Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 533

Chapter 533 Super high price

In the next few days, Zhang Qianxiu met with Valery and Bervska, mainly about the commission issue of Likhachev Automobile Factory. Although the two of them were a bit unwilling, Zhang Qianxiu promised the factory they gave. After the list would be given priority, the two agreed to give Popov the commission from the Likhachev Automobile Plant, and not to get involved in the Moko factory.

For the rest of the time, Zhang Qianxiu has been paying attention to Su’s economic market, and he found that Su’s Lu Yuan has been completely unstretched.

Zhang Qianxiu was not an expert in this field in his previous life. He did not have a deep understanding of the development process and collapse of the Soviet Union.

Regarding the current situation of the Soviet Union, Zhang Qianxiu, who knew that the Soviet Union would definitely disintegrate and the economy would collapse, was taken aback. This collapse was so surprising.

Zhang Qianxiu suddenly found a problem, that is, the people of the Soviet Union don’t understand finance at all.

Even in this situation, the Soviet leadership still has a misconception that the U.S. cannot kill itself by means other than war. As long as the U.S. people do not compete with him in an arms race, he is willing to cooperate with the U.S. people.

At present, the Soviet Union is almost completely embracing the United States, and is committed to cooperating with the United States. It also feels that this is not the problem of the United States, but the problem of its own system. After all, there have been various problems in the Soviet country, even if it is. One of the two superpowers in the world, there are frequent famines in the country, and ordinary people can’t get enough food.

Another reason is that Hollywood movies in the United States have caused a great impact on ordinary people in the Soviet Union.

Through these movies, the Soviets have seen the prosperous life in the United States. They can’t help but think, we are all superpowers in the world, why do we have to be hungry in the United States when we live so well? This must be an issue of the system.

Therefore, ordinary people in the Soviet Union also want to change, hoping to live the same good life as in the United States.

Under such circumstances, it seems that it has become a matter of course for the Soviet Union to embrace the United States.

It will take a long time for the Soviet people to awaken, and it will take a long time for their Emperor Pujin to have suffered a loss in the hands of the U.S. and Westerners before the whole country will awaken and they will understand that the U.S. and Westerners are unreliable. To live a good life, you still have to rely on yourself.

On the eighteenth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, Valery called Zhang Qianxiu, saying that the Americans had promised to buy grain at a high price and wanted to talk to Zhang Qianxiu.

Zhang Qianxiu was not surprised by this result at all, and happily agreed.

At six o’clock in the evening, Valery and Bervska led two Americans.

After meeting to say hello, Valery gave an introduction to both parties.

One of the two Americans is called White and the other is called Walker.

Zhang Qianxiu said in English: “Mr. White, Mr. Walker, it is a pleasure to meet both of you.”

White froze for a moment, and said in a bit of surprise: “Mr. Yang, your English is great.”

“Thank you! Now it’s time for the meal, why don’t we talk while eating.” Zhang Qianxiu suggested.

Walker said: “This is a great proposal.”

After everyone agreed, they went to the restaurant together. In order to cater to White and Walker’s eating habits, Zhang Qianxiu specially arranged steaks. As for letting them order, then forget it, anyway, eating is not the most important thing.

After everyone sat down, everyone communicated in English. Valery’s English level was also good, but Bervska, who didn’t speak English, had to translate.

After a little chat, Walker said: “Mr. Zhang, your strength is indeed very strong, completely beyond our expectations. Although our position is somewhat different, I admire you very much.”

Zhang Qianxiu smiled slightly: “Thank you for the compliment. In fact, my strength is not strong. At least in the face of your country’s strength, I am just a humble little businessman. I still have this self-knowledge.”

“It’s just that I happen to have what you don’t want to appear in the Soviet Union. Otherwise, my strength is not worth mentioning in front of the United States.”

Seeing Zhang Qianxiu’s knowledge of current affairs, White and Walker also smiled complacently on their faces.

White said: “Mr. Zhang, you are a very smart person. You also know our strength. I think you will make the most correct choice.”

“We can buy all of the grain in your hand, and we can give it twice the market price.”

Zhang Qianxiu smiled unabatedly and said, “Mr. White, what price can you offer me? The specific price.”

White said: “The current international price of wheat is 210 meters per ton. We will buy it at 400 meters per ton, how about?”

At this price, Zhang Qianxiu would have made a crazy profit.

The price Zhang Qianxiu bought was only a few tens of meters per ton. This price was originally not available in the market, and it was all “stealed” by Valery and the others.

Now they pay 400 meters per ton, and Zhang Qianxiu will earn more than 300 meters per ton. With this 10 million tons, Zhang Qianxiu can earn at least 3 billion yuan.

Zhang Qianxiu shook his head slightly: “Mr. White, the price you gave is too low and you are not sincere.”

“As far as the food in my hand is concerned, for your country, the energy may be no less than an atomic bomb.”

“You can certainly not disintegrate the Soviet state with an atomic bomb, but if there is no such food, the Soviet state is likely to disintegrate, and your U.S. goal will be achieved.”

“If all of my grains are put into the market at a low price, the state of Jiangsu may be relieved.”

Walker frowned and said, “Mr. Zhang, the Soviet Union may not disintegrate, but even if he disintegrates, the grain in your hand may not be affected. Don’t overestimate the grain in your hand.”

Zhang Qianxiu couldn’t help but glance at Valery and Bervska. After all, the Soviet Union was their country. Now he and two Americans are discussing the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and they don’t know how they feel.

But Valery and Bervska just listened quietly, without much expression.

Retracting his gaze, Zhang Qianxiu said, “Mr. Walker, I will analyze it for you.”

“There are several reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The first is their internal contradictions. Some countries have already begun to become independent.”

“There is discord within the Soviet state. This may be your credit. Cultivate a group of high-level leaders who are inclined to you in the Soviet state.”

“Second, it is their system problem, which is stronger than that of the Soviet Union. It stands to reason that they should live and work in peace and contentment, the country is prosperous and the people are strong, and the people are prosperous. But in fact, the people of the Soviet Union have always been poor, at least not as good as you .”

“You used all kinds of means to propagate and incite public opinion, which led to the emergence of many Westerners in the Soviet Union. This should also be regarded as a cultural invasion.”

“Third, that is the economic problem. The space race and arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union have exhausted the Soviet economy and made the Soviet economy unsustainable.”

Looking at the current problems from the perspective of posterity, many problems may be obvious at a glance, but people in this era are in the game, but there are many problems that are not so thorough.

Without waiting for Zhang Qianxiu to finish speaking, White interrupted: “Mr. Zhang, you don’t need to say.”

Zhang Qianxiu said with a smile, “I can list seven or eight points for you on such a problem.”

Walker said with a cold face: “Mr. Zhang, it seems that you have been prepared long ago, and you have specifically targeted us!”

Zhang Qianxiu is very frank: “I did research, but my research is not aimed at you. I just took advantage of this opportunity when I happened to meet it.”

When Zhang Qianxiu first came to the country of Su, he did not want to pit the country. Later, he had food. He just wanted to gather the wool of the country of Su, but he didn’t want to go to the country. Until the end, Zhang Qianxiu had an inspiration, thinking about pitting the country of Su. This defeated landlord, it is better to go to the United States.

White and Walker didn’t believe Zhang Qianxiu’s remarks. The reason was very simple. They didn’t believe in coincidences.

Especially since the quantity of this batch of grain is still so large, if there is no advance preparation, how could there be so much grain.

White sneered, his face clearly showing unhappiness: “Mr. Zhang, I have always heard people say that you Chinese are hypocritical. Today, it seems that you are indeed like this.”

“Don’t you dare to admit what you have done yourself?”

Zhang Qianxiu is not at all annoyed by such an evaluation. For clan and country who don’t understand modesty, if you explain to them what modesty is, it is simply playing the piano to the cows.

Zhang Qian changed his previous statement and said frankly: “Mr. White, Mr. Walker, you two are really great. You can see these thoughts in my heart.”

“Since I have planned this business early in the morning, if I don’t make more money, I’m really sorry for myself.”

“One thousand meters yuan and one ton, I have ten million tons here, you all take away.”

Hearing this price, everyone present looked at Zhang Qianxiu in surprise. This price is completely sky-high, which is a full 10 billion meters!

Valery and Bervska were also very excited, because they could take away 40% of the net profit.

If they were sold at a price of 1,000 meters per ton, the two of them would have a total of about 3 billion meters. This is simply a windfall!

Walker and White’s faces were green with anger, and White shouted excitedly: “Mr. Zhang, you have no sincerity at all. You are provoking us.”

Zhang Qianxiu was silent for a moment, and said, “If you want to take my remarks as a provocation, I don’t have any opinion.”

White said coldly: “Don’t think that you have those grains in your hand, we can’t deal with you.”

The atmosphere instantly reached freezing point, and everyone looked at Zhang Qianxiu to see if he would stick to the price.

Zhang Qianxiu gently rubbed his hands and said loudly, “You have one day to think about it. If you don’t agree at this time tomorrow, you won’t use it in the future, because I will sell all the food to the officials of the Soviet country.”

“I’m afraid of throwing it to the market. You can take back most of it. If I give it to the local government, there is not much food you can take back.”

“By the way, I will give this order later, no matter where I am in a day, no matter who is obstructed, as long as I don’t show up personally, all the food will be sent out.”

“I will contact the official leaders of Moco City in a while.”

“So, you don’t have to think about using assassin or other means to stop me.”

“You can take a bet and see if this ten million tons of grain will affect your plan to decompose the Soviet Union.”

“You don’t need to think too much. I can give you an analysis. With this 10 million tons of grain, the probability of saving the Soviet Union is extremely small, perhaps less than 1%, but for you, even if it is only 1%. You dare not try.”

“As long as the State of Su insists on continuing the cold war with you for a few more years, your United States will not be able to hold it, do you believe it or not?”

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