Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 536

Chapter 536 Right position

Zhang Qianxiu then took a chair and sat down, glanced at the unconscious sniper on the ground, and said, “Let him go! It’s useless to hold him!”

This sniper is absolutely impossible to put any pressure on the Americans. If they really do something, it is impossible to care about the life and death of this person.

Hu Tie had no objections to Zhang Qianxiu’s decision, and immediately said, “Okay!”

Just when Hu Tie was about to put the man back into the box, Zhang Qianxiu suddenly asked, “How much does it cost to train a sniper?”

Hu Tie thought for a while, and said: “It depends on the situation. A high-precision sniper rifle costs tens of meters per bullet. A sniper training bullet is needed for 20,000 to 30,000 bullets per year. It costs about one million meters.”

“Looking at the age of this sniper, he should be around twenty-six years old. Even if he has only been a sniper for five years, the United States will spend at least five million meters on him.”

Zhang Qianxiu was stunned for a moment, and then said: “It’s quite valuable, tied up, don’t let him run away. Tomorrow I want to ask those Americans for 10 million yuan, it shouldn’t be too much.”

If this sniper dies, the U.S. will definitely give his family a pension. I don’t know how much Zhang Qianxiu has to pay, but such a sniper is definitely worth more for the U.S. Ten million is a good deal for the U.S.

Hu Tie said nothing: “Okay! Then I will tie him up first.”

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: “Okay, you can do it!”

Hu Tie stuffed the sniper into the box and dragged it away. Zhang Qianxiu sat in the room and was not in the mood to continue reading, wondering what the people in the US thought.

Judging from the reaction of the United States, it was originally intended to kill itself.

According to normal logic, if you have a murderous intention, you can’t change your decision so quickly. You have to kill the other party. Is there still room for slowing down? Basically gone! There must be a straight line on the American side.

Did the U.S. say this deliberately to let oneself relax and then kill himself?

Logically speaking, it is not that ordinary people can’t support the power that a country can mobilize.

Moreover, since the United States has dared to move itself, it shows that they have a way to solve the 10 million tons of food problem.

Zhang Qianxiu had already told White and Walker that as long as something happened to him, the 10 million tons of grain would definitely appear in the Soviet grain market. They had no way to change this. Zhang Qianxiu handed the matter to Hu Tie and Hu. There is no problem with iron, so the only place where the U.S. can intercept this batch of grain is in the market.

Since the U.S. State is confident in intercepting this batch of grain, there is basically no threat to them.

Zhang Qianxiu was puzzled.

Because he was afraid that the Americans would do it again, Zhang Qianxiu did not dare to go to the window, and all the curtains were tightly drawn. It was absolutely impossible to see his position from the outside.

Although these methods may not be effective, at least I am not so nervous.

Zhang Qianxiu has been thinking about it because he can’t sleep at night.

At one o’clock in the morning, Zhang Qianxiu received Valery’s arc.

Valery said in the first sentence: “Mr. Zhang, Americans should know the origin of our batch of grain. I received a call from above and they asked me if the grain is still in the territory of the Soviet Union.”

These grains are a time bomb for the people on Valery. If it is shaken out, they will have nothing to eat.

Zhang Qianxiu was rather indifferent: “What do those people above you mean?”

Valery said: “They just asked me to deal with this problem as soon as possible. At this time, the people in the United States already knew, but they didn’t know why, they didn’t mean to poke the problem out.”

From a national perspective, as long as the United States shoves these problems out, it will be another heavy blow to the Soviet government, which had a bad reputation.

Nowadays, ordinary people have no food to eat. Some people in the Soviet military sell 10 million tons of military rations at a very low price in order to feed their own pockets. Ordinary people in the Soviet Union will certainly not be indifferent when they learn about it. , It is very likely to appear in mass demonstrations and other activities.

Hearing Valery’s words, Zhang Qianxiu felt that he had caught something. The Americans knew the source of these grains, so they should be dealt with properly. As long as they ventilate with the Soviet state, the state of Soviet Union would not have a place to stand on their own. Back to the hands of the Su Guoren.

The Soviet government will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly when the time comes. A thorough investigation is beneficial to make the struggle within the Soviet country more intense; but it will also allow the Soviet state to pick out some of the worms from the system, eliminating these worms and worms. For those who tend to the West, the probability of the Soviet Union’s disintegration may be further reduced.

On the whole, if this matter is taken out, the Soviet state will be more chaotic, and it will be more prone to problems in the chaos, but as long as it survives, it may last longer.

It is difficult to determine whether this is good or bad for the United States.

But as long as this problem is brought to the Soviet management, Zhang Qianxiu will not be able to threaten the United States again.

Why doesn’t the United States do this?

Valery saw that Zhang Qianxiu didn’t say a word, and said: “Mr. Zhang, if the food is cheaper and sold to the Americans, the Americans will not let the food appear on the market.”

Zhang Qianxiu heard Valery’s voice and said, “I will take care of this matter, and I will give you an answer tomorrow.”

Valery used to see Zhang Qianxiu a bit displeased, but he didn’t know when he had no such big opinions on Zhang Qianxiu, and his words were much relaxed.

Hearing Zhang Dianxiu’s explanation of Tian’s reply to himself, Valery trusted Zhang Qianxiu very much, and did not say more about it: “Okay, then I will wait for Mr. Zhang’s news tomorrow.”

“Well, that’s it, it’s getting late.” Zhang Qianxiu and Valery hung up after a few words.

At this time, Zhang Qianxiu had a thought in his mind, that was a guess of Americans.

Zhang Qianxiu felt that the Americans must have had some misunderstanding in the process. The sniper was probably just a test.

After the sniper was caught by Hu Tie, the Americans believed that they were not ordinary businessmen, so their attitude towards them changed.

Snipers are generally specially trained, and the cost of training a sniper is not low at all.

The problem now is that I don’t know how Americans guess their identity.

When Zhang Qian corrected this matter, the phone rang again, this time it was from Ge Qingshan.

“Master, why do you always call me?” Zhang Qianxiu asked with a smile, and then checked the time. It is already 2:30 in the morning, and it should be around 9:30 in the evening in China.

Ge Qingshan asked solemnly: “Qianxiu, did you have any conflicts with the Americans in the country of Su?”

Zhang Qianxiu did not reply immediately. Instead, he was wondering where the master got the news from, whether he had an undercover agent by his side, or if there was news in other areas. He couldn’t get the answer for a while, he could only smile and said, “Master , I just made a deal with them, and there is no conflict.”

Ge Qingshan said: “Qianxiu, you are a very insightful and capable person, but you must know that when doing things in the name of the country, you must be careful, and you must also tell me, otherwise, it is very It may lead to serious diplomatic incidents.”

Although Ge Qingshan didn’t say it explicitly, Zhang Qianxiu understood this. If he was just a simple businessman, it would be fine. The problem was that he was really doing something for the country. Although he did not do much, it was still ugly.

Zhang Qianxiu didn’t obscure the corners, and said directly: “Master, you should just tell me! Did you hear something?”

“I have some business with Americans, but it’s just the beginning, and there are conflicts, but they are all things today.”

Ge Qingshan pondered for a while, and said, “Qianxiu, we received a call from the US, and they directly asked us if we were involved in Su’s problem.”

“We did have some actions on the issue of the Soviet Union, but they were all private. At first, we thought that the United States knew something.”

“After getting to know, we knew that it was you who came into contact with the Americans.”

Zhang Qianxiu has never thought about involving the country. If this matter is said to be small, it is only his personal behavior. If it is because of his behavior that some unknown actions of the country have failed, it is indeed a bit of a loss.

Zhang Qianxiu also had some apologies in his heart: “Master, I will try to be more careful in the future. If there is any problem, I will try to say hello to you in advance.”

Zhang Qianxiu has no contact with the national level, and the only person he can find is Ge Qingshan.

In the past, Zhang Qianxiu was not satisfied with this. The country clearly wanted to use him without giving him any privileges or a contact method. When he first worked with Valery a long time ago, he had a phone number, and that phone number was used when the call came. I said that I can solve some problems for him, but he won’t solve personal problems, but Zhang Qianxiu has never fought.

All in all, Zhang Qianxiu feels that he is the puppet of the country, only the country finds its own part, and there is no way for him to report the situation personally.

If Zhang Qianxiu ran a public department report, he would be considered a lunatic in all likelihood.

Ge Qingshan said: “You can’t be completely blamed for this matter. We didn’t expect you to be able to toss such a big thing in Su Guo at first.”

“Furthermore, the country will not give too many tasks to people like you, unless it is unavoidable.”

“However, it is not a bad thing for the United States to call us this time. They promised to give me some benefits in exchange for our neutrality on the Soviet issue, and even leaned toward them.”

“We don’t have any opinion on this issue. The State of Su is definitely not able to hold it up. Our relationship with State of Su is also a bit tense. It can be beneficial. You don’t take it for nothing.”

Zhang Qianxiu didn’t know what benefit the country had taken, and he didn’t bother to ask, but he didn’t necessarily know how to ask Ge Qingshan.

“Master, do you have any instructions for my business with Americans?” Zhang Qianxiu asked.

Ge Qingshan said: “We don’t care about the business between you and the U.S., and how much you make is your skill. The money you make abroad is troublesome to get domestically, and special channels will be opened for you at that time.”

“But the country has a requirement of you.”

Nowadays, it is not easy for foreign money to enter the country. It needs to be reviewed at various levels. Similarly, after capital enters the country, if you want to go out, you must submit an application in advance and confirm that it is correct before you can transfer it out of the country. This is capital control.

Capital control will prevent a lot of foreign investment from entering to a large extent. Those who originally wanted to invest in your country are reluctant to come when they see capital control.

In order to attract foreign investment, some countries will open up free convertibility. You can take the rice yuan to exchange for their country’s currency at any time. When you want to go, you can convert it into rice yuan at any time. This greatly facilitates many investors. For convenience, the basic conditions for the two are the same, and capital must like countries that are freely convertible.

Zhang Qianxiu was still very happy when he heard this. He had been worrying about how to convert the rice yuan into Chinese yuan.

Now in the basement of the courtyard house in Shangjing, there is still a large amount of rice yuan piled up and there is no way to exchange it.

“Master, what are the requirements of the country?” Zhang Qianxiu asked excitedly.

Ge Qingshan said: “Don’t monopolize any industry, don’t establish a consortium, otherwise, the state will suppress you.”

“Even if the country believes in you now, no one can guarantee what your son, your grandson, or other senior executives of your company will be like in the future.”

“If your company grows so strong that it can affect the development and economy, one day your management will have a problem, and the country will kill you in pain. This will also be a very big blow to the country’s economy.”

“By the way, there is one industry exception. If you make a breakthrough in the semiconductor and chip industries, the state allows you to monopolize to a certain extent, but the state requires that you, a company, must not allow foreign capital to enter.”

These problems are very realistic. If an industry is monopolized and others cannot develop at all, the industry will enter a stage of technological stagnation. To put it simply, you account for more than 80% of the market. Among the peers, As long as there is one who does a better job and emerges a little, you will invest in the acquisition of his company. If he is unwilling, you will use various means to crush him. In the entire industry, you are the overlord, and the price is set by you. You can make money lying down. , Who is going to engage in technology?

As for the consortium, it sounds awe-inspiring, but almost no official in that country likes them. The funds and industries that the consortium holds are too large. It is like a greenhouse, and the plants in the greenhouse must grow within the range and height it covers.

From a certain point of view, consortia disgust the country more than monopoly. The influence of consortium is too great. When it goes wrong, the country will be greatly implicated. The country sometimes has to modify existing laws for its development. Regulations.

The consortium will not live and die with the country. When the country develops well, it will develop in the country. When the country is alive and dead, he will make a choice based on the pros and cons of the right to escape completely or partially, and needless to say. All assets are cashed out, all investments are placed abroad, and what happens in the country has nothing to do with him. Part of the escape is to leave some assets, and wait and see for a while.

The most obvious example is the Bangzi Country. The Samsung Consortium and the Hyundai Consortium are already powerful enough to influence national decision-making. Many official people are members of the consortium. How can the state officials not hate these consortia?

Zhang Qianxiu knows how beautiful it is to become a consortium, but he also knows the dangers of a powerful private consortium to the country: “Master, you can rest assured that I will never monopolize any industry in China, nor will I establish any consortium in China. No company or group in my hands will be so big that it affects the country.”

Ge Qingshan heard Zhang Qianxiu’s answer and said with satisfaction: “I’m relieved when I hear you.”

“As far as we know about you now, your capital should be the largest among domestic merchants. Even if the second to tenth add up, it may not be as much as you.”

“Qianxiu, you have too much money, the master still wants to remind you.”

“If you return to your country to engage in monopoly and consortium, you will be on the opposite side of the country. This is to completely care about your personal development, regardless of the country’s development.”

“The first person to find you is definitely not the country, but your master and me.”

Zhang Qianxiu and Ge Qingshan didn’t have a long time as mentors and apprentices, but the relationship between them is still very good.

Zhang Qianxiu listened carefully to his teaching: “I know, Master!”

Ge Qingshan said with satisfaction: “Okay, you understand. By the way, when you deal with Americans, you use the identity of a businessman, but you have another identity, which is that our country arranges to carry out commercial tasks in the Soviet Union. The people of the country are equivalent to supporting you by the country.”

“But there is one thing. We have reached a basic consensus with the United States. In the case of the Soviet Union, our country may be neutral and may favor the United States, but it will definitely not favor the Soviet Union. You don’t care about what the country does, but yours This identity is such a position, understand?”

In the final analysis, the country’s position is still uncertain. It may be contrary to the American people, and secretly engaged in some small transactions with the Soviet country. Anyway, these actions will not have much impact on the whole. The country mainly wants something that is conducive to development. It’s just something.

It’s just that the country has agreed to the United States, and Zhang Qianxiu can be considered a representative. Since he is a representative, he must not be inclined to the Soviet state. He must stand with the United States or remain neutral and watch the theater on the side.

It’s like this 10 million tons of grain, since it has maintained its neutrality, it must not be thrown into the Soviet market, otherwise it is clearly against the United States!

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Understood! But sir, I and the Americans are negotiating some deals.”

Ge Qingshan said, “Is that 10 million tons of grain? It doesn’t matter if you don’t ship it back to China, if you ship too much grain back, it will have a great impact on domestic grain prices.”

“The Americans have agreed to buy all the food on the terms you said.”

“If you have other cooperation in the future, just follow the position I told you before. If there are more important issues, please tell me in a hurry.”

Zhang Qianxiu responded: “Okay, Master!”

After talking about business matters, Ge Qingshan suddenly slowed down: “Qianxiu, after you come back, come to my place and sit down. Our master and apprentice haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

That’s true, Zhang Qianxiu responded: “Master, you happen to be in Beijing right now, and I will see you when I return.”

“Well, it’s not too early, I’m going to rest.” Ge Qingshan said with a long sigh.

“Master, take care of yourself.”

“I’m in good health, don’t worry.”

Finally, I chatted a few words, said a few words of exhortation, and hung up the phone.

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