Reborn and Ready: The Not-So-Awesome Adventures of Li Wei

Village development

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The village had been buzzing with curiosity for last years. Li Wei's house, with its stone walls, running water, and modern conveniences, had caught the attention of everyone. The villagers had never seen anything like it— an indoor toilet, and a well-organized garden. As they worked in the fields or gathered at the village square, the conversations always seemed to drift back to the same topic: Li Wei's house.

One morning, a group of villagers gathered near the market, their voices hushed but eager.

"Have you seen Li Wei's house? It's like nothing we've ever built," one man said, shaking his head in amazement.

"He even has a road paved with stone leading to his front door," another added.

"It's not just that," a woman chimed in. "He has fresh water running from a tap! No more carrying water from the public tap."

Slowly, idea spread within a year, and it became clear that the villagers wanted similar houses. They were tired of their old, traditional homes made of wood and straw, without proper water systems. The convenience and luxury of Li Wei's home had sparked a desire for something better.

A village meeting was set to discuss the possibility of improving everyone's homes. As the villagers gathered in the large courtyard at the village elder's house, the air was thick with excitement and hope. Even the village elders, known for their reluctance to change, seemed open to hearing ideas.

The village elder began the meeting with a serious tone. "Everyone has seen Li Wei's house. It is clear that he has found a way to bring conveniences to his home. We are here today to discuss how we can do the same for our village."

Li Wei stood quietly in the crowd, observing the growing interest in what he had built. When the chief gestured for him to speak, he stepped forward calmly.

"I know many of you are interested in having homes like mine," Li Wei began, his voice measured. "It is not possible because firstly I carved it out using a huge rock, how many of you have strength to do that? So, if you want to build better houses it can only be wooden but you will still have the same conveniences as mine. I can teach you how to do that, but there is something you must understand first. I cut and flattened a large piece of barren land under the hill to build my house. If you want to build homes like mine, you will need to find similar land. Yes, we can rebuilt your houses right where they are but it will be inefficient for many things as your houses are sporadically placed. So, what you have to do is find a suitable land and cut it open."

The villagers murmured to one another, clearly concerned. Barren land in the village was limited, and it was far from the fertile plots they used for farming.

"But Lord Li Wei," one elder spoke up hesitantly, "the barren land you speak of is hard to come by. Most of us do not own land large enough to build a house like yours."

Li Wei nodded, understanding their frustration. "That is true. However, there is a way. If the barren land is cleared, it can be transferred to your name. Don't worry about the government, I will handle that issue. You would own that land and be able to build whatever you wish on it. But clearing and flattening land is a difficult task—it requires labor, tools, and time."

The villagers exchanged worried glances. Clearing land was hard work, and most of them didn't have the resources to do it on their own.

Another man spoke up, his voice uncertain. "We want the conveniences you have, but how can we afford them? Building houses like yours, with running water and a proper toilet... that's beyond what most of us can manage."

Li Wei thought for a moment before speaking again. "I can guide you, and I can show you how I built my water system, filtration, and even the stone work for the house. But you will need to work together. The village must cooperate—share resources, labor, and ideas. If everyone contributes, it is possible."

The village elder nodded, sensing the opportunity for growth. "Li Wei is right. This cannot be done alone. If we want to improve the village, we must help one another. Those with strength can clear the land, those with skill can help build the houses, and those with knowledge can help set up the water systems."

Another villager spoke up, his voice hopeful. "If we work together, we can share the costs too. Instead of everyone building alone, we could pool our resources and make sure each family has a better home."

The crowd began to murmur in agreement. The idea of working together, sharing the burden, seemed more manageable. Slowly, hope began to spread across the group.

Li Wei watched quietly as the villagers discussed the possibilities. He knew it wouldn't be easy. The costs of building homes like his, the time needed to clear the land, and the coordination required would be a challenge for the entire village. But it was possible. With enough effort, the modern conveniences they desired could become a reality.

A village elder raised his hand, silencing the crowd. "Then it is settled. We will work together to better our village. Lord Li Wei will guide us, and we will make this dream possible for all."

As the meeting came to an end, Li Wei stood at the edge of the crowd, his mind already planning the next steps. It would take time, but he knew that with unity, the village could achieve much more than they imagined.

In the coming weeks, teams were formed to clear the barren land, and groups of villagers started gathering supplies for the modern houses. Li Wei shared his knowledge on how to build stone houses, create water filtration systems, and set up proper waste management. Slowly, the village began to transform.

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