Reborn 80s

Chapter 610

Chapter 610

"There is still a lot of money in Mota Industry's account now?"

"Except for the construction of the new factory, there is almost one billion yuan in funds."

When talking about money with Chen Huaiqing, it is needless to be precise.

Chen Huaiqing's concept of money is now in units of hundreds of millions, tens of millions. In Chen Huaiqing's case, he doesn't think it counts as money at all.

Even hundreds of millions of dollars, Chen Huaiqing just took a look at it and didn't think it was worth it.

The truth is, the money Chen Huaiqing passed on...

No, Chen Huaiqing hasn't touched money for a long time.

It should be said that many of the projects signed by Chen Huaiqing have an investment of billions, billions or even tens of billions.

Hundreds of millions of investment are small investments.

Chen Huaiqing: "There is no rush for the IPO of Mota Industrial. The new factory will be built and put into operation first, and the performance will be improved before listing. Now that it is listed, the stock price will not be as high as that."

In the next three years, Huaguo's economy will be in a stage of rapid growth.

Of course, with the rapid economic growth, the inflation rate has also risen directly.

The substance is still not rich enough.

So the main contradiction now is the contradiction between the ever-growing material and cultural needs and the backward social production.

The main thing to do at this time is still to expand production as soon as possible.

Of course, it is not possible to just expand production, but also to improve production efficiency.

The Southwest Stock Exchange provides a powerful financing platform. For enterprises, money is the only way to expand production.

After continuous expansion of production, it can be said that the stability of supply can be maintained and inflation can be reduced.

To reduce inflation, we still have to use abundant commodities.

When the economy is better, the inflation rate will rise, and when the economy is not good, it will fall.

The reason is very simple. When the economy is bad, everyone can't make money and consumption decreases, but the scale of production remains at the original level, and the things produced are greater than consumption.

Chen Huaiqing didn't care too much about rising prices.

Isn't it normal for prices to rise?

Sometimes, the rise makes people obviously feel the pressure, and sometimes it's like boiling a frog in warm water, and people accept it unconsciously.

Chen Huaiqing glanced at another piece of information on the table, which was the situation of the Southwest Stock Exchange this year.

The Southwest Composite Index has risen by 30.00% this year.

Such a rise is actually a normal situation.

The reason is very simple. The quarterly financial reports of various listed companies are released, and both revenue and net profit have all soared.

This is not to say that certain companies are like this, but universal.

Under such circumstances, it is strange that the stock price does not rise.

Yuzhou's GDP data for the first two quarters of this year has been released, and compared with last year, it has directly increased by 50.00%.

This is simply skyrocketing.

In fact, there are still some GDPs that are not counted at this time, such as public rental housing built by pension fund companies.

Public rental housing is not for sale, but for rent.

The rent is directly attributable to the pension fund company without paying taxes.

Of course, when building a house, the reinforced concrete and grounds used, such as reinforced concrete, are sold by Yuzhou Iron and Steel, Yuzhou Special Steel and United Cement, which must be included in the GDP.

This year, the new plant of Yuzhou Iron and Steel is expanding its construction again.

Now the real estate market is quite hot, and many companies are now carrying out shareholding reforms one after another.

After the shareholding system reform, it is no longer a house allocation.

If there is no housing, then you can only buy a house or rent a house.

The public rental housing built by the pension fund company is undoubtedly a good choice. After all, the geographical location of the public rental housing is mostly in the center of the city, and the transportation is quite convenient.

Some people have savings and feel that renting a house is not comfortable, so they want to buy a house.

The most important thing is that the public rental housing of the pension fund company has increased the rent this year, but it has not been mentioned much, and the increase has been ten yuan a month.

It is estimated that in the next three or four years, it will continue to rise.

Chen Huaiqing knows that the next three to four years will be the years with the fastest economic growth in China.

The main reason is that the price reform was successful, which directly opened up the two branches of the entire Huaguo economy.

With the rapid economic growth, the money in everyone's pockets has naturally increased.

After many people make money now, they deposit the money in the bank.

In the past few years, the total amount of bank deposits has soared rapidly, and the bank couldn't find a good place to let the money go for a while.

The money in the bank has to go somewhere.

You know, deposits need to be paid interest, and the current deposit interest is not low.

At this time, a lot of money poured into the stock market.

A large amount of money poured into the stock market, which naturally caused the stock market to boom.

In terms of financing scale, it is also constantly hitting new highs. In 1992, the total annual financing of Southwest Stock Exchange exceeded 1500 billion, reaching 1789 billion yuan.

In the first half of this year, the total amount of financing has reached 1446 billion. Now everyone is not looking at breaking through 2000 billion, but whether it will break through 3000 billion this year.

In 1990, the amount of financing was only 500 billion. Such a rapid growth has a lot to do with the booming economy.

Now there are 2081 listed companies on the Southwest Stock Exchange, of which 691 are listed on the main board, and the rest are on the GEM.

The requirements for listing on the GEM are relatively low, and there is no profit limit. Therefore, many enterprises after restructuring have been pushed to the GEM for listing.

Listing a company is also beneficial.

One is that corporate governance will become formalized.

The other is that local state-owned companies are now being established in various places, and the stocks of listed companies can be pledged to banks for loans.

This is undoubtedly a very good source of funds for all places.

The Southwest Stock Exchange does not reject anyone, as long as it meets the listing standards, it will be listed directly through it.

This also caused a mixed bag on the GEM.

Anyway, ordinary investors don't dare to invest in the GEM casually at all. If one is not good, they will just step on the thunder.

Now the Southwest Stock Exchange does not accept direct listing on the main board, they have to be listed on the GEM first, and after three years, the company's performance is stable before entering the main board from the GEM.

The GEM is a registration system, and the main board is an audit system.

To enter the main board market, a company must be profitable for three consecutive years.

Anyway, good companies enter the main board market.

For many investors, they prefer to buy stocks of companies on the main board market, because companies on the main board market have no problems in their operations.

Unlike the GEM, thunderstorms often occur.

There are quite a few companies that are forced to delist from the GEM every year, hundreds of them.

(End of this chapter)

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