Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 704

Chapter 664: Talent Is Important

Chapter 664 Talent is important

Another morning.

Xiaohe West Road, Ermao wiped and wiped the Audi car that returned from the factory until he could clearly see his own shadow on the paint.

After doing a few stretches, he leaned against the car body comfortably, and just as he was about to take out the Hua Zi, he saw the senior guard Xiao Hei strolling over.

When he took out the prepared ham from the car, one person and one dog did not continue, but stood on the side of the road at the same time – a Mercedes-Benz team slowly passed by them, it seemed that they saw the Audi license plate, and the lead car was still honking. Picked up Piccolo and said hello.

DK Building is next to the entrance of Xiaohe Village. Ermao knew that there were academicians resident there, and he also learned from his brother the meaning of the academician Chonghua.

However, Ermao doesn’t care about this, no matter how important it is, his brother’s name is more important. The reason why he and the dog Xiaohei are so good is the respect for knowledge that is revealed from the bottom of the central control system!

A private entrepreneur who promoted the uselessness of reading on the Internet has been completely bankrupt. His brother only sent three top students to complete the task, and the whole process was exposed on the Internet.

The common people who grow flowers are the most industrious nation, and most of the small industries can be the best in the world. But if an entrepreneur doesn’t know the truth of making a fortune in silence, then don’t blame the most industrious people for making that invisible little category the worst in the world! (Similar to ballpoint pen tips, the whole industry is rotten after the large cost is made in China)

Er Mao thinks: Unless someone can stand up to his brother’s unreasonableness, the rumor that reading is useless for many years may disappear completely.

Huazi finished smoking, ham finished eating, and the broadcast sounded.

Xiaohei rubbed the legs of his trousers, and then ran back to the gate guard pavilion—just like his father, hearing the sound of the radio meant that he had finished his day’s work.

Vaguely, Er Mao saw that his brother’s security team was undergoing a new round of shift changes. He believed that the morning driving route would be sent to him soon.

Sure enough, after a while, Ermao took the documents signed from the invisible man, and after confirming the route again and again, Ermao signed his name, and then saw his brother strolling over.

Er Mao thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message, then sat in the driver’s seat.

“He seemed to be in a good mood and looked up at the sky many times.”

The day’s work begins.


Jiuxian Bridge, Shenzhou Gemini.

The 10th to 15th floors of Block B are the temporary offices of Tesla’s president’s office and multiple departments.

Liu Ying put away her phone and looked at the sky outside through the window.

The azure blue is dotted with a few white flowers, no wonder it feels good to see it.

She opened the glass side cabinet, took a look around, and took out the Royal Doulton Pacific series mug. The fresh blue and white combination fits the mood of today’s weather.

The mug was placed in the LaMarzocco coffee machine, and the life assistant determined the amount of milkshake and sugar to be added. Liu Ying glanced at her watch and walked to the elevator with the other three assistants.

There is no private elevator in Gemini. In order to achieve the purpose of controlling the elevator time and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Liu Ying can only press a few more floors while riding.

After three years at the Paris Normal University, Liu Ying’s greatest achievement is that it is not difficult to do one thing well, but the hardest thing is to do one thing to the extreme!

As the chief secretary, she is Zhao Song’s think tank, assistant, and mouthpiece. Especially on today’s important day with multiple tasks in parallel, she needs to arrange every detail clearly.

So starting from the work meeting of the secretary team in the morning, the MECE rule has been used to the extreme by her.

“Xiao Yin, what is the arrangement of the meeting in the afternoon?”

“The correspondent from the Pyeongchang District Government Office wrote that the preparation is complete. I will leave at 10 o’clock and go to the Pyeongchang Conference Hall to implement it.”

A beautiful woman behind her quickly replied that she is a young and senior secretary of the Nine Sections. She is a super secretary who can successfully complete all nine stages of the process from arranging work conference rooms, sending notices, and implementing tasks to assigning responsibilities and doing procedures. .

Liu Ying nodded with satisfaction, but still explained: “I brought the equipment technical team to check and make up for omissions. Judging from the news I received in the morning, the identities of the participants will be higher and higher.”



B4 arrived, the elevator opened, and at the same time, the sound of the door opening not far away was heard. Liu Ying’s time control skills have reached the level of perfection.

“Good morning, President.”

The four secretaries, two of them held the door, and two of them greeted him. The reason for such a big battle was to deal with the CEO’s various work questions during the elevator time – if Zhao Song asked.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.” Zhao Song replied with a smile. Anyone who sees four beauties with different styles in the morning will feel much better!

Several people walked into the elevator. The secretaries and the two security guards stood scattered like ordinary office workers, but only faintly blocked Zhao Song in the corner.

It was during the morning rush hour. According to Liu Ying’s experience, at least ten more people would have to get on the elevator after reaching the first floor. The whole journey took about 20 minutes.

To her relief, Zhao Song didn’t ask any questions, just kept staring at the beauties in the video advertisements.

Half an hour later, Zhao Songan sat in the president’s office, and the special instant coffee of about 60 degrees was also delivered by the life assistant.

This kind of meticulous personal care work seems to have become a kind of knowledge all over the world, openly opened in various colleges and universities, so that countless people who pursue the desire for money and power cannot stop!


Hearing the sound of thanks, the life assistant smiled just right and walked out of the office with his hips twisted.

After a long time, Zhao Song withdrew his gaze under Liu Ying’s hidden white eyes.

“Leader, arrange work.” Zhao Song stretched his back and teased to his secretary.

Liu Ying was not affected, turned on the TV seriously, and called up a video file, introducing:

“This is a new 3D rendering from Foster + Partners. Mr. Norman Foster mentioned in his E-mail that if he needed support, he would take a flight to Beijing at any time.”

Zhao Song hurriedly shook his head: “A briefing session, tossing an old man in his 60s, don’t wait for the project to be finished and toss people away.”

This is why many people think that Zhao Song is not suitable for managing a business!

Liu Ying held back her anger and reminded: “President, you may not understand that a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, one of the most outstanding architects in the world, a representative of the ‘high-tech school’, the 21st Pritzker Architecture The great influence brought by the award-winning architect after coming to China!”

“Maybe…” Zhao Song glanced at Liu Ying silently, and asked calmly, “Some time ago, I seemed to prove my influence in the world with my actions, otherwise why would your master architect come over? ”

“…” Liu Ying was silent for a moment, before struggling to squeeze out two words, “Sorry!”

“I accept your apology,” Zhao Song accepted it and asked with a smile, “My job?”

Liu Ying quickly took out the memo: “First, other units hope to hold a coordination meeting before the afternoon briefing.”

“No.” Zhao Song vetoed without thinking, “After the project is approved, I will enter the project approval team, only to approve the appearance of the building, and other families to manage their own affairs. For such a large project, there are entanglements of interests and trivial details. Whoever wants to worry about it will worry about it.”

“Understood, I will ‘seriously’ reply to each unit,” Liu Ying nodded, took out a speech and put it in front of Zhao Song, “Your task this morning is to familiarize yourself with the speech and the layout of the park, and in the afternoon you need to make a simple statement. Introduce the design concept of the base.”


I hate learning to memorize things after graduation.

Zhao Song took the speech in a tangled manner, waved his hand impatiently, and motioned Liu Ying to leave quickly.

“By the way, President Xu Liangying called and asked me to adjust the priority of a central control work email,” Liu Ying ignored Zhao Song’s small temper and continued, “I will send you the content of the email after the meeting.”

Zhao Song nodded while holding the speech, and asked casually, “About what?”

“About the key research and development projects of Wuming Technology, there is something wrong with the Huaqing project team of the partner.”

Zhao Song’s expression condensed: “What’s the problem?”

“A main researcher had a conflict with the project team on the employment issue!”

Zhao Song finally became curious: “What is his plan?”

“Be a civil servant.”


Zhao Song got up with a dignified face, took out his mobile phone, and explained as he dialed: “Go and have a look.”


“I’ll be free to play! HQ may be very important…

But no talent is ever important! ”

“Go, go to Huaqing.”

PS, two academicians have gone. In addition to being heavy, I mourn the other alone. More introductions are in the author’s words:

Those who are not close to Buddhas in virtue cannot be doctors, and those who are not close to immortals cannot be doctors.

The father of liver surgery in China, Mr. Wu Mengchao, go all the way!

He created numerous firsts in the field of hepatobiliary surgery in China and even in the world; translated the first Chinese version of the introductory monograph on liver surgery; he produced the first cast specimen of liver blood vessels in China; created the intermittent hilar occlusion and incision method and normal temperature bloodless liver resection; completed the world’s first case of middle hepatic lobectomy; removed the world’s largest hepatic cavernous hemangioma; completed the world’s first laparoscopic direct removal of liver tumor. Operation……

Countless number one firsts all witness the extraordinary exploration of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery from scratch and from existence to essence; it also records the supreme state of the great doctor of the country to help the world!

(end of this chapter)

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