Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 444

Chapter 444 Step by step

As soon as Zhang Qianxiu’s words were uttered, Song Jun said, “Boss Zhang, this thing is a long-term investment. Even if we give you support, we will only give you some in the early stage, but we won’t be able to give much later.”

Niu Zhengping didn’t say a word, but his expression also meant the same.

Supporting Zhang Qianxiu is of no benefit to them, and the current situation in China is completely different from later.

Later, the leadership of each city hoped that there would be several universities and good universities in their city, so that it would be convenient to retain talents.

Moreover, afterwards, various places are attracting investment.

However, there is basically no such situation now, mainly because of the current domestic situation.

First of all, we must start with taxation. Currently, taxation is part of the state treasury after the local government collects it. This proportion is not high.

Moreover, because of the relationship between state-owned enterprises, localities have a lot of room for operation. They can give local state-owned enterprises various tax deductions or exemptions, which probably means hiding their money in local state-owned enterprises.

State-owned enterprises are local official small coffers.

Therefore, at this time, localities are particularly fond of building state-owned factories, supporting state-owned enterprises, and even doing regional protection. When state-owned factories do a certain product, local private enterprises don’t even think about doing it. It is also difficult for similar products from other places to enter the local market, unless they are some A relatively large brand.

At this time, there are many regional brands, one is because of the inconvenience of transportation, it is difficult for the company to expand, and the other is because of local authorities.

Local governments spend so much effort because they can reap the benefits, and all the money these companies make is used by local governments.

To put it bluntly, it is normal for the local leadership to be divided.

Because the local government is doing tricks, the local income is increasing every year. It stands to reason that the money given to Shangjing should also increase, but after the operation of the locality, the money stayed in the locality and was not given to Shangjing.

At this time, the national treasury has no money, annual deficits, that is, owes money, no money to save, unlike later, the state has a lot of money to support.

To put it simply, the top management of Shangjing has no money, but every place is richer.

Later, our national treasury was the largest in the world because of the 1994 tax reform.

The tax reform that was formally implemented in 1994 completely changed the domestic taxation situation, unifying taxation, simplifying the tax system, straightening out the distribution relationship, and rational decentralization, ensuring the financial revenue of Beijing.

During the 1994 tax reform, state-owned enterprises were also the focus of attention, and local governments could no longer hide their wealth in state-owned enterprises. Instead, they had to clean up these accounts.

Basically, state-owned enterprises have two sets of accounts, one is true, and the other is for Shangjing. If Shangjing needs to check with the account book, it will definitely be found to be wrong.

Therefore, in that year, countless state-owned factories were restructured from state-owned to private.

In the process of change, where there are more state-owned factories, the greater the trouble, so the management of state-owned enterprises has forced the official leadership. If the management of the enterprise wants benefits, the official leadership can only give, not give. If it does, then it will be a problem.

Therefore, many state-owned factories were acquired by the leadership of the former state-owned factories, and there are many unseen transactions in it.

Also in 1994, the tax reform forced local officials to abandon most of the state-owned factories. After the reform, those who took over were basically the old managers of the past. The first thing they got started was layoffs.

As a result, many former state-owned factory workers were laid off.

Before 1994, with the exception of a few special zones, most cities basically did not attract investment, and they were all engaged in state-owned factories.

After 1994, the main source of local income was 25% of tax revenue, and the remaining 75% had to be handed over to Shangjing. This also resulted in a lot of money in the state treasury, because taxes went to the state treasury. Go inside, it was not like that before 1994.

Once the national treasury is rich, you can make bold plans when you go to Beijing to do a lot of infrastructure construction, vigorously support the development of private enterprises, purchase large amounts of foreign debt, and increase your international influence.

But in this way, the locality will have no money, and the main source of tax revenue is the enterprise. The enterprise pays a lot of taxes. For every additional 100 yuan in tax, the locality will have 25 yuan.

Therefore, after 1994, for the sake of money, the local government attracted large-scale investment, supported enterprises, and tried every means to develop its own local private enterprises.

All this, to put it bluntly, is for taxation.

If enterprises want to develop, they need talents. Universities are the cradle of talents and are basically the last stop for talents to enter the society. Therefore, local governments have begun to attach importance to education.

Pengcheng is the best example. He didn’t have a famous university. Later, the local government spent a lot of money to support the development of the university, just for talents.

The 1994 tax reform also did another thing, that is, land transaction rights were delegated to local governments. In addition to taxes, local governments relied on land sales to make money. Before 1994, this right was not in the hands of local governments.

This is also the reason why many cities later ran to support real estate in order to develop, because the locality sold the land, and the money was used by the local government and did not need to be turned over to the national treasury.

This is a chain of cause and effect. In 1994, the tax reform caused local governments to make money only through taxes and land. Local governments can only support private enterprises. Enterprises need talents, and talents are basically in universities. Therefore, localities must find ways to attract university students to stay in the local area. , Such as opening to the high-educated people to settle down, etc., all for the purpose of retaining people.

And Zhang Qianxiu is now going to build a university. For the locals, the attraction is not enough.

As for providing support to Zhang Qianxiu, even if Zhang Qianxiu gives them a certain “rebate”, it is not attractive enough for them, because the place is not short of money, especially for leaders like Niu Zhengping.

Zhang Qianxiu also understood this causal relationship very well in his heart. He didn’t know much about these before. He knew that the tax reform had been done once in 1994, but he did not understand the specifics.

Now he has read a lot of books and knows the logic; he has broad knowledge and knows the relationship of interests.

Therefore, Zhang Qianxiu can probably guess something.

It is basically impossible to convince them from this aspect.

But if we want to give them enough benefits, we have to start from another angle.

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Two leaders, you may not know my plan for this school. This school may not recruit many people every year, but it definitely cultivates high-end talents. Moreover, the school will also set up several research rooms. Specializing in high-end technology.”

“Our main focus is semiconductors. The ultimate goal of this school is twofold. First, let our semiconductor and chip technology surpass other countries, and keep our technology at the world’s leading level; second, provide countries with a large number of relevant High-end talent.”

“Our standard for talents is above the intermediate level of National Tsing Hua University and Peking University graduates. Those who do not meet this standard cannot graduate.”

“At the same time, I will invest more than 10 million yuan in teaching funds every year in this school, and there are more than 10 million yuan in research expenses.”

“The annual investment of 20 million is the minimum standard. The initial investment may be relatively large, and the pressure on me will naturally be greater, so I need official support.”

Niu Zhengping and Song Jun were astonished when they heard it. Zhang Qianxiu’s words were tens of millions of levels, and it was so unreal in their ears.

The simplest comparison is that in this era, the research cost of the father of hybrid rice was only 20 million. This cost is already very high, because other experts who also research rice, the state grants a total of only two to three thousand research and development costs. Million.

The research and development expenses of Yuan Lao alone cover the research and development expenses of all the experts in the industry.

Therefore, experts who study rice technology can get a fee of about one million yuan a year, and the low cost is only a few hundred thousand, or even a hundred thousand.

Zhang Qianxiu invests 10 million yuan in scientific research every year, and this amount is still very large.

Song Jun thought about Niu Zhengping.

Niu Zhengping asked: “Xiao Zhang! I take the liberty to ask, if I remember correctly, you have three factories and a grain and oil wholesale company.”

“You don’t add up to 10 million, right?”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “I was in this city for that matter. I have an agricultural company in Zhongzhou Province, with more than 10,000 mu of land, and a research institute specializing in seed research. I have a large farm in Yizhou Province. More than 10,000 mu of land is being renovated and will be fully mechanized at that time.”

“I also have some commercial business.”

“Although the money earned is not too much, the promise I made can still be achieved.”

Niu Zhengping said: “Even so, these assets of yours are basically invested. If 300,000 mu of land needs to be renovated, it will cost money, and your research institute must also invest.”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Leader, I don’t know if you are not familiar with agriculture. In fact, agriculture needs to make money, one is mechanization, the quality of the seeds, and whether it adapts to the local soil and climate.”

“My 300,000 acres of land has already booked machinery with Su Guo, and it will be put into production soon.”

“Although the research institute has to invest money, the seeds he researched can make money.”

“And I have other trading businesses.”

“Aside from anything else, I can’t make any money at this school. Even if the official supports me, I don’t have any money. I have no reason to pit a little bit of money from the government, so I pit my own money into it.”

After Zhang Qianxiu finished speaking, he looked at Niu Zhengping and waited for him to make a decision.

Zhang Qianxiu actually didn’t say one thing, that is, if this school is built, if there is really any result, it will be good for Niu Zhengguo and Song Jun.

They may not get the money, but they have political achievements. If Zhang Qianxiu really builds this school into a school like National Tsing Hua University and Shangjing University, it is no exaggeration to say that the two of them definitely have rising capital.

Zhang Qianxiu can think of this. Niu Zhengping and Song Jun are people in the system. They can’t think of it.

Song Jun still wanted to give it a try. He didn’t spend his money anyway. Although he felt that Zhang Qianxiu couldn’t be so good and really turned this uncompleted school into a school like National Taiwan University, but as long as there is a little achievement, he can If it ranks among the top 100 in the country, it can be a big book.

After all, there is still no private university that can enter the top 100, and there are not even private universities. They are all junior colleges, and there are only a handful of official support.

Niu Zhengping said, “Xiao Zhang, what you said is really good.”

“For funding issues, I don’t know your specific situation. But for teachers, you should give me a list and the resumes of these professors and teachers.”

“As long as I think it’s okay, no matter where you want to build this school, the whole city, anywhere, you can tell me, even if you want to build it on the official office building of our city, I will immediately let them build a new office. Please make room for you.”

“As for political and policy support, I promise that I will do my best to fight for you; in terms of support, the support given by the state will be all in your hands. Whoever dares to use a dime, I will definitely not Will let him go.”

“If our local support, I will not give you money in the early stage. I will look at your construction results. When you build a rough picture, I think it can. We can give you a sum of money for the later decoration and purchase of equipment. .”

Song Jun looked at Niu Zhengping in surprise. He didn’t expect Niu Zhengping to agree so quickly, without even delaying a little bit.

However, Song Jun quickly reacted, and the first condition Niu Zhengping gave Zhang Qianxiu was stuck.

Niu Zhengping wants a list of teachers, Zhang Qianxiu certainly can’t give a list casually, these teachers will definitely go to school to teach.

Zhang Qianxiu randomly used a list to fool Niu Zhengping, and Niu Zhengping had some ways to make Zhang Qianxiu sad.

And these teachers must not be too frequent, not to mention that they are stronger than the teachers of National Tsing Hua University, at least better than the universities in the province?

If Zhang Qian Xiuzhen can find such a strong teaching force, then even if it is not half done, it will become a third. It is okay to give him some support and bet.

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