Reborn 1990: Make a fortune and become well-off

Chapter 80 People who spread rumors and cause trouble

After speaking, Lin Meihui went to do her own thing. She believed that the father and son would never talk like gunpowder in the future.

Sure enough, Chen Aiguo opened his mouth and said awkwardly, "Son, follow Miss Lin and work hard. If you have any difficulties, tell Dad and Dad can help you!"

After hearing this, Chen Ende froze on the spot.

Isn't there something wrong with his ears? Is he hearing wrong? Why did this old man speak with such an accent?

Lin Meihui on the side blinked at him. Chen Ende coughed, looked back at Chen Aiguo and asked, "You are not saying that I am a waste. How can a waste help? A waste has difficulties every day and has nothing to do."

"Dad was a little anxious when talking before. You have to speak well in the future and don't get choked if you do something wrong."

"I haven't had a good talk with you yet. I went home to withdraw some money for Lin Meihui to use for investment. You grabbed me and scolded me. Did you ask me if you asked me, and you just scolded me endlessly?" Chen Ende's grievance welled up in his heart. , said angrily.

Chen Aiguo wanted to get angry again, but finally held back.

He laughed and said, "I will change it in the future. Isn't it okay to change it? Dad is an old stubborn and you are young. From now on, the family will still rely on you. Don't be angry. Put the ice cream quickly. Dad will go back first."

Chen Ende was a little surprised when he heard this old stubborn man take the initiative to apologize.

He suddenly felt that he had not done well in the past. He took out an ice cream cone from the freezer and handed it over, "Dad, eat an ice cream cone!"

Chen Aiguo looked obviously stunned. He looked at the ice cream in Chen Ende's hand, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes, "Okay."

After Chen Aiguo left, Chen Ende immediately walked to Lin Meihui and asked curiously, "What on earth did you say to the old man? Why did he suddenly change his appearance? He has never said a serious word to me before."

Lin Meihui smiled and said, "It's because you performed well and your dad recognized you. This is a good thing. Talk to your dad when you get home today. Don't be angry. Do you hear me?"

Chen Ende nodded and smiled slightly.

At that moment, the tightness in my chest and the long-standing grievances disappeared in an instant.

At this time, someone pushed the door open and came in, threw a bunch of things in his hand on the ground, and said angrily, "You are such a conscience-stricken canteen. You sold these vegetables to us just after being sprayed with pesticides. You are not afraid of eating them to death." Will I pay with your life?"


Lin Meihui looked at the cabbages on the ground in disbelief. Those vegetables were all bought from vegetable farmers. Is it possible that those vegetable farmers could still spray pesticides when harvesting vegetables?

"Auntie, how is this possible? Anyone who is in the vegetable business knows that pesticides cannot be applied when vegetables are about to mature."

"Impossible, then pick it up and smell it yourself to see what it smells like!"

The aunt didn't want to touch the vegetables anymore, as if she was afraid of being poisoned.

Lin Meihui had no choice but to bend down to pick up the cabbage, put it under her nose and smell it. Sure enough, it smelled like pesticides, and the smell was pungent. It had obviously been sprayed on it just now.

Lin Meihui looked at the aunt, she was between 50 and [-] years old, and she didn't look like a bad person.

"Auntie, did you put this dish somewhere? The food here definitely doesn't have this smell. If you don't believe it, just smell all the food here."

The aunt didn't believe it. She walked to where Ling Zhiyao put the vegetables and bent down to smell it. Sure enough, there was no pesticide smell at all.

She tried to think back and remembered that she went to the small park before going home and chatted with some neighbors for a while.

While she was talking, her dishes were placed on the wall of the flower pond nearby. She looked at Lin Meihui and said, "Did you offend someone, so you sprayed poison on my dishes? Do you want to deliberately frame you?"

"It's not yet certain whose enemy it is, but it's certain that the drug was sprayed on later."

"Oh my god, luckily my nose is good enough to detect this smell, otherwise, wouldn't this be fatal?" The aunt was terrified.

Seeing her scared look, Lin Meihui stepped forward to help analyze, "Auntie, think about it, when you were talking, did any strangers also go to the small park? Or, did anyone get close to your food?"

The aunt thought about it, and finally opened her eyes wide, "There was a man in his 20s. He sat in the flower bed for a while. I saw him smoking, so I ignored him!"

"What does it look like?" Lin Meihui was a little anxious. She vaguely felt that this matter must be related to Zhang Zhigang.

Sure enough, the aunt made a gesture and said, "He has a round face, plump cheeks, is not tall, and has a big belly. He looks quite rich."

After hearing this, Chen Ende immediately said to Lin Meihui, "It must be that scumbag Zhang Zhigang. I will call the police and let the police arrest that grandson."

Seeing Chen Ende going out, Lin Meihui grabbed him and said, "Don't get excited, you have to find evidence before going to the police. Zhang Zhigang knows a lot of friends. If there is no evidence, he will definitely get away soon." "

"Yes, I'm going to ask my friends to check on Zhang Zhigang. Meihui, you guard the store while I go find my friends for help."

After Chen Ende finished speaking, he opened the door and left.

Lin Meihui looked at the frightened aunt and comforted her, "Auntie, don't panic. Although this pesticide smells pungent, I think it's some sixty-six powder with a strong smell and low toxicity. I guess the other party just wants to frame us and doesn't want human life. "

"Who is so insidious? You have to catch this person, otherwise how can you do business here?"

The aunt reminded Lin Meihui, her expression full of uneasiness.

Lin Meihui immediately found five dollars from the counter and handed it to the aunt, "Aunt, please don't tell anyone about this today. I will refund the money for the food, okay?"

Seeing that Lin Meihui was also a kind-hearted girl, the aunt said, "I don't want so much, just give me one dollar and three! Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense. I know this is the problem of the bad guy." "

"Well, thank you very much, auntie."

Lin Meihui breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't expect that she would encounter such a thing just after she opened her canteen.

If word gets out, I'm afraid no one will come to buy vegetables in the future. Lin Meihui looked at the aunt and couldn't help but talk about the holiday with Zhang Zhigang.

After saying a few words, the aunt was so angry that she slapped her legs repeatedly, "This is really unreasonable. This kind of bastard should go to jail. Let him stay in jail and reflect on himself, so as not to harm others."

Lin Meihui knew that her aunt was a kind person, so she begged in a low voice, "So, aunt, you must not tell others what happened today, otherwise, we will not be able to do business in the future."

"Don't worry, even if someone tortures you to extract a confession, I won't tell anyone nonsense, so don't worry."

The aunt took the food money, turned around and left the canteen.

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