Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 513

Chapter 513 External development

Zhang Qianxiu hadn’t thought about developing the seed so early, but now he was surprised by a news.

Yuan Pengchi said: “Qianxiu, we may have to recruit more people at the research institute. In addition, you have to find a way to arrange for us to go to the city every once in a while.”

“Now there are many young people who can’t stand being in the countryside every day. They have money in their hands and can’t spend it. Now there are no places to spend in the laboratory except for the market, and there is nothing to sell in the small shop in the village. For the sake of scientific research, we can’t smooth out all the youthful vigor of young people.”

Zhang Qianxiu thought for a moment, and felt that it was indeed remote. Now most of the rural areas are not much better. Mud roads and crops that can’t be seen at a glance are the standard equipment.

“Old Yuan, how many people are there in the laboratory now?” Zhang Qianxiu asked.

“There are more than 30 people!” Yuan Pengchi said: “For the current project, these people are enough.”

Zhang Qianxiu temporarily pressed the thought in his heart, and said, “Okay, I will tell the people over there. Then they will arrange a car and send researchers to the city once a week.”

“Now that our conditions are good, the ancestors have to learn the spirit, but we can’t deliberately create a difficult environment to make things difficult for ourselves.”

Yuan Pengchi smiled and said: “Before I came, I didn’t tell Manager Li and the others. Don’t say that I proposed it. Although our research room is not under their control, we will find them to solve our problems. Manager Li and they are still very concerned about our problems.”

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: “I understand this.”

“Lao Liang, what’s the situation on your side now?”

Liang Junming said: “I planted a batch of grass for fertilizer a few days ago. It has already been sown this year. The harvest this year will not be so good. Moreover, there is a shortage of water on our side this year. Repairing.”

“It depends on the situation! The harvest next year will be improved, and it will be able to enter normal production in the next year at the latest.”

“I already told Boss Zhang over the reservoir last time that a power station will be built, so there will be no need to worry about the farm’s own electricity use.”

“There will be the remaining part sold to the country, and there will be a certain income.”

“As for the reservoir, I’m just about to ask Boss Zhang’s opinion on whether we should raise some fish by then. The reservoir has been managed by us all these years. If it is fish farming, it will be our income.”

Zhang Qianxiu has no opinion on this: “Yes! Raise it! I will not ask for specific matters. If you have any questions, just write a report and make it clear, and submit the report on time. In other aspects, you can be the master.”

Liang Junming said jokingly: “Being with Boss Zhang is much more free than before. I had to apply for everything I wanted to do before.”

Zhang Qianxiu laughed loudly and said: “We are not the same. We are pursuing legitimate interests. We try to give managers the greatest autonomy. I am a businessman. I only look at the final profit, not the process.”

“National units are different, and everything must be weighed against the pros and cons.”

During a chat with a few people, Zhang Qianxiu learned about the two people’s management, and there was no problem in general.

After chatting, the three of them had already brought the topic to Su Guo, and various plans were generally discussed.

Because Zhang Qianxiu might purchase an agricultural machinery factory when he went to Jiangsu this time, he talked about the issue of domestic agricultural mechanization.

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Lao Yuan, Lao Liang, I am still worried that if our country really promotes large-scale mechanization, the state will support it.”

Liang Junming said: “There is no reason not to support it!”

“Lao Liang, I told you last time that our country is engaged in large-scale agricultural mechanization, and there is no place for the surplus labor force to find employment.” Zhang Qianxiu followed: “Only relying on renting out the rent, farmers can’t afford to pay the agricultural tax. Don’t talk about eating.”

“This is the situation in our country. We really need to engage in large-scale agricultural mechanization. At least we have to wait for our industrialization to achieve certain results and all the employment problems of the youth labor force are resolved.”

“The country will not fail to consider this. I think the country will support small agricultural machinery, but now it will not support large agricultural machinery.”

Liang Junming was silent immediately. There are at least 780 million farmers in the country. They all rely on land for food. They are really all mechanized. Millions of people have done the work of 7.8 billion people. What are the remaining people doing?

Yuan Pengchi sighed slightly, and said, “Qianxiu’s words are reasonable. We do not yet have the conditions to promote large-scale machinery on a large scale.”

“Get some small-scale agricultural equipment to help farmers reduce their labor burden. The country may be more willing.”

Small agricultural equipment is actually small tractors and small plows. These things can really improve the efficiency of farmers’ work, and they will not make them “career.”

Liang Junming said unwillingly: “This is such a good opportunity. The State of Su is in civil strife. We only need to introduce their technology. Could it be that this opportunity is missed?”

“If we wait for the Soviet Union to stabilize, we will have to get these technologies, but it won’t be so easy. Whether people sell them to us is a problem.”

Yuan Pengchi said: “Junming, technology will lag behind. We will introduce technology now. After three to five years or seven or eight years, we may also develop these technologies ourselves. If we want to introduce them now, we must put them into use. With the money earned, invest in research and development again, and continue to develop our new technologies on the basis of these technologies.”

“If you buy it and store it, it will be worthless in a few years.”

This is indeed the case. Ten years ago, it may have been high-end technology, but after ten years, this technology may have become popular and can be bought everywhere.

Liang Junming said: “Teacher, I just don’t want to miss such a great opportunity.”

Zhang Qianxiu said at this time: “In fact, we still have a chance.”

Liang Junming and Yuan Pengchi both looked at Zhang Qianxiu and did not understand what Zhang Qianxiu meant.

Zhang Qianxiu said: “We have purchased the technology of Su Guo and will not use it in the country for the time being. We will invest abroad and plant it on a large scale.”

“In this way, we can guarantee the update and iteration of the technology, and can also buy these technologies, and it will not have an impact on domestic agriculture.”

Liang Junming patted his thigh and said, “This is a good way. We can invest abroad, that’s right!”

Yuan Pengchi was silent, because they would definitely not go to the developed countries to invest abroad, because of the high labor cost and the technology they would not allow you to invest on a large scale.

In developing countries, people’s situation is similar to that in China. Industry has not developed. Many people rely on land for their livelihoods. If they invest, it will have a serious impact on the lives of local farmers.

Although Yuan Pengchi does not oppose such investment, he does not agree with it.

Zhang Qianxiu saw Yuan Pengchi’s thoughts and said, “Old Yuan, this world is like this. If we want to invest in agriculture abroad, we must have their official consent.”

“They don’t officially agree, we can’t plant it, right? If they don’t care about their people officially, it’s no use worrying more for them.”

“Even if we don’t go, others will go.”

Liang Junming also said: “Teacher, what Boss Zhang said is not wrong. The officials don’t care about it, and you can’t blame us!”

Yuan Pengchi sighed again: “I know this, and the money Qianxiu earned has been invested in domestic chip research and development. After all, it is for the development of our own country. I support you.”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Old Yuan, if we acquire enough technology in the Soviet Union, then you may have to change careers and not study rice. You have to help us study corn, wheat and soybeans. The countries where rice is the staple food are basically those around our country One piece, most of the other areas are wheat, and the use of corn and soybeans is also particularly high.”

“The geographical environment and climate of foreign countries are very different. At that time, we will have to develop high-yield seeds that are suitable for local planting.”

Yuan Pengchi said: “This is no problem, but in this way, our current manpower is not enough.”

“Moreover, the progress of agricultural research is relatively slow. If we are going to grow abroad, it is better for us to have a local research institute.”

The biggest reason for the slow progress of agricultural research is that you have to verify your ideas and your newly researched seeds. You have to plant them at least once. Any crop has a growth cycle, and the short one takes about 100 days. , The long one can even take several years. After you try and make mistakes a few times, several years will pass.

Therefore, it takes a long time for agriculture to produce results. Many outstanding scientists will not be able to research several improved seeds in their entire lives because of lack of time.

Many researchers plant dozens of improved varieties at a time for observation, but compared to the trial and error experiments that require thousands or tens of thousands of times, planting dozens of varieties at a time is too few.

Zhang Qianxiu said: “This is no problem. When we come back, we can expand the size of the research room on a large scale.”

“When the time comes, how many people will be needed for the research institute? Don’t hesitate to say, Mr. Yuan, the selection of the personnel is all in charge of Mr. Yuan.”

“The research institute can be directly independent and run independently when the time comes, and you can make all your own decisions for Mr. Yuan, and no one will ever bother about what research you want to do or how to research it.”

Yuan Pengchi smiled softly and said: “I hoped so long ago, but I didn’t expect it to be realized in advance.”

When Yuan Pengchi first joined, he thought that he could do basic research at that time, but the output of basic research almost had no direct economic effect, so no company was willing to invest in research.

Basic research is the foundation of all applied scientific research.

The general situation is that the results of basic research will be used in applied scientific research in the next step. The results of applied scientific research must be transformed into technology that can be operated by ordinary people. Once it becomes technology, it can be brought into use. Come economic effect.

Although basic scientific research is very important, there is no economic benefit at all.

On the contrary, many scientific awards with high gold content are given to basic scientific research. For example, the Nobel Prize is given to basic science in addition to the fields of economics, culture, and peace prizes.

At that time, Yuan Pengchi wanted to make some achievements in the field of basic science.

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