Reborn 1980: Scientific research leader farms to serve the motherland

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Standing up for my brother

An Ning's unique voice suddenly appeared in the sky above the alley.

An Guoping saw her first and shouted anxiously and fearfully: "Go!"

He didn't even dare to call me sister.

Naturally, An Ning would not leave. Instead, he walked towards several people step by step. His tone was filled with displeasure, but it was so calm that it made people's scalp numb.

"Little brother, you have to call me sister, and remember to be a polite child."

"You guys, please give way."

At this time, An Guoping was blocked in the dead end of the alley, with his back against the wall and five boys standing opposite him.

The five boys have different hairstyles, but the expressions on their faces are exactly the same.

It's the kind of expression that shows that I have no strength and still think that I am the best in the world and I don't deserve a beating.

After An Ning finished speaking, the five people not only did not move away, but moved closer to An Guoping.

One of them even put his arm on An Guoping's shoulder, tilting his head provocatively to look at An Ning.

"What can you do?"

As soon as the boy finished speaking, even his disdainful expression was only halfway displayed, and the next second An Ning was already in front of him.

It was obviously a white and tender slap, but it was like an iron slap, slapping the man on the head.

The man who was slapped felt a strong impact on his head. His head moved his shoulders, and his whole body tilted unsteadily.

But An Ning didn't say a word, and slapped him again with the same slap. The four people next to him didn't even react, and fell to the ground just like the first man.

An Guoping looked at the several people on the ground dumbfounded. Some had their necks tilted to the right, and some had their necks tilted to the left.

For a moment, they were like onions in a vegetable garden, twisted and stretched in their own directions, harmoniously without disturbing each other.

An Ning stretched out one hand, pulled An Guoping's front, walked around the five people on the ground, and stood at the entrance of the alley.

"Okay, can we talk now?"

It was this calm voice again, which obviously did not scream, but could be clearly heard by everyone.

The five people on the ground looked at each other with sore necks, wondering what agreement they had reached.

"Fuck you!"

The first boy to stand up picked up a schoolbag on the ground and hit An Ning vigorously.


An Guoping tried to block him, but An Ning just raised an arm and stopped him easily.

As for herself, she had already caught the thrown brick with her bare hands.

"The book is packaged with bricks, which is very innovative."

With a "click" sound, the schoolbag with bricks cracked from the middle and fell to the ground.

The four boys on the opposite side who had already stood up and were preparing to assist saw only one foot wearing a cloth shoe stepping on the brick.

The next second, the brick shattered.

It's not broken into pieces, but broken into dregs.

A gust of naughty wind blew by, and red brick Momo was blown on the faces of several boys, making them confused.

At this time, there was only one thought in the minds of several people. They were blinded by lard. What a fart!

The boy with the bricks in his bookcase at the front fell to his knees on the ground with a plop.

"Sister, from now on, you are my biological sister."

An Ning saw this familiar kneeling posture again, and there was still time to learn new knowledge.

"Brother, what does he mean by kneeling down?"

When An Guoping was asked, he felt that his sister was not only powerful in martial arts, but also capable of killing people and killing people.

"Sister, he can't beat you, give in."

The unpretentious translation was another arrow that pierced the hearts of several people.

An Ning felt a sudden realization. It turns out that there can be many reasons for kneeling, and it is not necessarily the kneeling of ancestors.

"You get up first. I mainly want to talk to you. It's really uncomfortable to talk like this."

The kneeling boy stood up uncertainly and huddled with the other four people. They were crying or laughing and looking at An Ning and the somewhat arrogant An Guoping behind her.

This boy is so lucky to have such a powerful sister!

For a moment, they were a little envious.

When An Ning saw that the other side was ready, she also pulled An Guoping from behind to the front.

"I heard you saying that my little brother stole money, what's going on?"

"No, no, it's a misunderstanding."

"There is no such thing, no, no."

Several people on the opposite side were completely negative, so An Ning could only look at An Guoping.

"You said."

These two words made An Guoping stand up straight subconsciously.

"Sister, during my lunch break, I took the money you gave me and wanted to go buy something from the supply and marketing cooperative, but these people stopped me, insisting that I stole their money."

An Guoping took out the money from his pocket, unfolded it and showed it to An Ning and said, "I don't have it, sister, you gave it to me."

An Ning glanced at the money. Yes, it was given by herself.

She turned her attention to the few people standing again, and the pressure shifted instantly. The five people were under great pressure, and they all said it in an instant.

"We just saw An Guoping spending money yesterday, so we came here specifically to borrow some money to spend."

"We were really wrong, sister, we won't dare to do it again."

An Ning understood, but didn't speak.

The alley was depressingly quiet for a while.

"You said in school that my brother stole money?"

An Ning's eyes changed a little. The nature of this matter was much more serious than An Guoping's beating.

"We really didn't mean to."

The leading boy said with a bit of cry, mainly because the look in An Ning's eyes was so scary now.

An Ning was angry, really angry.

She bent down to pick up the one-shoulder schoolbag on the ground, tore off the schoolbag strap with her bare hands, and then used the same movement to tear off the schoolbag straps of several other people.

"A person must be responsible for what he has said. Just because you didn't mean it, we don't have to forgive you."

"What you said is a label that will last forever for my little brother. Once a person is labeled with this label, it is very difficult to tear it off."

An Ning took the schoolbag strap and tied the five people together.

Some people wanted to be clever and run away, but after being counterattacked by An Ning, they became honest.

The five people were tied up. An Ning was holding a strap in front, followed by a bunch of people, and walked towards the school.

Along the way, the shapes of the seven people were very attractive. An Guoping was a little embarrassed at first, but he looked at the calm and peaceful pace ahead.

He smiled.

His sister was there to support him, why should he be embarrassed?

An Guoping straightened his back and followed An Ning, leading the way to the school.

An Ning arrived at the school gate and did not rush in. Instead, she asked An Guoping to go in and ask for the teacher.

I don’t know if the battle was too big, but not only the teachers but also the principal and director came out of the school.

"What are you doing? Go back, go back, class is about to begin."

A slightly bald director first dispersed the crowd and then looked at An Ning and a few people behind him.

"It's you guys again!"

When the director saw a few familiar students behind him, he was so angry that he didn't know how to cherish the opportunity to go to school.

He looked at An Ning in front of him, who had a good student face, and his tone improved.

"Which class are you in?"

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