Reborn and Ready: The Not-So-Awesome Adventures of Li Wei

Almost done

Over the course of the year, Li Wei dedicated himself to helping the villagers clear the massive plot of land. While the work was physically demanding, it served as an excellent way to train his body and sharpen his martial arts. Each day spent cutting down trees, pulling out roots, and flattening the land helped strengthen his muscles. As he worked side by side with the villagers, they developed deep respect for him—not only as the man with the most advanced home in the village but also as a leader who wasn't afraid to work alongside them.

After a year of backbreaking labor, the once-dense jungle had been transformed into a flat, open space ready for building. The villagers stood proudly, admiring the cleared land they had worked so hard to prepare. But as their excitement settled, a new challenge emerged.

At the next village meeting, the elder addressed the growing concerns. "We do not have enough nearby stones to build the kind of homes we all want," he began solemnly. "But there is still a way to make it a bit more convenient. The large stones will be carved only for the essential parts—like the bathroom, the kitchen where the cooking is done, and the tank for storing water."

Li Wei stepped forward to offer more details. "Each household will have two taps—one in the washroom and one in the kitchen. The water system we'll build will ensure that every home has running water. The rest of the house will be made from strong, durable wood, much like the traditional houses of old."

The villagers were relieved to hear this plan. Wooden homes were familiar to them, and using stone only for the essential parts made the task more manageable. But the biggest challenge still lay ahead—transporting the heavy rocks from the mountains to the village.

"We have no choice," one man said anxiously. "Those rocks are enormous. How will we move them all the way here?"

The elder nodded thoughtfully. "It won't be easy, but we must find a way. There is no turning back now."

The first attempt to move a large rock ended in failure. A group of about 20 men tried to push it, but the boulder barely budged. Frustrated and exhausted, they huddled together, unsure of what to do next. That's when Li Wei stepped in, his expression calm.

"Let's try again," he said. "But this time, we'll use a different approach."

He called for 100 men to gather around the massive stone and instructed them on how to use levers and wooden holders to get the right grip on the rock's surface. The stone was too smooth for so many people to push directly, but with long poles acting as levers and platforms for support, they could apply their strength more effectively.

"Place the levers under the rock, and when I give the signal, we push together," Li Wei explained, ensuring everyone was in position.

With everyone in place, Li Wei gave the signal. "On my count—push!"

The men leaned into the levers, and to their surprise, the massive stone began to move. Slowly at first, but with the combined strength of 100 people and the leverage from the poles, the boulder rolled more easily than anyone had expected.

The crowd of villagers watched in awe as the huge rock, which once seemed immovable, glided across the ground.

One of the younger men looked up, his face lit with excitement. "It moves! We can do this!"

Li Wei smiled faintly, satisfied with the progress. "With enough hands and the right tools, even the heaviest task can be accomplished. We'll need to work like this every time we move the stones. It will take many trips, but it can be done."

With their spirits lifted, the villagers embraced the challenge ahead. Over the next few weeks, groups of 100 men continued to use levers and wooden holders to transport the large stones from the mountains to the village. Each trip was long and exhausting, but with everyone working together, the task became manageable. The sense of unity in the village grew as the people pushed forward with a common goal.

As the stones arrived, they were carefully carved into sections for bathrooms, kitchens, and water tanks. With each rock that was moved and shaped, the villagers' dream of homes with running water and modern conveniences came closer to reality.

The wooden structures of the houses began to take shape as well, resembling the traditional Japanese-style homes that were sturdy yet advanced in design. The combination of wood and stone gave the homes a balance of strength and simplicity, and each household eagerly awaited the day they could move in.

Though they knew it would still take time to complete the water systems and finish all the homes, the villagers no longer feared the impossible. With Li Wei's guidance and their collective strength, they had achieved what they once thought was beyond their reach. Now, they continued forward, step by step, toward a future where every family would have a home that matched the comfort and convenience they had admired from afar.


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