Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 707

Chapter 667: The Headquarters Is Not High, But It Has A Big Role

Chapter 667 The headquarters is not high, but it has a great effect

The meeting has begun to cool off.

But Zhao Song understands the truth of taking it as soon as you see it.

He did not give people time to think carefully, but quickly changed the subject:

“Through the researcher’s example, skyscrapers are not very attractive to him, because in traditional skyscrapers, the higher the company’s top level, the higher it is, which is a symbol of the company’s power and economic strength!

Obviously, the rights of the company are much weaker than the rights pursued by researchers! ”


The people below who were originally relieved were really afraid that he would turn the topic around again.

“So for designers, each design concept is compiled with a multi-dimensional criterion system, which includes thinking about environment, resources, life, function, efficiency and many other factors.

Especially in a country like ours with a long history, special national conditions, and the coexistence of deep-rooted traditional ideas, as a designer of a technology company headquarters that is destined to deviate from many traditional concepts, it is necessary to re-examine the most important factors that determine architecture——

Cultural connotation and update factors affecting its development! ”

Under the stage, many construction practitioners listened attentively to Zhao Song’s statement, and Xi Yuan stared at Zhao Song again and again.

“Innovation, refinement, confidentiality, pursuit of perfection, equality, the future, etc. are Tesla’s corporate culture, and the latter two are the main factors that contributed to this plan.

Equal, because the Tesla headquarters floor is not, and even my office may be located on the first floor in the future.

The future is that Tesla provides all employees with a road full of the future. When you walk from the university campus to Tesla’s headquarters, your route may be to circle there and then go to Tesla in the United States. After completing your on-the-job education, you may return here to take on a more important role in the future.

As for the traditional desire for rights, I wonder if technological rights can satisfy the thoughts of traditional flower growers.

Thanks to the enlightenment of the country and the foresight of the leaders, this year, there are two scientific researchers under the Department of Central Control who will be nominated as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. victory! ”


Listening to the noise behind him, Zhao Song smiled slightly and said softly;

“There is no need for me to introduce the resources and influence of an academician.”


Zhao Song didn’t care about the vibration he caused to the people at the venue. He made a gesture to the equipment operator, and the big screen instantly changed the scene:

“So, this is the future Tesla headquarters base, an innovative interpretation of the tradition of planting flowers!”



“What is this?”

“According to the scale, the distance between the corresponding limit points inside the building is too far? How to solve the internal traffic? Use a car?”

“Hakka village?”

There was a lot of discussion under the stage. On the podium, Zhao Song was covered in black lines and shouted to the operator:

“Bring out the bird’s-eye view.”



The venue finally quieted down.

“Does it look like a spaceship?” Zhao Song was unhappy. “The essence of the headquarters building as a cultural image endorsement, the appearance is simple and clear, even rough, what else can better reflect the spirit of Tesla?”

The host coughed and asked softly, “How big is it?”

Zhao Song explained: “In terms of image, its atrium can make 1 and 1/3 of the Eiffel Tower happily traverse in it!”


To the on-site architects, this building is like a giant structure, with a superhuman scale. It is the result of blind technical worship. They believe that in the future, it will be difficult to define professional and academic values. , must be controversial.

Zhao Songcai doesn’t care about disputes in a certain industry. This is the briefing session before the project approval. What he cares about is the reaction of the leaders on the podium. Obviously, when he heard the scale of the ‘spaceship’, no one came forward. Question why not build high-rise buildings.

So, his speech continued:

“Operator, let’s get a closer look.”

The    screen shows a close-up photo of the 3D model.

“Up close, the office building looks like a ring, beautiful and expensive. All the glass is curved lines, so our experience building Tesla retail stores comes in handy.

The huge curved glass is not difficult for us. I hope this glass curtain wall can become a unique masterpiece of art.

Let the glass wall go around the field, isn’t it cool? ”

Under the stage, the sound gradually became smaller, and everyone was immersed in the 3D model and Zhao Song’s explanation:

“The office building is planned for 6 floors, with museum-quality terrazzo floors and perfectly polished cement ceilings.

Operates on 100% renewable energy, including solar and biomass.

All domestic photovoltaic energy panels will occupy 9.5 hectares. In order to achieve the goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions, the building will not be equipped with air conditioners. Instead, a natural gas distribution system will be used to ventilate and exhaust in the natural environment. “The interior of the building is obviously an open office environment. Due to the limited distance between each other, it is obviously not suitable for the same department to be on the same floor. Their communication methods will use large steps, small bridges, mezzanine and double height.

For the safety of employees, all indoor building materials are not allowed to have a screw, so domestic building materials manufacturers have to work hard. Last winter, Tesla felled tens of thousands of high-quality white oak trees in the United States, but after so long, there seems to be only one island country in the world that can meet the requirements of our desk craftsmanship.

Obviously, our flower gardener has carpenters who can build a model of the Temple of Heaven with tens of thousands of parts, but we can’t find a wood workshop that can meet Tesla’s craftsmanship standards.

Let us share this lesson together. ”


Under the stage, the brows of the stakeholders were wrinkled, and they kept evaluating how perverted Tesla’s process requirements were.

“Now, let’s take a look at the current project planning overview, the operator, please call out the general blueprint of the central control department and the university.”

Equipment technicians are in a hurry.

“Ka Ka~”

The screen changes, and two-thirds of the land plan of Laohewan appears in front of everyone instantly.

“People gather because of the water, and the city thrives because of the water. The old capital often said “BJ City floating from the Grand Canal”. As a traditional east-west dragon vein for flower growers, the northern dragon vein from Kunlun is the longest.

As part of the North Dragon Vessel, the starting point of the North Canal water system is the Wenyu River.

Clear waters and picturesque scenery, green trees on both sides, flowers and plants swaying in the wind, and egrets and mandarin ducks resting on the green shore.

This is nature’s generous gift to us.

Therefore, the entire park will use the underground traffic corridor to move all driving and parking problems to the bottom. In addition to the underground roads, we have also planned an additional underground parking lot with 15,000 parking spaces. In the future, the parking lot can also be used. The three-dimensional parking method is used to expand the parking scale to 2-3 times.

Here to remind other units that in the future where the auto industry is a national policy, the number of parking spaces is the primary issue that every property construction must consider! ”

Having said that, Zhao Song looked down at the data and continued:

“Ok, let’s look at the campus environment after removing the traffic factor…”

“Ka Ka~”

A full screen of green appeared in front of everyone.

“80% greening rate!”

Zhao Song was full of pride, but the architect looked solemn.

“So for architects, how to embed the special buildings of many universities and enterprises in this tree-lined place, as well as 3 professional university libraries, 1 world’s first comprehensive library, The theater, where lectures by the world’s top scientists are often held, the stadium that hosts the Olympic events, and a large Tesla history museum will be a problem for all of you.

By the way, in the park, whether it is a university or an enterprise, there are no walls! ”

The architects were concentrating and making plans in their hearts. Xi Yuan even drew a sketch in the book. She not only drew the park that Zhao Song said, but also drew other open spaces. She knew that those lands must have owners. After today, not to mention How big will the plans on those lands be, and all the land from here to the Sixth Ring Road will definitely rise!

However, many entrepreneurs are making their own plans. For example, Dabeard and Xu Liangying are listening to Zhao Song’s story while staring at the open space outside the bird’s-eye view. They have already increased the height of their office building. few.

A big ring, 80% green jade, plus the old He of Wanwan, if you sit in an office in a high-rise building and look at such a picture, what a pleasant scene it will be!

“The 5 billion years of life in the solar system are too far away from us, but the population of 7 billion and 8 billion on the earth will come in a blink of an eye. I don’t talk about political, religious, economic and other factors, but only consider human nature, and I can tell you clearly. , we can’t feed that many people!

So in this park, in the 80% of the lush greenery, in addition to the respect of technology stars, a farmer who can feed 125 people can also be respected.

Therefore, half of the greening of the entire park will also cooperate with agricultural colleges and universities, and fully invest in the research and development of precision agriculture.

In the future, the agricultural products produced in the park will be supplied to the canteens of enterprises and colleges in the park. I also hope that its scientific research results can be applied to the whole country.

Tesla’s plant three-element sensor is in the final stage, at least it will make its own contribution to the lack of water resources, I don’t want to face the problem of ground collapse one day when driving on the road. ”


The rostrum, which was choked by Zhao Song’s last sentence every time, was full of silence, making Zhao Song laugh secretly:

“Finally, thanks to State Grid, Jingcheng Gas Group, and Jingcheng Water Group for their strong cooperation. Since the beginning of the year, your 7*24 small special team has been stationed and solved countless problems for the project.

Thanks for the great assistance of the Beijing Municipal Government and the Pyeongchang District Government. You not only sent the best project managers and teams to the Central Control Department, but also let countless international investors know what the speed of planting flowers is. ”


“Clap clap~”

Amid the applause, the host coughed lightly, and looked at a few people on the podium before asking into the microphone:

“Mr. Zhao, the atrium of the headquarters is very big?”

Zhao Song looked at him suspiciously and replied, “Yes, very big.”

“What about planning?”

Zhao Song was confused, he quickly turned around to look for his secretary, only to get a blank eye:

“Didn’t I say it?”

The host replied helplessly: “I didn’t say it.”

“Oh,” Zhao Song nodded and hurriedly signaled to the operator.

Under the stage, the equipment technician, who was sweating profusely by Zhao Song’s unrestrained approach, looked helpless, and quickly found the plan that he skipped just now and typed it on the screen.

“As you can see,” Zhao Song stared at the plan and introduced while thinking, “The atrium is very big, and it… is also green.”

Host: “…Yes, it’s green…we can see it.”

“Oh, I know why there is no introduction!” Zhao Song finally reacted and suddenly said, “This place is not mine!”


Pingchang’s leader endured the headache, took the microphone and asked, “Why isn’t it yours? I was personally present when I gave you the land. I never heard that a piece of land that big can be thrown out!”

“That…” Zhao Song smirked and said embarrassedly, “I donated it to someone else.”

“Huh?” The people on the rostrum finally had the opportunity to retaliate for Zhao Song’s rudeness just now, and they all became angry. Someone asked loudly, “Who is it for? Can you freely give the land planned by the state?”

Zhao Song sat in a calm gesture, straightened his throat, and solemnly introduced:

“One of the main research bases for the ex situ conservation project of endangered wild animals implemented by the Flower Planting Government, a national AAAA-level tourist attraction…

Rongcheng Giant Panda Breeding Research Base! ”


For Xi Yuan, this was a day that subverted her cognition.

Not only did she know that her younger sister was actually the richest classmate.

also saw the means of young rich people turning their hands into clouds and turning their hands into rain.

Landmarks are not skyscrapers!

The most easily criticized streamlines are too long and the scale is too large, but he has also understated skipping.

Then everyone thought about the national treasure, and thought they should put a big ring there, and then circle those cute idiots…


This day is also very interesting.

Maybe that circle is controversial, but the planning of the center of that circle makes all the problems become non-problems.

It’s hard to say how big its impact will be.

But it has a huge impact on Tesla. In the evening of this day, Tesla received application reports for transfer and job address transfer from branches around the world.

Half of the applications are handwritten pictures by many scientific research backbones!

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

In addition, the author has no Apple products in his hands, nor is it a fan.

The reason why I wrote that spaceship is that the headquarters of companies such as Amazon, Google, Must Die, Huawei, Qiandu, etc. are not like Apple. From the foundation, there are many private drones peeping every day.

To be honest, it should be regarded as a hot topic. Long live the understanding.

(end of this chapter)

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