Reborn 60 years ago, became a god thanks to the prophet

Chapter 060: Who wouldn’t say something in hindsight?

Brother Ye, the old man’s words may be a bit unpleasant sometimes, but please don’t take it to heart!

Also, don’t let him know that I spent 2000 million to short-sell Sihai Group’s stocks with you. I said I didn’t participate!

Besides, after all, the old man was an official before. He may have some official airs when talking to you, but don’t worry about it!

The red, red Porsche Panamera.

The closer you get to the Zhang family's yard.

Zhang Jingshan confessed more and more frequently.

Okay, you’ve said this several times, it’s not over yet, right?

Ye Chen, the co-pilot, laughed angrily.

Ahem, have you said it a few times?That’s okay, I won’t say anything anymore!


The Porsche Panamera was parked outside Zhangjiayuan.

Ye Chen got out of the car and followed Zhang Jingshan in.

There's nothing luxurious about it.

But those leisurely and pleasant things that make people calm down are priceless.

Occupying the left and right sides of the yard, there are a variety of green plants and potted plants scattered in an orderly manner.

An old man was bending over and carefully pruning the potted green plants with scissors.

Grandpa, Ye Chen is here!

As soon as he entered the yard, Zhang Jingshan shouted to Zhang Weimin who was bending over to prune.

Ah, okay, okay, Xiaoyou Ye, please wait a moment. Find a place to sit down first!

Zhang Weimin turned around and smiled kindly.

Although he was an official throughout his life, the old man who once held the top position in Jiangzhou's political power did not appear to have the nobility of an ordinary person at first glance.

But there was no hint of arrogance in his eyebrows or expression.

If it weren't for the aura of being a high-ranking official that has been accumulated for many years, it is difficult to hide it.

I'm afraid it's hard to imagine that this is the former secretary of the municipal party committee who is praised and respected by the people of Jiangzhou.

Brother Ye, after my grandfather retired, he had to deal with these flowers, plants and trees. Those potted plants that are not worth a few dollars on the market are valued more than anything else by him, so you wait for a while, wait. Haha first after he finishes practicing!Zhang Jingshan explained in a low voice.

fine!Ye Chen shook his head and smiled indifferently.

However, he did not take the initiative to flatter Zhang Weimin.

Just looking at the busy figure of the old secretary with a slight smile.

After a few minutes.


Zhang Weimin looked at the scissors with satisfaction.

He turned back to look at Ye Chen and said with a smile, "Little friend Ye, the sun is starting to shine. Come down to the grape trellis. I'll wash my hands before I can chat with you while drinking tea!"

Hello, old secretary!

Ye Chen walked to the grape trellis without any pretense.

He sat down on the stone bench.

After washing his hands, Zhang Weimin returned to the grape trellis and suddenly said to Zhang Jingshan.

No, what are you doing?Don't go to work yet?

Ah, Grandpa, I...I don’t need to sit with you?

Zhang Jingshan was confused.

This is to drive him away?

Why don't you let him know this is the content of the chat?

Where do you sit with me?Go ahead and do whatever you have to do. I’ll just ask Lu Cheng to take Ye Xiaoyou back later!Zhang Weimin said.

Me, this...then, what, then I go?Zhang Jingshan looked confused.

Go now!Zhang Weimin shook his hand.

Brother Ye!Zhang Jingshan looked towards Ye Chen.

Since the old secretary asked you to go to work, then go!Ye Chen smiled.


Zhang Jingshan then left in confusion.

He was really curious about what the old man wanted to talk to Ye Chen.

But now that he was being driven away, his curiosity could only be given up.

With the sound of Panamera's engine starting.

Zhang Weimin, the old secretary under the grape trellis, also made tea.

Come on, try it. Although it’s not a good tea, the sweetness that leaves a lingering aroma on your lips and teeth is not bad, haha!

Zhang Weimin poured a cup into the tea cup in front of Ye Chen.

Thank you, old secretary!

Ye Chen smiled and picked up the teacup.

He did not show off his accomplishments in the tea ceremony.

A cup of tea fell into my stomach.

Ye Chen was the first to start the conversation.

Let's get straight to the point, old secretary, I heard from Jingshan that you always want to talk to me. If you have anything to ask, just ask, I will tell you everything you know!

Okay, you're welcome. Ye Xiaoyou, I heard that brat from Jingshan say that you were sure that the house prices in Jinlin Mansion were going to rise. How were you so sure?You must know that the government plans to use the urban villages around Jinlin Prefecture as the first pilot unit for relocation and development. Not many people know about it, and even if they know, no one dares to spread the word!

Zhang Weimin launched a test.

He thought about this for a long time and couldn't figure it out.

No one, no matter how accurate or evil their business acumen is, would have thought that the government would come here to do something like this.

So Ye Chen either really knows the inside story, or he has a foresight.

But the two possibilities are equally nonsense.

Old Secretary, I said I came up with it through analysis, do you believe me?Ye Chen said with a smile that was neither humble nor arrogant.

That calm look and relaxed tone.

Zhang Weimin had to be secretly surprised.

Although he has been retired for many years, his popularity, prestige and reputation are still there. This is the first time he has seen a young man who can be so calm and composed in front of him, except for those masters whose status can disdain Zhang Weimin.

Um?Tell me, how did you analyze it?Zhang Weimin said.

With the rapid development of the times, our Jiangzhou has reached a bottleneck period. We must either be content with the status quo or make drastic changes. But I think that whether it is Jiangzhou’s geographical location or city status, this determines that Jiangzhou cannot be Those who are content with the status quo. In this situation, the only people who can take a drastic action are the villages in the city. Go to the village in the city to try the knife... Ye Chen said.

Go on!

Zhang Weimin pursed his lips and nodded.

After all, the reform of urban villages is the first time in Jiangzhou. At this point, I personally think that the government does not dare to be so hasty. Since it does not dare to be hasty, it can only try and comply with what you just said, old secretary. One word, pilot unit!This shows that the government is also making a bold attempt, and as an attempt, it must choose an urban village with room for trial and error!

When Ye Chen said this.

Zhang Weimin's expression became solemn.

Because this doesn’t sound like what a 20-year-old would say.

Even those business tycoons who have been immersed in shopping malls for many years would not have such sophisticated analysis!

Ye Chen's words continued to sound.

Looking at Jiangzhou, there are not many urban villages that have room for trial and error, and the area around Jinlin Mansion is one. Because the mess there has seriously affected Jiangzhou’s city card, so even if trial and error fails, there will be no Any impact is equivalent to a large-scale rectification of the mess!

On the contrary, once it succeeds, it will be a great political achievement, and it will also set off a wave of reforms in urban villages, taking the development of Jiangzhou to another level of prosperity. Under such a background and situation, I am sure that the government will definitely win the gold medal. A pilot project was carried out in the urban villages around Linfu, and a month ago, the province and city even went there under the guise of grassroots visits...

This not only confirmed my analysis ideas, but also made me certain that the government’s relocation and development order would be issued in the near future, so I went to Jinlin Mansion to pay the deposit. But what surprised me was that Jinlin The government funds surged five to six times overnight. I originally thought that two or three times would be a lot, but it seems that I still underestimated the government's strength, haha!

Ye Chen had already thought of this statement.

After all, who wouldn’t do something in hindsight?

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