Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 826

Chapter 784: That Person

Chapter 784 That person

Steve Jobs’ speeches are always a hit.

No, it’s Nicholas Zhao Song’s speech that always attracts people’s attention.

Therefore, we will not repeat the full content of his speech.

But for people in this era, what Zhao Song can always bring is revolutionary products, people’s focus, the rise of stock prices, and the birth of trends.

Would it be too much to say?

will not.

For the media, readers want to watch it; for investors, shareholders are willing to watch it; for entertainment and fashion, the new wave represents more attention; for the government, they are happy to see companies in the economic crisis. Home stand up to alleviate the problem…

With so many benefits, people will not mind that the people standing on the stage are from the East, so they can go all out to create gods.

However, Zhao Song’s speech is different from that of Madman Qiao. He can’t take his lack of life experience in the past as a story and tell it to others. The biggest difference between him and Madman Qiao is that he always describes the future to people and realizes them. .

Just like today, Silicon Valley is not Cupertino, and Zhao Song is not only a pure Tesla president. Thanks to the perfect Internet environment in Silicon Valley, and the investment of the mysterious foundation behind Zhao Song in Internet companies, ‘Last Life’ Joe The joke made by the madman about Starbucks was turned into reality by Zhao Song.

3,000 cups of coffee were delivered to the scene 20 minutes later, and the technology behind it and cross-enterprise cooperation made the presidents of the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq burst into laughter, because this was a live broadcast across the United States, when they While drinking coffee, the stock prices of more than a dozen companies rose in response!

Investors at the scene focused more on a ‘beautiful’ oriental woman. Her name is Liao Yingzhu. The mysterious foundation under her control has invested in countless Internet companies. Those that have not yet been listed will be their next target.

In any case, although 3G has been in commercial use for a long time, the launch of Tphone3G at this moment means the real arrival of the era of mobile Internet.

Content and Services.

Nicholas Zhao Song defines the era!


“There’s an old Wayne Gretzky (hockey player) saying I really like: I skate where the puck goes, not where it’s ever been.”

“And we at Tesla always try to work like this, it’s been this way since the beginning, and it will always be this way.”

“Thank you very much for being with us.”



(still applause)

People got up and applauded the oriental people on stage.

There are expectations, fanaticism, and inexplicable, no matter what your thoughts are, the person on the stage is the only protagonist.

Until the end of the song, everyone dispersed.


Zhao Song seems to be back to that day 8 years ago.

In the bustling and scattered Zhonghai Electronic Mall, a person strolled on the silent stage, and then approached the place where that person once sat.

The difference is that today, in Silicon Valley, in the art center of Tesla Park, there are still people sitting there.

So Zhao Song didn’t kick the chair, but sat opposite the man.

“Very wonderful conference,” the man said when Zhao Song sat down, “as wonderful as all your conferences I have attended.”

Zhao Song replied calmly: “Thank you.”

“But I always feel,” the man continued, looking at Zhao Song with burning eyes, “Those things don’t seem to belong to you…”

“Whose is that?” Zhao Song chuckled.

“…” The man was silent, then shook his head.

“Yours?” Zhao Song asked.

“…” The man smiled wryly and said sullenly, “If I hadn’t taken that step slowly… maybe it would have been mine.”

Zhao Song looked at him in surprise: “One step slower?”

“Yes, one step slower!” The man nodded affirmatively, “If I had taken a step back from the music company, if Apple had released the iPod earlier, then it would be me who changed the music, and the Apple board was no longer bound by me.”

Zhao Song smiled and continued in an inexplicable tone: “It’s okay to be one step later, you still have so long to make your Iphone.”

The man spread his hands: “I did exactly that, but when I was about to call in people, I found that everyone was poached by Tesla…”

Zhao Song raised his eyebrows.

“A company that will be listed with option rewards will always be more attractive than an old and lonely company!”

Zhao Song shrugged and smiled: “You can use your charisma, after all… like Cook, Tesla won’t be able to poach it.”

The man didn’t care about Zhao Song’s sarcasm, and continued to talk to himself: “Then, you seem to know what I want, take the lead step by step, grab my cooperation, grab my patent, grab my optimistic company to buy, When I decided to bypass you, you were making trouble for me like a gangrene, Nicholas, the board of directors has made things difficult for me over the past few years, and I will always find your shadow.”

Zhao Song smiled and did not answer.

“My apple…”

“Mr. Steve Jobs,” Zhao Song said, and he interrupted the man very roughly, “Apple is not yours. At the beginning, your biggest role was to weld two electronic parts, and that computer was completely It was created by Mr. Steve Watts alone.”

“…” After a while, Madman Qiao nodded: “Without me, they sold it.”

“Indeed, you are the greatest marketing genius after all, and if you are willing to come to Tesla, my place is yours.”

“…” Zhao Song choked again, and Madman Qiao laughed: “You think you’re sure to win?”

Zhao Song nodded: “I really think so.”

“Nicholas, I hope you keep being so confident.”

Madman Qiao stood up, as if affirming and encouraging, patted Zhao Song on the shoulder, and sighed:

“Reading your story is like watching the lives of two people.

One, an ordinary boy before college.

One is the Phoenix Nirvana after college.

Nicholas, this world needs people like us to lead, unfortunately, it seems like I have some kind of curse, my body has a problem, so…”

Zhao Song frowned: “Maybe you should go to the Tesla Center of the flower gardener, there is a member of the family I invested in.”

(If you dare to go, I dare you to see God a few years in advance, oh no, you believe in Buddhism…)

Madman Qiao shook his head and patted Zhao Song on the shoulder again: “I’m glad to have an opponent like you, I hope my troubles won’t come to you.”

“No.” Zhao Song said confidently, secretly, but cursed through gnashing of teeth: ‘As long as you don’t die for a day, the heart that will cause you trouble will never let go! ‘

“A wonderful press conference, exactly the same as in my dreams, Nicholas, goodbye.”

“Goodbye, Mr. Steve Jobs.”


It wasn’t until the person disappeared that Zhao Song got up and kicked the chair with one foot just like 8 years ago.

Maybe a light shot would be more in line with his current identity and pattern, but Zhao Song wanted to kick it!


Ding Tao, who was sending off the guests, saw this scene and hurried forward.

“All sent away?”

“No, it’s all up to Allen.” Ding Tao looked at the unrecognizable chair and asked worriedly, “Is there any trouble?”

“Probably…” Zhao Song pondered, then asked, “How about the pre-sale results?”

“It’s beautiful!” Ding Tao said excitedly, “Not only the pre-sale, but before I came back, I glanced at the gate of the Silicon Valley flagship store, and there was already a long queue there.”

Zhao Song nodded, thinking calmly, he helped him down, paced back and forth, and asked:

“If, I mean if, Tesla is going to be in trouble for some time to come, which one?”

“…” Ding Tao thought for a long time, then shook his head in confusion.

“Account Period!”

At this time, Alan Eustace came over and said with a full face: “The account period in one month, that will be the time when Tesla has the least cash flow!”

Ding Tao: “So…”

Allen: “So if I were the enemy, I would definitely delay the auction until a month later, and then set the payment time at the auction!”

“It seems…”

Zhao Song murmured, “I am destined to not be able to attend the opening ceremony.”

For some reason, he looked up at this moment, but unfortunately there was nothing but the gorgeous roof.

At this moment, a strong unease rose in his heart.

Not because of that auction.

Nor was it because of the Olympic opening ceremony.

But something I can’t tell…

(end of this chapter)

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