hurriedly greeted him: “Sister, are you buying rice?”

The eldest sister glanced at Zhang Qianxiu and said, “This paper says that the package is delivered to your home. Isn’t it your shop?”

Zhang Qianxiu immediately nodded: “Yes, right, right, we just sent rice to someone, and another person went in. The door was closed because there were not enough people. Come in and take a look.”

With that said, Zhang Qianxiu took out the key and opened the door.

The eldest sister was a little strange when she saw that there were only three bags of rice. Zhang Qianxiu explained that the eldest sister thought that Zhang Qianxiu’s young men were not ready to open a store for the first time, so she believed it.

After all, if this shop is here, it will sell these three bags of rice.

The eldest sister asked for 30 kilograms, Zhang Qianxiu asked Zhang Jiankang to help deliver the rice, and then secretly followed all the way behind, just like watching a child.

Followed all the way to the eldest sister’s residence, followed back again, and was relieved to make sure that Zhang Jiankang recognized that there was nothing wrong with the road.

Zhang Qianxiu’s gimmick for home delivery of packages is still quite sufficient. Nowadays, grain and oil stores only deliver them to restaurants, not to retail investors at all.

A few dozen kilograms of rice is not light, and it is tiring to carry home.

It’s the same wherever you buy rice. Zhang Qianxiu still offers it here, so some people are naturally willing to come here to buy it.

The owners of the two grain and oil shops at the door looked at Zhang Qianxiu who was distributing flyers, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Zhang Qianxiu knew that these two bosses were watching him, but he didn’t care at all, he was just doing business normally.

After an hour and a half, the rice was sold out. The rice was delivered several times later. Zhang Qianxiu did not follow, and Zhang Jiankang could handle it by himself.

After another half an hour, Huang Enquan came back, with two middle-aged people pulling trailers behind him. There were dozens of bags of river sand piled on the two trailers, but others couldn’t see it.

Huang Enquan saw Zhang Qianxiu and said, “Brother Xiu, I’m out of money. These two masters will cost you two dollars a person. You can give it to me.”

Zhang Qianxiu immediately took out the money and handed it to Huang Enquan: “You will give it later and let the master help to move these to the store. I will take the health to get the goods. After eating, you and Health will go back to the market. Bring back all the rice that Brother Liu collected. If you have good rice, collect some more.”

Huang Enquan responded.

Zhang Qianxiu took Zhang Jiankang to distribute the goods to the people in the market.

Forty minutes later, Zhang Qian repaired the goods, and Huang Enquan did it right here. A total of twenty-eight bags of sand piled in the forty-square-meter storefront, although it still seems a little bit small, at least it’s not that empty.

“Go to eat first.” Zhang Qianxiu greeted the two, closed the door, and had a meal at the fast food restaurant outside the market.

Zhang Qianxiu originally had more than 440 yuan, but it took 180 yuan to collect rice. Now there are 50 catties of rice left in Liu Zhijian’s place; he spent a few yuan by car; printed leaflets and spent more than 70. In the end, more than two hundred yuan were left.

After selling the rice, the blood returned to more than 400 quickly, and more than 100 points were used to purchase the goods, and now I still have 382 yuan in his hand.

Zhang Qianxiu took out three hundred and handed it to Huang Enquan: “You can use the money to collect the rice. No matter how much the rice is, the price can be increased by two cents.”

Huang Enquan took the money: “No problem!”

Zhang Qianxiu said again: “Brother Liu has to give the money to collect the rice first.”

“Understand.” Huang Enquan nodded.

Zhang Qianxiu also warned: “Delivery to the hawker, the payment for the goods must be recovered. I have already said that no credit is required. If they do not give it, tell them that the goods will not be given to them, and will not be brought to them in the future. ”

“Also, from Zhang Weiqiang, if he promised to give him a 10% profit, it will be given on the same day.”

“By the way, if Brother Liu wants to give you the good rice he collects by himself, don’t ask for it. We are not stable now. He sells the rice to us, and the cooperation between him and the wholesaler will be broken, in case we don’t do it. Get up and drag him down.”

Zhang Qianxiu exhorted everything he could think of.

Three o’clock in the afternoon.

Huang Enquan took Zhang Jiankang back to the market. Now there is no rice to sell in the store. Even if there is rice, Zhang Qianxiu can’t deliver rice. The biggest advantage of their shop is the package delivery. If they don’t package it, they have no advantage at all. .

As for the price war, Zhang Qianxiu doesn’t want to do it if there is no certain situation.

Zhang Qianxiu went to Shudetang.

When the old Chinese doctor saw Zhang Qianxiu, he frowned slightly: “I didn’t listen to me again. Looking at you like this, you have walked a lot today.”

Zhang Qianxiu was a little embarrassed. After all, the old Chinese doctor was for his own good, but he did not follow the old Chinese doctor’s advice and explained: “Old sir, my shop has just opened, and I can’t get free. I won’t be walking around tomorrow.”

The old Chinese doctor said in a slightly reproachful tone: “You don’t listen to me now. You will regret it when you leave the root of the disease. The body is yours. I said that no matter how much it is, it is useless. I will give you the medicine and give it to you later. Click on the injury on the knee.”

“Okay, thank you old gentleman.” Zhang Qianxiu nodded in response.

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