Reborn and Ready: The Not-So-Awesome Adventures of Li Wei

The Disappearance of Du Heng

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The morning sun filtered through the curtains of Li Wei's office, casting a warm glow over the cluttered desk filled with reports and case files. He was about to settle into his usual routine when a junior officer burst in, breathless.

"Captain Li! You need to come quickly! There's been a disappearance!"

Li Wei raised an eyebrow, his demeanor calm. "Whose disappearance?"

"It's a boy named Du Heng. He went missing yesterday evening, and his parents just reported it this morning," the officer explained, glancing around nervously.

"Missing?" Li Wei stood up, adjusting his coat. "How long has he been gone?"

"Since before sunset," the officer replied. "He was playing at the playground but never came home."

"Let's go," Li Wei said, already moving toward the door. The last known sighting was critical; he needed to act quickly.

When Li Wei arrived at the playground, the atmosphere was charged with concern. Parents had gathered, their faces etched with worry. He approached a group of children who had been playing.

"Has anyone seen Du Heng?" he asked, his voice steady.

A girl with pigtails spoke up. "He was playing tag, but then he left to walk home. I thought he'd be back by now."

One of the boys chimed in, "I saw him yesterday. He was right here, laughing and playing."

"Did anyone see him after he left?" Li Wei asked, keenly observing their reactions.

A nearby mother spoke up, "I saw him walking down the main road yesterday. He was fine—no sign of trouble."

The main road, Li Wei noted, mentally mapping out the route. If Du Heng was walking home along the main road, he would have only had to cover a distance of about 400 meters. It's a short route but includes a few dark alleys that could easily be used for an abduction.

"Which direction did he head after leaving the playground?" Li Wei asked.

"He went toward the alley near the flower shop," the mother replied.

Interesting, Li Wei thought. But there are many ways someone could be taken.

As he walked, Li Wei stopped at the first shop he saw, an elderly man selling pastries. "Excuse me, sir. Have you seen Du Heng pass by here yesterday?"

The old man squinted, nodding slowly. "Yes, I saw him walking past. He looked fine, just heading home."

"Did you notice anyone else around?" Li Wei pressed, his mind racing.

The man thought for a moment. "There were a few people, but no one unusual."

Continuing down the path, Li Wei questioned several shopkeepers and residents. An elderly woman at a flower shop mentioned, "He stopped to admire the flowers for a moment, then he kept walking toward home. Nothing seemed off."

Li Wei mentally pieced together the information. If Du Heng was seen walking home and appeared fine, the kidnapping must have happened after that point. He could have been grabbed off the street, lured by someone he trusted, or even coaxed into a cart. There are countless ways this could have happened.

After gathering more information, he found an older gentleman who claimed to have seen Du Heng about 150 meters down the main road, moving in the direction of his home.

If Du Heng was only 150 meters from the playground and had not yet reached home, he could have been kidnapped within the next 250 meters of his journey.

Li Wei noted the potential alleys along the route, considering the layout. There were only a few dark alleys nearby, which could easily serve as hiding spots for a kidnapper. But with multiple options, he needed to be thorough.

Reaching the first of the alleys, Li Wei stepped inside, scanning the ground for any signs of struggle. The walls loomed high, and the shadows were deep. He knew this was a prime spot for a swift abduction.

After searching the first alley without finding anything, he moved to the second. Again, nothing. The alleys didn't connect to any other paths, which made it more concerning.

If Du Heng was taken here, why was there no sign?

He thought through the implications. If the kidnapper used the alleys, they would have had to be fast. But there are also other possibilities: a distraction, a lure, or simply someone he knew. A martial artist could easily scale the walls while carrying a child, but they could also have used a cart or some other method to get away quickly.

After checking the third alley, he noticed something: the ground was undisturbed, with no signs of a struggle, no footprints leading away. This was unusual; if Du Heng had been taken here, there would have been some sign of it.

Li Wei paused to think. Could it be that the kidnapper was familiar with this area? Someone who knew how to navigate it quickly and efficiently?

Just then, his subordinate, Chen Wei, arrived, an eager expression on his face. "What's the situation, Captain? Found the kid yet?"

"Not yet," Li Wei replied, his tone matter-of-fact. "But I have a lead. We need to consider the alleys."

Chen Wei raised an eyebrow. "You think he was taken in one of them?"

"Given the distance and the layout, it's possible," Li Wei said, folding his arms. "But something feels off. If he was taken here, why was there no sign? It's as if the kidnapper had a way out."

Chen Wei grinned, clearly enjoying the chase. "You know, if this were a novel, we'd probably find some secret passageway or something."

"Focus, Chen Wei," Li Wei said, keeping his tone level. "I want you to gather the men and start searching the area for any traces of the kidnapper. Check the alleys and see if anyone noticed anything unusual."

"Right! But can I at least wear a mask? I'll feel more like a real investigator," Chen Wei teased, pulling a cloth from his pocket and pretending to cover his face.

Li Wei smirked slightly but remained composed. "No masks. Just results."

"Fine, fine! But I'm going to look great in my regular clothes while solving this mystery," Chen Wei quipped, heading off with a spring in his step.

Li Wei shook his head, a hint of amusement creeping in despite the seriousness of the situation. He turned back to the alleys, his mind already working on the next steps.

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