Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Or buy a house

Zhang Qianxiu’s emotion came from his heart. Although he made some money, he also encountered a lot of problems. In the early stage, he suffered even more.

Zhang Lanmei doesn’t feel the difficulty of doing business now, but feels that doing business is expensive, but it is also fast to make money.

However, Zhang Lanmei knew her younger brother quite well, and asked concerned: “Did you encounter any problems?”

Zhang Qianxiu shook his head slightly: “It’s not a big problem, it’s just business competition. In the past, other grain and oil stores sold rice without package delivery. My store is too biased. In order to attract customers with the slogan of delivering packages to their homes, many people do. Come to me to buy rice.”

“Several other companies saw business coming to me, so they started to send rice to their door. My position is not good, so I have to find a way to grab the business.”

This is normal business competition, but there is nothing to complain about.

Zhang Lanmei still didn’t understand this, and asked, “Is there any way?”

Zhang Qianxiu smiled and nodded: “There is a way. When the time comes, sister, you will help guard the store, and I will go to Enquan brother to sell the goods and lock all the customers.

“Okay, no problem!” Zhang Lanmei was afraid that she was useless, she was still very happy to be able to help her brother.

And Zhang Lanmei wants to try a new life, things have already reached this point, if you go back and live with the loess and back, then I am sorry for what my brother did for her.

Zhang Lanmei is not that kind of particularly smart person, but she is definitely a very patient and able to endure hardships. She knows to help her younger brother keep the shop, and started to ask his younger brother a variety of questions, although they are all low-level questions. At least it shows that she really wants to do it well.

At ten o’clock at noon, Huang Enquan came back. Zhang Qianxiu asked them to see the store, but he drove out to see if there was a place for rent. He had to rent a house, otherwise there was no place to live.

Nowadays, there are not many houses for rent. First, there are few people coming out. Second, the construction of commercial houses in small county towns has not yet started, and few houses have redundant houses for rent.

Real estate didn’t start to explode until after 2000, so houses are not as popular as they were later. Most rural people don’t even want to buy a house in the city.

After Zhang Qian repaired it, it was not easy to find a few houses. Most of them were locals who built new houses. The old houses were useless, so they were rented out. Although the price is not expensive, it is about fifty a month, but the environment inside is really a bit. Can’t see it.

Zhang Qianxiu is renting a house again, and it is impossible to spend a lot of money to decorate it.

After more than an hour of transfer, the entire county town was almost transferred, and no suitable house was found, so I had to return to Shudetang to cook first.

I went to the market to buy vegetables, and then went to Shudetang.

When Ge Qingshan saw Zhang Qianxiu coming over, he smiled and asked, “How’s your business going?”

Thinking of his parents, Zhang Qianxiu felt a little guilty and uncomfortable. He smiled bitterly and said: “The matter has been resolved, but my parents were so angry with me, they probably gritted their teeth at me.”

Ge Qingshan said: “They are your parents after all. As long as you do well in the future, you can still be considerate of you. Read the book and I will cook!”

“Master, let me go!” Zhang Qianxiu didn’t feel embarrassed to let the master cook all the time, after all, his old man was also very old.

Ge Qingshan did not force it.

Normally, Zhang Qianxiu took Huang Enquan and Zhang Jiankang over after eating, because there were not enough bowls to bring rice.

Zhang Qianxiu had to deliver food to the two of them first, and then called her sister back for dinner.

When Ge Qingshan saw Zhang Lanmei, he casually asked a few words, knowing that Zhang Qianxiu wanted to rent a house, and asked: “Has the house been found?”

Zhang Qianxiu said, “No, I’m looking for it.”

Ge Qingshan thought for a while and asked: “Then how long do you plan to live in the county?”

Zhang Qianxiu pondered for a while, and said, “It is estimated that it will take two or three years.”

Zhang Qianxiu is very clear about what he is going to do in the future. It is impossible to stay in the county town all the time. When he has certain strength, he must leave K county town to develop in a larger city, or directly develop his career slowly. Out of the county seat.

Zhang Qianxiu had never done business before and didn’t know the difficulty of doing business. Now he deeply understands that business is not easy, and it is like a mountain.

At present, Zhang Qianxiu’s only industry involved is selling rice. If it is not necessary, Zhang Qianxiu will not easily change industries unless he has enough confidence or is optimistic about that industry.

As for the lottery, that thing can be done, and it should be very profitable, but it must not be used as the main business, because it is not known in which year the right to issue lottery tickets will be restricted by the state, and all efforts will turn into a bubble.

The lottery will be done for a few years at most, and it’s a lot of money and leave.

And the period of two or three years was neither long nor short, at that time he was less than twenty.

Even if he left in less than two years, renting a house is not a big problem.

Ge Qingshan thought for a while and said that renting a house in County D is not expensive. The cheap one is only thirty or forty yuan a month, which is better than sixty or seventy. I know someone who wants to sell an old house, one thousand three hundred. Block, would you like it? ”

“Ah? Master, how much do you say?” Zhang Qianxiu thought he had heard it wrong.

One thousand three to buy a house, this is crazy!

This is something Zhang Qianxiu can’t even think about. Now it takes tens of thousands to build a house in the countryside!

Ge Qingshan said: “One thousand three, which is not too expensive. If you rent a house for two years, it costs less than six to seven hundred. It’s better to buy one.”

“Then listen to the master, where is the house? I’ll take a look!” Zhang Qianxiu said quickly. If you don’t buy it, don’t buy it. By 2019 or so, the house price in the county has risen to more than 6,000 per square meter, for a county. , This house price is not cheap anymore.

Zhang Lanmei’s feeling was completely different. He was shocked when he heard Yi Qian San, it was a lot of money.

Ge Qingshan stood up: “I’ll take you to see it, it’s not far from here.”

“Good!” Zhang Qianxiu quickly stood up, his knee hurt suddenly and he almost fell.

Zhang Lanmei was a little anxious when she saw her brother standing up, so she hurried up to support her, fearing that he would accidentally fall.

Following Ge Qingshan out, the men, women and children met along the way respectfully greeted Ge Qingshan, saying “Old Ge”, “Old Ge”, “Grandpa Ge”, “Uncle Ge”, “Lao Ge” and so on.

Although Ge Qingshan did not smile amiably, he responded one by one.

Only then did Zhang Qianxiu discover that this film, regardless of men, women, or children, respects the master.

Follow this old street to the end, and continue to walk back. This side is basically private houses, there are no shops, and few shoppers will come here.

After walking for another two or three minutes until the Chen River in the county seat, Ge Qingshan pointed to a house and said, “This one is the only one. Take a look!”

Zhang Qianxiu looked up and saw that this house was about fifty meters away from Chenhe.

The house has a construction area of ​​about 100 square meters. It has a red brick structure with a layer of lime painted on the outside. The gate is an old wooden door with a lock hung on it, which is all rusty.

The roof is tiled, and it looks no problem. It is estimated that it is leaking because it has been unoccupied for so long.

The front door is full of weeds, and it seems that no one has lived for a long time.

The old is a bit old, but if you remodel it, there is no problem in living.

The county seat later built a road along the river, just in front of this house.

The road along the river is surrounded by a river on one side and houses on the other. This road was originally designed to relieve the pressure on the street in the city. Who knew it would later become the busiest entertainment street in the entire county. All the way, there are snack bars, restaurants, KTVs, etc. , In short, is a street for eating, drinking and having fun.

Chengzhong Road in the county seat has become a concentrated commercial area, filled with clothing stores and mobile phone shops.

A road along the river and a road in the middle of the city stretch in balance. There are countless small streets and alleys running through the two streets. The main structure of the county town is like a ladder. The road along the river and the road in the middle of the city are the two main supports.

By 2015, the surrounding areas centered on Yanhe Road and Chengzhong Road were relatively mature, and continued to develop cost-effectively. The government began to plan a third such business district.

The location of this house happened to be on the side of the road along the river, and the location was also just right, not within the scope of road construction.

This location has never been expropriated, but its value has been soaring. I heard that a house with more than 90 square meters facing the street can sell for more than two million yuan.

Compared with the current 1,300 yuan a whole building, it is more than a thousand times more than a thousand times. No matter how the money depreciates, it can’t be devalued more than a thousand times.

All in all, this house cannot be bought at a loss, and it cannot be fooled. If you buy it, you make a profit.

Zhang Qianxiu was very satisfied and said, “Master, can we go in and take a look?”

Ge Qingshan nodded: “Okay, let’s call the host.”

Ge Qingshan took Zhang Qianxiu and borrowed the phone from the neighbor’s house next door. Within half an hour, a middle-aged man arrived on a bicycle.

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