Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 761

Chapter 720: A Piece Of Cloth On The Head (Going To See The Baby Tomorrow

Chapter 720 A piece of cloth on the head

When the big man in the gray uniform stopped, Cai Feng had already turned blue nose and face, and he was still trying to make up his feet. The big man smiled and took out a permit and handed it to Cai Feng:

“Boy, keep your eyes open, you are suspected of obstructing official business, so a beating is considered light.”

“Bah,” Cai Feng spit out **** spit and gritted his teeth, “The permitted area above is the suburbs of New York State, what are you guys doing here in Manhattan?”

The big men laughed when they heard the words, and packed up their tools one after another.

Leaving only Cai Feng, who was injured every time he played, and licked the wound with a grin.



Tesla’s share price was 116.77, rising steadily, but not by much.

Some people are disappointed, some people are impatient, some people have nothing to do with them.

Most people can’t see the stormy waves brewing behind this calm.

The so-called accurate prediction is based on the huge information flow and resource integration.

So those who predicted the 2008 crisis and made gains are really good, but the real ones are those who know the consequences without predicting and who pretend to be deaf!

These most shameless and disgusting people not only want to make money, but also want the whole world to pay for the crisis they caused!

So they control America?

Do not!

They have taken over the world!


Therefore, when a person does not have enough information sources and social resources, before the established facts have occurred, even if a small amount of funds is swiped with a credit card, it is considered as adding financial leverage, bringing multiple risks to investment, and also become leeks.

High-quality stocks fall and will rise. Those people are not the wool of real investors, but the leeks who have added leverage and have infinite greed!


Tesla’s second flagship store in New York.

The Irish-curly-haired man finally took out his credit card and paid for the two items he purchased.

Yes, two.

He did not expect that the membership services of the Tesla flagship store would be so colorful. When he decided to buy the top version of TSLbookPRO, he was taken to the membership center to listen to the store manager’s explanation and experience various Tesla products.

Especially when listening to Tpodclassic, the effect of listening to “Starsky” on TV was incomparable, which added another option to his shopping list.

As he walked out of the clerk, the curly-haired man put on milky white earphones. The earphones manufactured by Wesonic have added ergonomic elements. Five different specifications of silicone earplugs can meet most ear shapes.

Remember the conclusion that thicker is better?

Because of the involvement of knot theory, Tesla is one of the most satisfying designs for customers in solving the problem of entanglement of headphone cables.

Pressing Tesla’s exclusive circular play button, the voice of the oriental witch instantly entered his ears. In the background music, the piano was a piano and the bell was a bell, and the layered sound field immediately conquered his ears.

Then, he left with his head held high in the envious eyes of people in line.

Walking, his sense of superiority gradually burst, but his footsteps also slowly stopped.

He looked around suspiciously and thought inexplicably: This is Wall Street, shouldn’t the most investors be investors in suits? how……

His eyes came to the endless line again. Most of the people in the line were dressed the same as him, with cowboy t-shirts, a typical home otaku.

Today’s Wall Street has been occupied by a group of otaku like me? ! !

Standing at the end of the line, the curly-haired man raised his head stupidly, and the rapidly scrolling stock information screen came into view. Here, is the gate of the New York Stock Exchange.

Above the gate, the bold and highlighted real-time TSLA market seems to be tempting him to do something.

Looking at the long queue again, thinking that there seems to be a stockbroker’s phone number in the address book, the curly-haired man scratched his head, left the gate of the New York Stock Exchange, and took out his mobile phone at the same time…



Tesla share price: $117.39.

If it weren’t for the IPO, this would have been a perfect growth curve.

But this was supposed to be a brand new feast of wealth, so did it end so hastily?

The trading floor is back to the same hustle and bustle as before. Although the celebratory color spokes are still hanging, the champagne has been drank, and the executives, VIPs, and the media have moved to the Times Building. If there is a difference from the usual, it is a young man standing on the high platform.

Zhao Song was lying on the railing, looking at Evans who was restless in the hall with a half-smile, and occasionally met his gaze, but did not respond.

The secretary and security team behind    were silent, unless Zhao Song gave any instructions or left here, they would always stand behind Zhao Song.

Liao Yingzhu, who has been communicating with the front-line trading team, also quieted down and was staring at Tesla’s K-line chart.

Only Qin Han has been the communication bridge between Zhao Song and Tesla’s global publicity and sales team. Every change of information, she has to report to Zhao Song in detail, and she will come when she is too busy. Liu Ying supports.

“Liu Ying, according to the official translation, is the boss of the New York Stock Exchange ‘Chairman’ or ‘President’?”

Liu Ying recalled the relevant report on the New York Stock Exchange before answering: “In the report of Zhonghua Daily in September this year, the translated name ‘Chairman’ did not appear again.”

Zhao Song: “That’s the president?”

“It should be the same as the boss,” Liu Ying said. “The original text of the report is: John Reed, the former chairman of Citigroup, was ordered to take on the burden of the interim chairman and CEO of the New York Stock Exchange.”

“It’s from Citi~” Zhao Song sighed, “No wonder it’s so stingy, we are so stingy, we don’t want to arrange more programs, how can I say…”

Before he finished speaking, the entire display screen under the eaves of the high platform suddenly flashed, and after a snowflake, it all turned into a CNN real-time news channel.


Zhao Song looked towards the end of the high platform, where the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, no, it should be the CEO of the New York Stock Exchange, John Reed, who was holding up the champagne in his hand and gestured to Zhao Song with a smile.

Although Zhao Song didn’t hear the sound of his mouth, he quickly understood what he meant:

“Internet companies without bubbles, or Internet companies?”

“Boy, it’s up to you! I don’t want all the Internet giants to go to Nasdaq for listing!”

This is the world’s financial center. No one can figure out how much funds are held by investment companies like stars and countless fund managers.

John Reed is currently the person who knows Tesla’s background data best, no one. Only he knows how many small fund managers who only rely on market performance and public opinion reports to invest in stocks have tentatively bought new Tesla shares since the listing.

That horrible data, he will never tell anyone!



Tesla share price 117.98.

Evans fought back his beating heart and pretended to concentrate on his work.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, indicating that his stockbroker had already started the operation.

The trading volume began to increase, and for the first time, there were two sides of “long and short” in this new stock.

But this time it was Evans and the likes of Mr. Wan Wan, who traveled the world with his wife. Cash out the profits, then increase the leverage, and be ready to enter again at any time!

The    cross star appeared on Tesla’s K-line chart for the first time. Liars, lunatics, and fools in the short-term financial market quickly emerged, and in a short period of time, the suddenly enlarged selling price was completely wiped out.

“As long as you don’t add leverage…as long as you don’t add leverage, plus a little patience, you won’t lose money!”

This is Zhao Song looking at the transaction chart and offering the most sincere blessings to those neurotics who support Tesla.

At this time, Tesla’s stock price finally jumped to 118.01, an increase of 34.09% from the opening to the present. Due to the sudden increase in trading volume, some retail investors and fund managers who have been watching for a long time once again launched tentative investments.

This may be their last test. If there is no main player entering the market, then they will come to the conclusion that Tesla has exhausted its potential. There are so many popular stocks in the market, why bother with this unsatisfactory Tesla? !

Unfortunately, they will never understand that those bloodthirsty giant crocodiles have already grasped their mentality clearly!


Under the gazes of countless eyes in the hall, Zhao Song finally straightened up, stretched his waist and shouted, “I should go.”

Liao Yingzhu stared at the candlestick chart with all her attention, and nodded solemnly.

Zhao Song glanced at his watch: “According to the contract, the first share must be released before 10:55, and the liquidated damages must be paid every second every night. You can control this yourself.”


“The celebration will start on time at 10:49:30, I leave you and the investors in the market five minutes to react.”


Liao Yingzhu’s face became calmer, but his eyes became sharper.

The once chick has grown into a bloodthirsty beast, and that ugly face brings people the confidence to win.

helped her get back her messy hair, and patted her on the shoulder before Zhao Song gave instructions.

The security was scattered, the secretaries stepped forward, helped him take off his suit jacket, unbuttoned his shirt cuffs, took out the hem from his trousers, and replaced his business shoes with soft leather casual shoes.

The blond secretary touched up his makeup, the mixed-race brown-haired beauty put an ear drum on his left ear, and the Cartier men’s exclusive gold necklace was also tied from behind.

After finishing his make-up, he put on the hand-made ‘Disqualification in the World’ sunglasses, took a floral scarf with auspicious cloud patterns from Liu Ying’s hand and tied it on his head. Under the strange eyes of Liao Ying and the beautiful secretaries, he smiled:

“With a piece of cloth on my head, I am the richest in the world!

Let’s go~”

walked down the spiral staircase and passed through the trading floor. On the way, the red vest Evans suddenly rushed out. After being stopped by the security, he shouted:

“Zhao, it’s not over yet, right?”

Pulled by the bodyguard, he yelled frantically: “Tell me, it’s not over yet~ Zhao, tell me…”

Zhao Song stopped, he knew what this man was facing, and with the wife and three children behind him, if it were him, he would have collapsed long ago.

He stretched out his clenched right hand, collided with Evans lightly, and said cheerily:

“come on!”

“You can do it, Zhao! You must do it, Zhao! You and Liao have never lost a defensive battle in the financial market, you can do it, Zhao!”


Out of the gate of the New York Stock Exchange, the team is ready to go.

This is a convoy of motorcycles. Eight mounted police officers in front of and behind the team have turned on their sirens and flashed their lights.

In the middle, are four motorcycles of different brands.

is followed by Zhao Song’s Honda Prince, Frank’s Harley Tough Guy, Ducati’s key guest of the beautiful Mapel, and the BMW successor of Black John.

The other three chose according to their own preferences. Zhao Song was not. He chose the Honda Prince purely to stuff those giant speakers.

Hugging, punching, in the cold and freezing rain, four young people with passion in their hearts stepped into their respective cars.


Throttle boomed.

“Kacha Kacha~”

The gossip reporter frantically pressed the gas pedal.


The screams of the crowd.

“Ding dong~噔~噔~”

Zhao Song pressed the play button of the Prince’s speaker, first the piano, then the timpani, the sound of the drums blasting the street made everyone’s heart skip a beat.



“I knew it!~”

In the long queue at the Tesla flagship store, a T-shirt otaku clenched his fists and shouted:

“Starsky is a bass drum throughout, and the **** TV speakers just don’t show it.”

The curly-haired man, who didn’t go far, put down his mobile phone. There was a confirmation text message. From now on, he is a shareholder of Tesla.

He walked through the crowd, cleverly dodging the bodyguards, stretched out his fist and shouted happily:

“Hey man, your product is cool!”

“You’re cool too, man!”

After colliding with the curly-haired man, Zhao Song waved his hand to the crowd dashingly, activated the prince, and with the help of the mounted police, he sped away, and then slowly disappeared, leaving only the bass of the eight cannon bobbins lingering, still shocking. Attract people’s hearts.



We are here


soars in the sky”

With the blessing of the bass, the voice of the Eastern Witch is even more natural.


Tesla share price 118.05.

The    motorcycle team marched towards Times Square along the long line outside the Tesla flagship store.

When a minute later, when the convoy just passed the flagship store, a live helicopter appeared in the sky.

Time Warner, who was in the same trench again, dispatched its most elite field team from CNN to broadcast the celebration of Tesla’s listing live to the United States.

Then through the satellite, the broadcast signal passes through the starry sky and is transmitted to all parts of the world!

Don’t doubt Tesla’s ability to spend money. Signal channels have been established in Europe, in island countries, and even in flower growers. The Beijing Satellite TV studio has entered a state of war, and it depends on the director’s courage.


Paint the night sky with the morning sun

YouandI, Mirrorsoflight

You and I are each other’s radiance


like two flames


Shine at the time and place”

On the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange, the screen has become an image of a motorcycle team.

Liao Yingzhu watched quietly, but her attention was all on the report in the earphone.

“Account 1033 has been cleared.”

“Account 1089 has been cleared.”


“Summary of Funds Transfers.”

“Flowering State Investment account is online.”

“Fund transfer completed.”

“Clear alternate, zombie accounts.”

“10:25:55, stock price 118.11.”

“Received a request to establish an information channel, from the backstage of the New York Stock Exchange, boss, do you want to connect?”

“Turn on!”

Liao Yingzhu glanced at John Sean, who was drinking champagne not far away, and calmly gave the order:

“The other party’s bait will appear at any time, stay tuned!”



In order to avoid suspicion, the trading team is in Europe. From now on, the Atlantic submarine optical cable that has been rented at a huge cost has lost its meaning. The lead of 0.16 milliseconds is worthless in the fight with real swords and guns for a while!

At 10:26, the stock price was 118.15.

The motorcade continued to move forward, passing through the New York Municipal Garden, the New York City Police Department, and then to the gate of the Government House.



I knew your name


also remembered your voice


Your love and charm”


The power of    cannon bobbins has been transmitted to thousands of households through TV signals.

New York Times Building, the lively welcome work continued, but the representatives of the international shareholders gradually gathered around a TV and watched the Lafeng Motorcycle Team with great interest.

Morgan Stanley’s David has been assigned, and John Mark, the president of UBS First Boston, has become the protagonist of these people.

Plus Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Bank of America waiting for super investment banks, this combination is enough to cause countless financial street shocks.

“On 118.19, the transaction volume has increased, but not much!” said the Japanese-born President of Bear Stearns, “We have to throw out a bait to stimulate the potential of those bystanders.”

For them, the fund managers of small and medium-sized investment banks are also considered retail investors.

118-120 is the real bottom line range, and they will never accept Zhao Song’s shares at a price higher than this range.

The bald John Mark heard the words and turned his attention to Philip Pursey, the new president of Morgan Stanley.

The reason why he is the protagonist of these people is because he once served as a Morgan Stanley executive. Due to the rash error of President David half a year ago, Zhao Song regained the absolute control of Tesla. The consequence is that his loyal follower Poole Sai became the new president.

Pulsay nodded to him and explained to the assistant beside him.

This bait is thrown by Morgan Stanley!



The past and the present converge


The world stirs in the heart

Unstoppable, thesongweplay

The song we play never stops”

At 10:28, Tesla’s share price calmly ushered in a small correction, quoting 118.17.

When the vast majority of retail investors and fund managers have begun to be disappointed and intend to close their hands, a huge buying order suddenly hangs out.

“The bait appears!”

This is the report of the front line to Liao Yingzhu.

“The main force has appeared!”

This is the surprise cry of countless retail investors.

The trading volume began to increase, and the investment enthusiasm that retail investors had accumulated from the time the bell rang all exploded!

Unfortunately, appearances are the opposite of reality most of the time.

If these people could hear Zhao Song and Liao Yingzhu’s thoughts at this time, they would only hear one sentence, that is:

“Don’t add leverage, don’t add leverage, don’t add leverage!”

With such a low price-to-earnings ratio, those beasts will not pull down Tesla’s stock price to give others the opportunity to open a position. They will fluctuate repeatedly in the price range!

You vomited three liters of blood, and your family was destroyed…


Deafening music, the motorcycle team passed through Foley Square, Columbus Park, and came to the Chinese American Museum.

At 10:29, Tesla’s K-line chart soared, and the price of 119.49 activated the adrenaline of countless retail investors.

“The first wave of shocks, prepare!”

Liao Yingzhu stared blankly at the candlestick chart, she was the defender, and she couldn’t do anything until the other party didn’t take action.

“Connected with CNN; live broadcast in Europe; live broadcast in island countries; live broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV on Zhonghuahua… Oh, God, BOSS, they have started live broadcast, repeat one more time, start live broadcast.”

“The network public opinion monitoring group has been linked and will report the situation at any time.”

10:29:33, Tesla stock price 119.59.

It won’t be long before everyone sees that desperate giant dam in the sales information box of the computer.

Want to raise the stock price?

Then take the joint selling of our international investment banks and talk about it!



Forget my past


I can’t erase the sleeping time


I can’t be loved so set me free


I can’t accept your love


can’t soothe your soul either”

“Get ready, the 120 price information will appear immediately, and the countdown will be 5 seconds!”



“and many more.”

“This is the network public opinion group. The first negative information is spread on a large scale. BOSS, it is the fever problem of TSLbookPRO, and the western IT website is updated synchronously.”

“Tesla began to fall, the price of 120 did not appear!”

“BOSS, they don’t want to hold the 120 price and prepare to take over the boss’s shares, they want to kill them all!”

Amid the chaotic reports, Liao Yingzhu came to the position where Zhao Song had stood, leaning on the railing.

In the hall below   , there are already red vests who have stopped working, looking at the display screen numbly, watching the sharply descending curve, wanting to cry without tears.

“Your greed is so insatiable?”

Liao Yingzhu sighed and shook his head, turning on the microphone on his chest:

“The first ad of TSLbookPRO!”


“Establish a channel.”

“Jiasheng Advertising is online!”

“TSLbookPRO’s first advertising blockbuster is ready to launch.”

“CNN news is ready to be broadcast, Google has completed real-time bidding, and thousands of keywords have been updated.”

“The sound field client, the international ICQ client, and the planting QQ client, the pop-up window is loaded.”

“Countdown begins!”



On the trading floor, Evans looked at the screen with a wry smile, the tragic downward curve inside made him give up any thoughts.

He took out his mobile phone and pressed the call button:

“Don’t use leverage, the price is within 19, you can buy as much as you can.”

Zhao, you can do it, you and I bumped into fists, right, you can do it!

Outside the New York Stock Exchange, the freezing rain was still falling. Old Yuan Wan Wan tightened his wife’s shirt, moved the umbrella to her side, and looked at the scrolling stock screen with a complicated expression.

After a while, he slowly took out his phone:

“Don’t use leverage, buy as much as you can.”

After    explained, Lao Yuan suddenly had an urge to ask that person a question:

“Young man, why do people die wherever you go?”

The fight has already begun.

The tragic fight has begun.




Let the past pass away


I can’t accept your hug


I can’t find words of comfort


I can’t respond to your love


can’t soothe your soul either”

After passing the Empire State Building, the convoy turned and came to Washington Square Park.

New York Times Square, the crossroads of the world…

is in sight.

(end of this chapter)

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