Reborn and Ready: The Not-So-Awesome Adventures of Li Wei

Zhang Guowei’s Retirement Plan: Groveling 101

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Li Wei walked briskly through the bustling town streets, boots kicking up small puffs of dust as he made his way from his home toward the guard headquarters. He glanced at the path ahead, once again reminded of how much more efficient life could be if he didn't have to take the long, winding ten-kilometer road every day just to get to work.

"Why in the world should a road curve around like that?" he muttered under his breath, more to himself than anyone else. "Two kilometers straight through, and I'd be sitting in my office before the sun fully rises."

The idea of a new stone-paved path that cut directly from his house to the town was already forming in his mind. No more mornings wasted on the winding road, and more importantly, no more staying at the guard headquarters longer than necessary. Why should he live there full-time when his home was just a village away?

By the time he reached his office, Li Wei had already decided—he would start planning the new road project soon. The village and town could be connected in a fraction of the time, and he'd have his peaceful mornings back.

A month earlier, Li Wei stood alongside Mayor Xu and Mayor Zhao as the prisoners, bound and guarded them, were marched off to Guanshan prison. The mood should have been triumphant after stopping the kidnappings, but there was something that gnawed at Li Wei's instincts.

"These people are too strong to be regular kidnappers," Mayor Xu said quietly, as they watched the criminals disappear down the path. "Feels like there's more to this."

Mayor Zhao grunted in agreement. "I don't like it either. Might be more than just kidnapping at play."

With little hesitation, they sent a letter to the provincial capital. Something wasn't adding up, and it wasn't long before reinforcements arrived—warriors dispatched from the capital to take the criminals into more secure custody.

But it wasn't just the strength of the criminals that troubled them. Behind the scenes, a more insidious issue was being quietly investigated: the ex-captain of the town's guard, one who had grown far too close to the deputy mayor, was revealed to be an agent of an Unorthodox Sect. The ex-captain's involvement had shaken the already fragile balance of power, especially for the deputy mayor, Zhang Guowei, who had always been known for his scheming.

Zhang Guowei, infamous for his endless plotting, was probably sweating buckets in his office right now. His faction was already on its last legs before the scandal, and now? Well, it looked like the only thing he was winning was an unplanned retirement plan, courtesy of the Unorthodox Sect's meddling. Even the town's stray cats held more political power at this point than Zhang Guowei.

As Li Wei and the group discussed the situation in a closed meeting, Mayor Xu snorted. "Zhang Guowei's probably sitting in his office, practicing how to grovel to the provincial inspector right about now."

"Grovel? That's optimistic," Li Wei chuckled. "I'd bet he's trying to figure out how to write a letter of resignation without using the word 'failure' five times."

They shared a rare moment of levity. Behind the humor, though, there was a serious concern. The deputy mayor's connection to the ex-captain had weakened an already crumbling faction. Zhang Guowei's supporters were dwindling, and with this incident, they were one slip away from irrelevance. Still, the investigation continued, with the deputy mayor being watched closely. But the truth? They didn't think Zhang Guowei was involved—just unfortunate enough to have aligned with the wrong people. His political ambitions were crumbling faster than a house built on sand.

Back to the Present

Li Wei's focus had shifted, though. The town guard knew the kidnappings had been orchestrated by an Unorthodox Sect, but the rest of the town remained blissfully unaware of the political and criminal intrigue swirling behind the scenes.

The children had been found, healthy and unharmed, and for now, that was enough for the townsfolk to celebrate. The streets were alive with the sound of laughter and relief. Li Wei, however, was already thinking about his next challenge—his ongoing investigation of the notorious Phantom Thief.

Unlike the kidnappings, his interest in the thief wasn't driven by duty. No, Li Wei had his own reasons for wanting to catch the elusive criminal. The thief had been responsible for stealing countless priceless treasures, and while the government might want the thief brought to justice, Li Wei had a different goal in mind. He wasn't interested in the thief's punishment—he wanted the treasures.

He thought back to how he had tracked the kidnappers, using maps and carefully plotted routes. Perhaps, if he applied the same strategy, he could locate the Phantom Thief's hideout.

But first, there was a road to build.

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