Reborn 80s

Chapter 56

Chapter 56
With the end of 1983, 1984 is finally here.

When the New Year's Day is gone, it means that the Spring Festival is coming soon.

Faced with a large number of orders, the production of Mota Industry is extremely tense.

Already started two shifts.

Production in two shifts can be achieved because Murta Industries now has enough workers.

When Mota Industry recruits workers, there is a mandatory requirement that those who can read and write must be under the age of 30.

After the founding of New Huaguo, the country has always attached great importance to the development of literacy work, coupled with the traditional meaning of Huaguo, there is a tradition of respecting scholars and knowledge.

The number of illiterate young people has been greatly reduced.

It is impossible to ask them to write beautiful articles, but it is still possible to read books and newspapers.

Mota Industry has a master-apprentice system. This system originated in the motorcycle assembly period. Up to now, Chen Huaiqing has not said it will be cancelled.

Anyway, if it is to bring out an apprentice, then reward it.

Moreover, the apprentice's salary in the next year must be allocated to the master.

In order to prevent apprentices from being dismissed before they have learned it, Chen Huaiqing naturally made regulations.

During the one-year period when the apprentice became a teacher, there were problems in production, not only the apprentice's money had to be deducted, but the master also had to deduct money.

Anyway, the current situation is that one person is willing to teach seriously, and the other is willing to study seriously.

In addition, apprentices all have a certain cultural foundation, and some people may be a little clumsy in terms of learning ability, but hard work can make up for it.

Anyway, a lot of workers who can work on the production line were quickly trained.

Some workers can be cultivated in a short period of time, but some workers really cannot be cultivated in a short period of time.

For example, workers in the production of core engine parts.

Now Mota Industry can only go to other factories to continuously poach people.

And I still dare not dig those young ones, just dig those over 50.Isn't it possible to let the children take over the work now, let the children take over the work, and come out to work in the Mota Industry by themselves, wouldn't this mean that there will be one more person in the family getting paid all of a sudden.

The most important point is that the wages offered by Mota Industry are high, and the benefits are also good!

In addition, Murta Industry will also hire some retired workers to return to work in the factory.

Regardless of their age, retired workers are really rich in experience.

Mota Industries even rehired a worker who processed parts for satellites back then.

After Chen Huaiqing found out, he decided not to let the old master work, and sent him a few bright young apprentices to learn from him.

Chen Huaiqing in blue overalls walked in the assembly workshop.

Now when assembling motorcycles, there are too many things that require manpower, such as handling.

Directly using machines to dispatch transportation has not yet reached that level. When I have the opportunity in the future, I can study it.

Anyway, the current assembly and production of Mota Industry highlights a primitive in Chen Huaiqing's eyes.

In this regard, Chen Huaiqing didn't have much to do.

It's pretty good to be able to do this.

"Old Zheng, the workshop has been turned into this way in such a short period of time, which greatly exceeded my expectations, not bad!"

Zheng Xiaping: "The main reason is that Mr. Chen's 6S on-site management is well done. Under your theoretical guidance, it is possible to make such achievements."

In the past, Zheng Xiaping's impression of Chen Huaiqing was mainly that he was able to achieve such a big career in a short period of time, and he admired him very much.

But now, Chen Huaiqing is not only good at business, but also good at management.

I heard that Chen Huaiqing used to work at the Jialin Factory and was just an ordinary production worker.

I don't know if Jialin Factory will reflect on it, why is such a talented person not promoted?

Chen Huaiqing: "After two shifts now, how much is the output?"

"At the highest point, it reached 95 vehicles."


"Only about eighty."

Zheng Xiaping was also very helpless: "The main reason is that the output of engines is not enough. Now our daily output of engines is only about [-] units."

Other parts are easy to talk about, and other factories can supply twice as many.

But the engine, the core component of this motorcycle, is hard to come by.

There is no way, this thing belongs to the most technical content on motorcycles.

Most of the parts are produced by Murta Industries itself.

"It seems that if you want to increase production, you have to think about other ways."

It is not impossible to find other factories to help produce.

Chen Huaiqing is not like the current person, who has such a big obsession with the production of all parts in his factory.

The current layout of state-owned enterprises belongs to: large and complete, small and complete.

Division of labor!

It's a big division of labor.

Under the great division of labor, the production efficiency will increase linearly.

Mota Industry mainly retains R&D capabilities and assembly capabilities, as well as production capabilities for certain core components.

Let other factories do what they can do.

Those who make parts can also make money by making complete parts?
This is no joke!

Machine factories are always the most profitable.

The complete machine factory has a strong bargaining power in the face of the component manufacturers, unless it is a certain part that cannot be made by others, you can do it.

That's not to say, you can ask for any price for a unique technology, and there is no problem asking for a sky-high price.

The premise is that the price has to be accepted by others.

Others can't accept it, don't place an order, no matter how high the price is, there is an egg.

Moreover, the influence of the complete machine factory is super large.

The factory operation of the complete machine directly drives the development of the entire industrial chain.

The reason why Neon Country was so strong in the field of electronic products was because of the complete machine manufacturers represented by Sony.

When Sony had a problem, even the entire semiconductor and electronics industry in Neon Country had problems.

Next, Chen Huaiqing began to visit engine companies.The first choice is of course a local engine company in Yuzhou.

Chen Huaiqing plans to hand over the MT79 engine to these manufacturers for production. As for whether it will cause technology diffusion?
A strict contract must be signed.

If you can't even restrain the contract, there is really nothing you can do, just spread it!
Anyway, good news came from Yuzhou University, the research and development of four-stroke motorcycles went relatively smoothly.

Jiangdu County, a county under the jurisdiction of Yuzhou, will be changed to a district in the future.

Jiangdu County's economic development is naturally okay now, and the Changjiang Diesel Engine Factory is here.

Changjiang Diesel Engine Factory still attaches great importance to Chen Huaiqing's arrival.

After all, Mota Industry is quite famous in the whole Yuzhou now.

Chen Huaiqing saw the MT80 on the streets of Jiangdu County.

Seeing the banner at the gate of the factory, Chen Huaiqing was a little surprised.

Warmly welcome Mr. Chen Huaiqing from Mota Industry to visit and inspect!
Of course, this banner is not made of cloth, and it is not printed with big gilt characters.

Red paper, calligraphy!

Now there are a lot of people's brush calligraphy, and the writing is really good.

For Spring Festival couplets, you don’t need to go to the street at all, just buy red paper, and you can find people who can write well with a brush in the village.

Every time the Spring Festival comes, there are people on the street who write Spring Festival couplets for people.

Unlike in the future, all the Spring Festival couplets are produced in the factory.

Good-looking is good-looking, with gold-stamped characters, very noble.

But it's always absolute, and it lacks flavor.

Chen Huaiqing quickly got down from the back seat and walked over quickly.

"Chen Huaiqing, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Huaiqing laughed and said, "Don't call me Mr. Chen, just Xiao Chen. You are the director of the rice factory, and you have heard your name for a long time!"

Mi Yi'an held Chen Huaiqing's hand with rough hands: "President Chen, it's getting late, let's go eat first."

(End of this chapter)

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