Reborn 80s

Chapter 44 Knowing the Future

Chapter 44 Knowing the Future

At the entrance of the Mota Industrial office compound, Xiao Weidong, with a cigarette in his mouth and a bag in his mouth, strode and stopped at the door for a while, his eyes resting on the sign on the wall, his face suffused with complacency.

He couldn't help being unhappy.

He negotiated another order, two hundred.

Add up, there are already 1400 orders.

All orders are paid in full in advance.

Just collecting money, they directly collected more than 800 million.

Just scare me!

MT80 motorcycles are selling like crazy now.

As long as the dealer buys it back, he can earn at least 2000 yuan for a car.

If it weren't for Chen Huaiqing's pressure, Xiao Weidong would have gotten an order of three to five thousand vehicles.

I don't know, those people are crazy now, waving money and wanting to buy motorcycles.

Xiao Weidong wanted to sell it, but the production capacity in the factory was like this, so there was no other way!
Throwing the cigarette butt on the ground and stamping it out, Xiao Weidong walked in.

This guy Chen Huaiqing actually doesn't smoke now, so don't smoke in front of him, saying that second-hand smoke is harmful.

I cherish my life at a young age.

Looking through the window, he glanced at the college student who was sitting in the office.

He really didn't expect that Chen Huaiqing actually recruited seven college students from Yuzhou University.

Although these college students do not work full-time, they basically work half-time and attend classes at school.

But now in many factories, even a college student can't see it!

Mota Industry is really a cowhide now.

Chen Huaiqing was sitting in the office. As soon as Xiao Weidong came in, he could already smell the mixture of alcohol and tobacco on his body: "Drinking again?"

"No way, they just want me to drink, they can't save face."

Chen Huaiqing didn't pay much attention to Xiao Weidong's drinking. There is no one in sales who doesn't drink.

It is normal to continue drinking until the stomach bleeds.

It's not easy.

But in this world, who is easy?

Is it easy for those people who are ostentatious?
Many people are envious, but in fact, we should sympathize with these people, because these people don't know what they are living for.

I don't know why I am alive, so I can only use alcohol to numb myself.

Those who should really be envied are those who know their goals and strive for them.

Chen Huaiqing: "Drink less alcohol, it's easy to hurt your body. If you can't do that in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Xiao Weidong curled his lips and said, "Brother is in good health, I have to come here five or six times a night."

Chen Huaiqing looked at Xiao Weidong in surprise, is he so strong?
Seeing Chen Huaiqing's surprised look, Xiao Weidong said proudly: "I found someone to make medicinal wine, which is very powerful. I'll bring you some tomorrow."

This is finally something that surpasses him!
Chen Huaiqing did know that some medicinal wines were quite effective in replenishing qi and blood.

Because Chen Huaiqing saw it with his own eyes, more than 50 people, after drinking...

"I'm in good health and don't need this."

Xiao Weidong: "Really don't want it? Let me tell you, you have to cherish your body."

Chen Huaiqing didn't want to discuss this issue with Xiao Weidong, but talked about something else: "Now that there is money in the account, many things can be done."

Xiao Weidong: "It's nothing to say, quickly build more factories and expand production."

"This matter will definitely be done. But no matter how to build factories and expand production, more and more money will be earned in the future. How to use this money is a question worth considering."

Xiao Weidong: "Didn't you say that you want to build a community for workers? Now that you have money, you can build it."

Chen Huaiqing rolled his eyes: "Don't interrupt."

"All right, tell me."

Chen Huaiqing: "The motorcycle market is huge, but the market will eventually be saturated one day. Now there are many companies that are targeting the motorcycle market and want to get a share of it."

Once they see a certain industry making money, many companies will jump on them like hungry wolves.

Ultimately, what happens to the industry as a whole?
Large-scale overproduction, industry profits decline, and companies in the industry go bankrupt.

The enterprises that can survive in the end will also suffer greatly.

Domestic companies like to play this kind of malicious competition too much, so they rush to put the opponent to death.

I feel that as long as the domestic opponents are killed, there will be no more opponents.

But don't even think about it, there are no rivals at home, what about abroad?
Foreign companies took the opportunity to land on the beach when they were weakest, and quickly seized the market.

Of course, these are still a long way off.

Mota Industries still has enough time to prepare.

Xiao Weidong frowned involuntarily. It was a certainty that construction machine tools would enter the motorcycle industry.

In Yuzhou, there are now three motorcycle companies.

How many there are in the whole country is really uncertain, but there will definitely be more and more in the future.

"Now, we need to eat the biggest market dividends as quickly as possible, earn as much money as possible, practice our internal skills hard, improve our strength, prepare enough ammunition, and prepare for war."

"The staff in the sales department, you have to fill them up as soon as possible."

Xiao Weidong was startled: "Ah!"

Why is this talking about the sales department again.

Chen Huaiqing: "To compete with other companies in the market, the sales department is the focus."

Chen Huaiqing knew a lot about sales methods.

For example, advertising.

Nowadays, many factories have no awareness of advertising at all, and they have not seen much about the power of advertising.

That is to say, the market competition is not fierce now, otherwise, whether these enterprises can survive is a question.

"Now, the market competition is not fierce. But soon, the market competition will become fierce. At that time, how can we gain a foothold in the market?"

"A good sales department determines whether Mota Industry can survive in the future. Brother Dong, the burden on you is not small."

Xiao Weidong looked at Chen Huaiqing in astonishment, what he said made it seem like he was deciding the life and death of Mota Industry.

"Don't, don't, your burden is too heavy, and I have weak shoulders, so I can't bear it."

In the past, Xiao Weidong felt that he could earn 3 yuan a month, and it would be like a dream in the future.

But he was tricked by Chen Huaiqing to come to Mota Industry together, and now he earns two to three million yuan a month.

In theory, with so much money earned, Mota Industry doesn't pay dividends now!
Xiao Weidong doesn't even have a salary now because Chen Huaiqing didn't give him a salary slip.

This pissed him off.

Now his only income is the salary of Mota Industry.

At the Jialin factory, he has resigned.

How capable he is, Xiao Weidong has a very clear self-awareness.In this life, the luckiest thing is to know Chen Huaiqing.

Xiao Weidong, the old man Xiao Fujun, reminded Xiao Weidong that he should follow Chen Huaiqing well, and he would not be able to go on an official career in the future, but he would be able to eat and drink for the rest of his life.

What will happen to the Xiao family in the future depends on Xiao Weidong.

Faced with such expectations from his own father, Xiao Weidong expressed that the pressure was a little bit heavy.

The future of the Xiao family falls on him.

As the only child in the family, if it doesn't fall on me, there is no other place to fall!

Chen Huaiqing: "Brother Dong, I believe in your ability to sell. Aren't you doing a good job now? However, selling is not just about eating and drinking. There is also a complete set of rules for selling. Normally, you have to ask for Read more books on this subject to improve your knowledge and strength."

There are not many people Chen Huaiqing can fully trust now, and Xiao Weidong is definitely one of them.

Chen Huaiqing really hoped to continue walking with Xiao Weidong, and didn't want him to be left behind on the road.

Xiao Weidong took a deep breath: "Brother Qing, you should just tell me what I should do!"

"Of course I'm recruiting salespeople. I've been telling you for a long time, but why haven't you moved at all?"

Xiao Weidong was very wronged: "I'm busy every day, how can I have time to recruit people!"

Chen Huaiqing patted his forehead: "I really admire you. You can't post a recruitment announcement in the newspaper. Or post a small advertisement directly on the street."

Nowadays, there are generally few such open recruitments.

For individual industrial and commercial households, employers generally seek introductions from relatives and friends.

As for state-owned enterprises, it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

Nowadays, finding a job or something depends on relationships.

It's not like in the future, when you look for a job directly online, and then go to the interview, it's okay, if you don't, you can go to the next job.

"Otherwise, you can just move a table and recruit people on the street."

Xiao Weidong: "I'd better post a recruitment announcement on the newspaper!"

(End of this chapter)

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