Reborn 1990: Make a fortune and become well-off

Chapter 52 Catching ghosts in the middle of the night

After Lin Meihui finished planting, it was already dusk. Herds of cattle and sheep in the village were rushing home. Seeing the smoke rising from the village, Lin Meihui sighed slightly, hoping that this incident was really a natural disaster.

A week later, the seedlings in Song Yi's field sprouted stubbornly again.

This time, neither Lin Meihui nor Song Yi dared to rejoice too early. Apart from watering, planting seedlings and fertilizing with Lin Meihui, Song Yi was unwilling to come to the fields at other times. He was really frustrated.

Lin Meihui didn't care, she still woke up early and came to the fields at night to watch. She wanted to see who was so wicked that Song Yi could not grow his crops.

That night, Lin Meihui just came to the ground, spread a piece of linoleum to prevent moisture, and lay down on the edge of the ground.

The night breeze was gentle, and some mosquitoes were flying around, but Lin Meihui did not dare to let down her guard. The first half of the night was peaceful, and Lin Meihui thought she was being suspicious. In the second half of the day, she suddenly heard a whirring sound in the ground.

Lin Meihui raised her head and saw a dark shadow sneaking around, carrying a pesticide sprayer and spraying something into the ground.

Lin Meihui didn't dare to catch the thief right away. She just continued to hide, preparing to find some people to catch this guy tomorrow and ask him why he did such a thing.

The black shadow covered half of the ground. It was almost dawn, and he seemed to be afraid of being discovered, so he left in a hurry.

Lin Meihui returned home and drank a bowl of water. She was a little excited and said, "Brother Song Yi, someone did sprinkle something on your land. I smelled it and there was a strange smell. It should be pesticides..."

"What?" Song Yi sat up from the bed all of a sudden, with an angry look on his face. He put on his shoes and walked out the door. It seemed that he wanted to settle a score with that person.

Lin Meihui stopped him, "Brother Song Yi, I'm not sure who it is now. Tonight, we're going to ask Aunt Li Dongyang and the others to help us catch this guy together. Firstly, there are many people, and secondly, we can also give us a testimony. Don’t say it’s the two of us who slandered him.”

Song Yi immediately agreed.

At night, Lin Meihui and Song Yi notified several people in the village, and they waited on the edge of the field for this person to appear.

Li Dong is also an upright person. He was very angry when he heard about this incident. "Why are these people living in the same village so evil-minded? Isn't it difficult enough for Song Yi? To add insult to injury, he will be caught soon," he said. I want to see if his heart is black or red."

"That's right, I'm just talking about the same land. How is it possible that Song Yi's land can't grow anything? It turns out that someone is up to something. This time, I caught him and asked him to compensate for the losses in previous years."

Aunt Yang was also extremely angry, and at the same time she felt a little guilty. She almost believed those rumors.

Song Yi was even more annoyed. He clenched his fists and his eyes were as bright as stars. "Although I, Song Yi, don't usually deal with people, I have never had the intention to harm others. How could these people be so vicious and want to harm me?" "

Lin Meihui felt extremely uncomfortable listening to them, but that was the fact.

"Brother Song Yi, Aunt Yang, Li Dong, I'm very grateful to you for coming to help Brother Song Yi, but once you catch the person, you still have to have something to say and don't do anything." Lin Meihui thinks long term and doesn't want anyone to get hurt, so as not to accumulate more of resentment.

A group of people were talking in low voices and did not pay attention to the ground, but Lin Meihui kept paying attention.

She saw a dark figure sneaking into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, another dark figure came. It seemed that there were not enough manpower and the spraying was too slow, so another helper was called.


Lin Meihui tried hard to control her emotions, but she still couldn't help but burst out with the quintessence of the Chinese nation, how could there be such wicked people in the world.

Seeing that the two of them had started spraying the pesticide hard and were slowly walking towards this side, Li Dong and a few young men suddenly rushed out and knocked down the tall black figure with a hoe. The other one was handed over to Aunt Yang. and Lin Meihui.

Song Yi was still injured because of his wounds, so Lin Meihui didn't dare to let him take action.

After catching the two spraying guys, Li Dong lit the oil lamp and said, "I want to see which two guys with bad conscience are trying to harm Song Yi's family here."

Aunt Yang used the light and squinted her eyes. When she saw it was Dachun and his son, she screamed in disbelief, "Ah, why are you father and son? What do you want to do?"

Seeing that someone had seen him, Dachun gave up his struggle and stood there dejectedly.

Song Yi walked to the opposite side of Dachun with red eyes, clenching his fists, "Dachun, why are you spraying pesticides on our land? Before, I always regarded you as a good friend. Although we didn't have much communication, in my heart , I have always regarded you as brothers."

Dachun hesitated a few words but said nothing.

The night was like water, and the wind carried the coolness of dewdrops. Everyone felt that there was a coldness spreading in their hearts at this time.

Lin Meihui looked at Song Yi's sad look and went over to hold his hand, "Brother Song Yi, now that you know who did this, don't be too sad. Fortunately, we can plant another crop."

"That's right, Song Yi, don't be sad. This kind of person doesn't deserve your sadness." Li Dong glared at Dachun fiercely, then turned back to comfort Song Yi.

Dachun's father suddenly shouted, "What kind of people are we? We are also poor people who can't survive! There are many children in the family, and with only a dozen acres of land, even if one grain is not sold, we can't feed the whole family." "

"Song Yi, you are alone, and now your sister-in-law is doing business. What can you lose by giving us the land?"

Dachun was still unwilling to give in and said these words with some indignation.

Li Dong was completely angry and pushed Dachun, "You have no conscience, Song Yi doesn't even blame you, you are still wronged here. How much land Song Yi's family has, it was all left by Song Yi's parents Does the gift to him have anything to do with your family?"

"Yes, helping others is a favor, and not helping is also a duty. Song Yi is injured now, and none of you have ever cared about the family's difficulties. Why are you pretending to be pitiful?" Aunt Yang was also annoyed with people like the Dachun family.

Really poor people must have something to hate.

Song Yi and Lin Meihui were so busy every day that they complained to everyone and pretended to be pitiful. However, some people just didn't want to solve the problem and wanted to harm others.

"Meihui, I think this matter is not a trivial matter. Leave it to the village chief!" Aunt Yang said.

Dachun and his son panicked after hearing this.

They held Song Yi's hand and begged, "Song Yi, don't tell the village chief about this, otherwise our family will be embarrassed to stay in the village."

"Then why did you do such a thing in the first place? Do you know how hard it is for Meihui to grow this food?" Song Yi asked loudly, and his emotions finally broke out. Everyone understood Song Yi's mood at this time. .

Dachun hurriedly apologized to Lin Meihui, "I'm sorry, sister-in-law, I know I was wrong and I will never dare to do it again."

Dachun's father also put down the sprayer and said hurriedly, "Don't worry, Dachun and I will help you with this replanting. It will definitely be too late. Please don't make what we, father and son, do to the public. Please."

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