Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 776

Chapter 735: Family Disputes

Chapter 735 Family Disputes

In the spring of 2008, the capital was full of Olympic atmosphere.

Swallows are starting to build their nests, and the leaves are turning green, but in a giant city made of steel and concrete, no one will pay attention to these.

The 18-meter-long old-fashioned two-section bus is still running on the second and third rings. How to look at the red and white color matching. The blue-and-white volunteer service stations are quite trendy, and they add a lot of newness to this ancient city.

Both citizens and tourists can go there to sit, ask for directions, drink water, meet enthusiastic volunteers, and maybe give you a fan, which fully reflects the theme of ‘the capital welcomes you’.

There are more and more Starbucks in the CBD, which is a holy place for petty bourgeoisie men and women. Traditional Chinese people can’t imagine how those people would take sweets as their main meals, so efficient time management masters are more willing to go to one kilometer convenience store to pass lunch time.

A cup of coffee with a set of lunch. Or a bowl of oden with a Chinese burger.

Taking a rest at the bar after eating is a rare comfort in this fast-paced city.

If there is still unfinished business, then TSLbookPRO and TSLbookair are productivity tools for countless business men and women. It is also a weapon that can attract countless envious eyes!

That’s right, TSLbookair!

When Zhao Song took out the big kitchen knife from a cowhide bag at a Tesla product launch a year ago, it was doomed to its popularity.

If there is any difference in this time and space, then it has two more companies. One is Shenzhou, who eats, sleeps, and fights fantasy; the other is Tesla, who sleeps, eats, and makes apples.

The two companies have brought wealth and status to their founders, and wealth status also means influence. Of course, huge influence can do things that others can’t do – let Intel customize CPUs for a flower-growing technology company!

The birth of   TSLbookair pushed Zhao Song’s personal influence to the top, which also means that Tesla has completed the layout of technical reserves.

It’s a pity that after the product launch, Zhao Song rarely appeared in public, and the replacement of the wealth list did not cause much disturbance – it was just those names, and the flower grower had already won the first place. We are no longer interested.

What attracts attention are those young wealthy upstarts, the countless rising heroes of the Internet Warring States after Google went public with a market value that was twice that of Tesla four years ago.

In the eyes of people, Zhao Song’s industries are all industries except Tesla’s sound field ecology. After he became the richest man in the world and returned to China with U.S. dollars, he did not go further in the direction of capital. At most, he transferred back Liao Yingzhu’s team, and used financial tools in the expansion of the three links and one delivery and the one kilometer convenience group.

Professionals in the two industries have different reactions to this: in finance, professional people beat their chests, saying that it would be a waste to choose to buy rather than lease the property for one kilometer; For professionals, after seeing the huge one-kilometer self-owned property, they all show fear and worry!

Tesla and one kilometer, this is most of the impression of Zhao Song, because they are closely related to people’s lives.

Why is there no more people-friendly Shenzhou Group?

Because on the surface, Zhao Song has nothing to do with it.

I haven’t seen a series of industry conferences hosted by Shenzhou in recent days, just to deal with the rumored Tesla mobile terminal products that will be launched soon.

The imminent enemy of global mobile phone manufacturers is a better illustration of the extent of Tesla’s influence.


In the past four years, a lot of things have happened, so I won’t go into details if they’re irrelevant.

But there is a major event related to Zhao Song’s life, that is, he and his friends are married.

It is said that things gather people by similarities and divide them into groups. In this circle, except for Bai Li, who does not fit in, graduation, marriage and having children are the mainstream. They are not so emotionally wasted, and it is their essence to live earnestly like normal people.

It’s like Xizi, who got married and had children, and successfully turned a girlfriend of less than 200 pounds into a wife of more than 200 pounds!

At this time, he was in the Laohewan of Pyeongchang on the North Sixth Ring Road.

“Brother, is Brother Zhao Song there?”

Standing outside the huge iron gate of the manor, Le Zi asked with straight eyes.

Not far away is the legendary Tesla Center. The huge disc shape makes people feel the urge to take photos, not to mention the panda inside, which is even more itchy.

“Not here.” Xizi said concisely and did not tell his brother why he was not there.

Not because of work anyway.

Over the past year, Zhao Song has handed over the handling of affairs to Ding Tao, and he has concentrated his energy on retreats, mainly dealing with the relationship between the government and various employers, so he is not busy.


Lezi didn’t pursue it much. He looked straight at the two stone platforms in front of the gate, and there were two ‘live lions’ squatting on them. They were relatives and friends of Brother Zhao Song, and he remembered that he had done the same thing for 5,000 yuan. Things, Lezi couldn’t help but blush.

“The door is open, let’s go in.”

Kiko looked at the two ‘lions’ sympathetically, and walked into the small door with her younger brother. In the distance, a huge castle-like villa came into view.

“It’s so big, so beautiful~”

Lezi sighed, not only is the villa beautiful, but here is the Wenyu River, opposite the famous Jiuhua Villa, and the National Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Zone next to it, the scenery is equally beautiful.

Xiko introduced: “It’s a bit far from the gate to the villa, so your brother Zhao Song stipulates that guests must take a shuttle bus.”

Lezi looked around: “Brother, where’s the car.”

Kiko pointed to a cartoon Arale and said, “There!”

“…” Lezi got on the toy shuttle with his brother with a dark face, “Brother Zhao Song is still so… bad taste.”

Kiko nodded sympathetically and pressed the start button.

“Dad’s father is called Grandpa…”

Xizi, Lezi: “…”

After listening to the children’s song for ten minutes, Lezi stood at the raised entrance of the villa.

He stared at the mansion in front of him that looked like Guidianlan Palace, and couldn’t help but feel the urge to urinate.

“Brother, I want to pee.”

“Look at your potential~” Like a white brother, he led him around a few sculptures and then came to the guest guard on the first floor.

He opened the door, took out a coloring page from the wall and handed it over to Lezi, Xizi said strangely: “For fear of the guests getting lost, you Zhao Songge deliberately stipulated that guests must bring a map to the toilet, ah~ the one on the map The circle is where the toilet is hidden, and the block is where the washbasin is. There are also drying and cleaning equipment, all of which are automatic robots, so don’t be afraid when you see them.”

“…” Lezi said with a sad face, “Brother, let’s go. In order to enter the national high school, my toilet factory is supplied at cost price, and I can’t afford to pay for any broken items.”

“Just bear with it, his other houses are hosting relatives and friends who come to see the Olympics, so this is the only place left. If you let him know that you went out to live in a hotel, you’ve changed your mind.”

“When will he come back, I’ll report the work and leave immediately.”

“…I don’t know.” Xizi replied with difficulty, “Because of family conflicts, he seems to…run away!”


“Where’s Zhao Song?!”

Beijing North, compound.

Bai Ma sat next to her gloomy daughter and asked angrily.

Bai Li replied dully: “I don’t know, I slammed the door and left after arguing in the morning.”

Papa Bai frowned and said, “One noise every three days, and one dozen every five days. Do you think you have had time to stop in the past few years, not to mention that now is a critical time. You are an Olympic etiquette trainer, and his Tesla is still there. We must quickly cooperate with Telecom to deploy the metropolitan area network, why do we still have time to fight!”

Bai Lijiao shouted, “I won’t talk about my living habits. He eats garlic and stinky tofu and sleeps in separate beds, but the others…I want a divorce!”

Dad Bai sighed deeply and said helplessly: “If you divorce again, you will be married for the fourth time. If you can’t stand it, why did you remarry him the first time you divorced?”

Bai Li said unreasonably: “The first time he filed for divorce, not me!”

“If you are planning to have a child, can you have so many things?” Bai Ma weakly hugged her daughter, “What is this time for?”

” I’m still young, and I don’t want to have children so early.” After saying this, Bai Li hesitated for a long time before answering Bai’s mother’s question with a blushing face: “Married life.”


Bai’s father and Bai’s mother looked at each other, and persuaded bitterly: “It should be a little interesting in married life, and it can also enhance the relationship between husband and wife, why is there a conflict!”

“Dad~Mom~” Bai Li was unhappy and shouted loudly, “You don’t know how much he said.”

“Has he insulted you yet?” Dad Bai clenched his fists, wishing he could immediately beat the kid.

“I don’t know if it’s an insult,” Bai Li glanced at her parents, “I can’t stand it anyway.”

Bai Ma raised her head and stared blankly at the roof. Like all ordinary parents, she had a headache for their children’s marriage.

She knew that Zhao Song was actually fine. The problem was her own daughter. They raised her into a young lady who was pretentious and troubled. If the husband’s family grew up in the same environment, of course there is no problem, but Zhao Song…

“What the **** did he say?”

Bai Li blushed, her tightly closed red lips held back for a long time before a word popped out:


(end of this chapter)

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