Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 732

Chapter 692: Journal

Chapter 692 Diary

” July 23, sunny.

I was worried that I would encounter hot weather at work. Fortunately, the conditions of the Tesla park are very good, and its owner’s speech also has a great cooling effect.

I am very happy because the project has made great progress today.

As the film crew of the Economic Channel, we have always been full of doubts:

Why is he staying at home busy with other ‘irrelevant’ things when investors from all over the world are already in London.

Why can those international shareholders turn a blind eye to the complicated relationship between Tesla and the central control system that Mr. Zhao Song is confused about.

These doubts, in an ordinary social practice of middle school students this afternoon, we found the answer!

The current flower growing business community must admit that no matter whether a young ‘boy’ is ‘naughty’ or not, everyone wants to know the content of every word and every word he says as soon as possible.

Big Data!

Twenty-three years ago, the famous futurist Toffler praised his “third wave splendid movement” in “The Third Wave”.

In addition, there is no information and reports, and no one has explained it in detail.

23 years later, Zhao Song, a famous young entrepreneur, once again uttered this term.

From his simple explanation, we not only understand the previous doubts, but also understand why the president of a famous business consulting company such as McKinsey has to come to see him again and again, and even participate in Tesla’s management practice even at the cost of lowering his price. Come.

Because they see the potential commercial value of personal mass information.

Zhao Song is the forerunner, and they need this young man’s journey of exploration.

Tesla is a door. When you open the door, you can see the whole picture of the central control system; when you see the whole picture, you can see a market as high as 1.3 billion.

The future of China’s big data will definitely be in the hands of Zhao Song! ”

Under the lamp, Zhang Ning closed the diary.

She is in favor of the project team adjusting the direction again. If only to simply show Tesla’s success and reflect the good situation of the flower-growing economy, it would be better to follow Tesla’s listing affairs team.

But they are the project team, and the leader’s instruction is to make a special article!

They had to expand their horizons again, so everyone’s eyes lit up because they saw a whole new world…

Business ecology!

is used to express point-to-point, that is, a piece of steel plate from Zhonghua Iron and Steel Company, processed by Wuming Technology, and sold to Tesla’s terminal products, only took a little more than a week.

Including transoceanic air transport, in exchange for US dollars.

Good one dollar!

Zhang Ning sighed with emotion and couldn’t help but guess how many entrepreneurs would dare to be as neat as Zhao Song after the program team discovered Tesla’s development experience?

Zhang Ning shook his head involuntarily.

It will be more busy in the future. The project team needs to make the first phase before leaving for Europe. She also has to buy some personal time for herself to attend the wedding of the sisters.



Tesla Industrial Park.

Zhao Song couldn’t sleep for a while.

He stared blankly at the mind map in front of him, which listed all affiliated companies centered on the central control.

Zhao Song is curious: how will Qi Qiangdong’s more than 500 individual companies be managed in the future?

Are they all leather bag companies? ! ! !

“How many more meetings are there?”

Liu Ying glanced at the schedule in her hand and asked:

“Boss, what day did you ask?”

“…” Zhao Song changed his question, “How many meetings will there be on average a day in the next week?”

“3 large meetings, excluding ad hoc meetings.”

Zhao Song looked at the map on the whiteboard, thought about it, and decided: “You can contact me immediately. The meeting about the three companies of Shenzhou Group, Sina Corporation, and Shanda Network is scheduled for one day.”

“Boss…” Liu Ying raised her head in surprise.

“You contact Beard’s assistant, Shenzhou Group needs to do my resignation as the honorary director of the group in advance. Before leaving Europe, I want them to achieve complete financial isolation between Shenzhou and the Central Control Department.”

Liu Ying quickly recorded in the calendar that, unlike Tesla and other companies, Central Control manages Zhao Song’s shares in various companies and does not participate in corporate management. What Zhao Song said in this head office is what no one can persuade, it is completely determined by one word!

“Boss, do you have an idea for Shanda?”

Because the starting point was Tesla’s listing, Liu Ying, Tesla’s chief secretary, also began to assist Zhao Song in overall work.

“That’s right!” Zhao Song didn’t hide it.

“Boss, if Shanda…”

“No ifs!” Zhao Song said firmly, “If I am destined to be scolded, it cannot be attributed to the children. This is also one of my obsessions!”

“But Chen Qiao’s listing application is very helpful to you!” Liu Ying obviously has different opinions, they are businessmen, and they have an opinion on Zhao Song’s too much personal feelings, “If Shanda goes public, it will affect domestic wealth. The list has a huge impact, and you don’t even need Wuming and NTU to go public to achieve your goals!”

“There is a plan in the control of this matter. Tell Wen Zhenwen to implement it and replace it with Sina shares, which will be jointly managed by Shenzhou Group and me. The offshore company is ready, she knows how to deal with it.”

Liu Ying nodded helplessly and agreed in a muffled voice.

“Let’s rest early.” After dealing with the most important thing, Zhao Song got up, “By the way, are there many thank-you banquets?”

Liu Ying thought for a while: “There are a lot of people. The listing places are precious. If you can make two listings for central control companies, there are many people who need to be thanked.”

“Put the new Tesla Tpodmini in the thank you gift, remind the VIPs when giving the gift, and try to keep it secret.”

Liu Ying understood what Zhao Song meant and laughed: “I guess their family can’t help showing off.”

“That’s exactly what we need.” Zhao Song stretched his waist and said boldly, “Let our new generation of Tpod do it for us!”


At the same time, across the ocean.

Hao Ying, who had just finished her commercial performance, returned to her apartment to recharge her energy for the next endorsement shoot.

After taking off her makeup and enjoying a bubble bath, Hao Ying collapsed on the sofa and picked up the notebook on the side.

When she is free, she likes to follow the two lists related to herself the most.

Bulletin Board and Sound Field.

Of course, in terms of authority, Shengtian is several blocks away from the bulletin board. But after all, the time is still short. Judging from the frequency of Shengtian’s appearance in major audio media, it will catch up sooner or later.

“what is this?”

Suddenly, Hao Ying’s eyes narrowed. She stared blankly at the Billboard chart, as if she saw a mischievous child rampaging for no reason…

She looked at the English song ranking of the lay classmate, and then looked at the number one single that she collaborated with Eminem – they are approaching the 8th week crown!

was stunned.

“This… Zhao Song? No… No way?!!!!”

(end of this chapter)

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