Reborn as a Demonic Tree

Chapter 322: Sisters

Evelyn strode through the Duskwalker residence with a spring in her step and a smile on her face. It felt like centuries of misery were finally paying off as she passed maids hanging up new art pieces and a team of mortal builders repairing cracked tiles. For the first time in generations, she had money that wasn't obtained by groveling at Albis Lunarshades' feet.

Since the Ashfallen Sect's arrival, the money had been flowing.

Boxes of porcelain pill bottles were delivered daily, and she took them to the pavilion to be sold throughout the realm. As agreed, she got a cut of the sale for acting as a proxy for the Ashfallen Sect, and that is how the residence's wealth rose from the negatives to a healthy surplus.

It also helps that with the Lunarshade family gone, the Duskwalker residence is now considered the leading family in Nightshade City. So many businesses that used to sell exclusively to the Lunarshades now come to us.

Evelyn hummed a tune as she picked up today's delivery and headed to the Eternal Pursuit Pavilion as usual. She climbed to the Crimson Tracker area and patiently lined up to see a Lotus Informant. It was a daily routine at this point.


"Evelyn Duskwalker of the Crimson Trackers," she said as she placed the wooden crate on the table, "Here to sell another box of Florist's Touch pills."

"I'm starting to think these are created out of thin air," the Lotus Informant joked as he took the box, and it vanished in a flash of silver as the spatial formation built into his desk glowed. "The Alchemy Hall has been crazy for these pills. You should have seen how they flew off the shelves. Do you wish to sell this batch locally or in an auction?"

"Well, they sell higher at an auction, right? So let's do that—"

"Hold on," the Lotus Informant leaned in closer, "Just between you and me, I wouldn't do that."

Evelyn raised a brow, "Why not?"

The Lotus Informant tapped the desk, "50 Yinxi Coins, and I will tell you some important information."

Evelyn clicked her tongue, "That's extortion, and you know it."

"Our main commodity here at the pavilion is information," The Lotus Informant gave a knowing smile, "But how can I sell you answers to questions you don't have?"

Evelyn grumbled as she brought out her pendant and transferred the funds. Having lived a life of lavish poverty until now, a small part of her died as she saw those funds go. "Now tell me. Why shouldn't I sell these pills at an auction?"

"Pleasure doing business with you," The Lotus Informant gave a slight bow, "The reason you should reconsider selling through an auction is the Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild. They are majority owners of almost every auction house across the realm, and the reported prices your pills have been selling for at auctions differ from the funds we receive and pass onto you."

Evelyn narrowed her eyes, "So what's happening here?"

"We believe the Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild receives the pills and pays us the appraiser market value. They then sell the pills at auction as if they were their own at ten times the price."

"Ten times?!"

"Yes. We believe the Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild is hiding away the majority of the pills to artificially inflate your pills' value and protect the sales of their other products."

Evelyn's eyes widened, "So they are profiting by reselling our pills at a higher price?"

"Precisely," the Lotus Informant nodded, "Now, this is bad practice and goes against their own rules as you are supposed to receive money based on the auction price, but alchemy sects and guilds are known for being ruthless to their competition. The Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild didn't spend centuries clawing their way to the top to be outshined by an upstart."

Evelyn drummed her fingers on the counter, "So the ones benefiting the most from our pills are the Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild. But selling locally isn't possible as there are not enough people with deep enough pockets left in Nightshade City that can buy our pills."

With the eradication of the Lunarshade family, only a few minor families were left to sell pills to in Nightshade City that weren't already under Ashfallen.

The Lotus Informant shrugged, "That's a problem for you to figure out, as there's not much we can enforce on the Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild. Their leaders are considered esteemed guests as their organization has a stranglehold on pill distribution."

"You said these Florist's Touch pills were flying off the shelves in the Alchemy Hall, right? Let's sell these locally."

"Perfect, and here are the 8400 Yinxi Coins from your last few batches of pills," The Lotus Informant deposited the funds, but compared to the last few times, she didn't feel a sense of joy. Instead, there was a sickening twist in the stomach now that she knew what the Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild was up to.

Bidding the Lotus Informant goodbye, Evelyn returned to the Duskwalker residence with a frown. I need to inform Ashfallen of this transgression against us. Heading to the heavily guarded transport hub deep within the residence, Evelyn briefly nodded to the many cultivators from different families silently lining the corridor.

Reaching the end, she paused before a grand doorway shimmering from many layers of runic protection. The formations and the room beyond the door had been installed by the Ashfallen Sect to protect the ethereal root leading straight to Red Vine Peak.

"Open the door," she informed two of her cousins standing guard. Shadow Qi surged into the door, and the locks slowly opened with a satisfying click.

The many layers of runic protection on the door were lowered, and the door opened to reveal a plain room with a hole in the floor. Inside were two Elders silently cultivating atop Qi gathering formations; one was from the Mystshroud family, and the other was from the Blightbane family.

Evelyn was about to give her greeting when a sudden presence blanketed the room. It wasn't suffocating like the immortal's but likely belonged to one of the stronger sect members, and from the uneasy feeling of the approaching Qi, Evelyn had a suspect.

The demoness is here.

Tips of feathered wings were the first to emerge, followed by a woman with long raven hair that flowed down her back with a hint of blue. She effortlessly stepped out of the hole and surveyed the room with cold grey eyes as demonic mist swirled around her enchanting figure. Even as her wings retracted into her back, she maintained her identity as a demoness with black claws that gleamed under the light and two prominent fangs.

"Welcome, Grand Elder Diana," both Elders who had been quietly cultivating were now standing at attention as the third highest-ranked member of the Ashfallen Sect graced them with her presence.

"Elder Mystshroud, your family's presence is needed on Red Vine Peak," Diana said, getting straight to business. "Gather everyone and head over before dusk. The cult of the All-Seeing Eye is holding a service."

This tale has been unlawfully lifted without the author's consent. Report any appearances on Amazon.

"As you command, Grand Elder." The Mystshroud Elder bowed and left the room. While passing Evelyn on the way out, the man gave her a respectful nod.

"Evelyn! You're just the person I was looking for!" Diana strode over with a slight smirk. "How are things?"

"I have something to inform you of urgently, but why... are you looking at me like that?" Evelyn shifted uncomfortably under Diana's gaze. Why does she seem amused about something?

"Great, you can tell me on the way. Follow me."

"Huh? Where are we going?"

"To meet your sister." Diana grinned, "She's been looking forward to seeing you."

"My sister?" Evelyn paused and looked at Diana with confusion, "Do you mean Nox? You told me she was dead."

"No. The Nox you knew is dead, but a part of her lives on." Diana laughed, clearly enjoying her confusion. "Come on, it's no fun if I explain it."

"This is fun for you?!" Evelyn was baffled, "If she really is alive, I hope you know that I will send her to the afterlife myself."

Diana snorted, "I'd like to see you try."


The chilly evening breeze messed with Evelyn's hair as she soared through the sky alongside Diana, who glided so effortlessly beside her that it felt like cheating. Red Vine Peak was to their backs, with the great spirit tree lording over all, surrounded by a purple bubble crackling with black lightning.

Thankfully, they had left that place quickly. The overbearing pressure of the immortal had been suffocating, and Evelyn could still feel it weighing on her now, even after leaving the peak and flying toward the White Stone Palace.

"Stella put in a request for our pills to not be sold to the Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild, but since you are acting as a proxy for us, the pavilion hasn't applied those restrictions to your pills. We could rectify this issue, but..." Diana fell into thought for a while.

"The Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild stealing our profits might not be such a bad thing," Diana mused as she flapped her giant feathered wings a single time to remain airborne, "As you mentioned, they are claiming the pills are their own. That draws focus away from us until we can establish our own distribution network, likely through the cult, as it's disassociated from us. If anything, we can use their greed as a shield while we gather power."

Evelyn rubbed her chin. That is a shockingly reasonable reaction and plan. Most sect leaders would be furious knowing they were being taken advantage of, but the Ashfallen Sect only considers how it can puppet others for its own gain. Evelyn glanced at Diana with a newfound respect. I knew she managed many of the Ashfallen Sect affairs as the Princess is rumored to be lacking in diplomacy. But I didn't think her decision-making and insight were so deep! I need to learn a thing or two from her.

"We are here," Diana said, suddenly diving down the mountainside.

"Wait, what? Out here?" Evelyn had many questions as she tried to match Diana's immense speed.

How is Nox still alive? Why isn't she staying on Red Vine Peak or in the White Stone Palace? Has she been hiding out in Ashfallen City this whole time, and if she is alive, why did they feel the need to lie to me?

Diana touched down in a beautiful field of jasmine flowers lorded over by a tree seemingly doused in darkness. From the bark to the leaves, it was pitch black like night, and Evelyn could sense familiar shadow Qi. What is going on? Why can I feel my sister's presence from the tree...

"For her crimes of stealing Stella's earrings gifted to her by the immortal, Nox's soul was trapped in a spirit tree." Diana casually gestured to the shadow tree as if what she had just said made any sense.

"You turned my sister into a tree?!"

"Nox! Your sister is here to see you." Diana called out, and something shifted from behind the tree.

A woman crafted from the darkness stepped out and gave a little wave, "Long time no see, sis."

What kind of sick joke is this? She was alive this whole time and just hiding behind the tree? Evelyn felt her blood boil as centuries of stored-up anger and misery exploded all at once.

"After what you did, you still dare to call me sis?" Evelyn Shadow Stepped forward and punched her sister in the face—her fist harmlessly passed through a wisp of shadow as if her sister were made of smoke. The shadows shifted around her feet before reforming behind her. Evelyn spun around, ready for another punch. However, upon closer look, Evelyn furrowed her brows. The shadow woman had some of Nox's features from when she had been younger but the figure of their mother. It was as if she were staring at a family member she never had.

"What... are you?" Evelyn asked, dropping her fist to her side.

"A shadow of someone you once knew. Sis, when I tell you I'm not the Nox you remember, I mean it." The shadow woman touched the tree, "When my soul was split and twisted into a spirit tree, it changed me. The soul damage was so extensive I lost who I was and became someone new. However, don't misunderstand. That does not excuse me from repenting for what Nox did to you and everyone else. Every night, I relive my memories with a new perspective; it's torture. I hate my past self on a level that's hard to describe, and I selfishly called you here to say... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for selfishly leaving you behind to pick up my burdens so I could go off and live a life free of family obligations."

Evelyn bit her trembling lip. She had spent many nights screaming at the mirror—reenacting all the things she would say to Nox if they ever met again. Evelyn had barely managed to contain herself the last time Nox visited for a day, so she had promised herself she would go through with it this time round. But how could she, in the face of such a sincere apology?

"I understand if you say no, but is there any chance you could find it in your heart to forgive me—"

"Yes," Evelyn said, feeling like an immense weight lifted from her shoulders. "I forgive you. I don't have the energy to hold so much hatred in my heart anymore now that my life has improved. You made my life a living hell, and for the longest time, I wanted to inflict misery on you. But now... I just want to move on from it all and start again."

Nox dashed forward and embraced her, and Evelyn was surprised at how solid her shadow body felt. "I can't tell you how glad I am," Nox whispered in her ear as she tightened the hug, "The guilt of my past life has been eating me alive."

Evelyn awkwardly patted Nox on the back, "You definitely don't talk or act like the sister I knew, and that's certainly a positive thing. She was a real bitch."

"Right?!" Nox laughed as she freed Evelyn from the hug and stepped back, "Even as I regain my past memories, I still have no idea what I was thinking. What an absolute bitch I was."

Evelyn nodded in agreement and looked her sister up and down, "So... not sure how to really begin understanding this, but you're a spirit tree now?"

"Yeah," Nox said, looking up at her canopy, "I left behind a body of flesh and bone for one of bark and sap. I have to say it's a lifestyle completely opposite to my past life as a Merchant, always on the run and moving between locations." Nox looked down and met Evelyn's gaze with a warm smile, "Now I spend my days and nights watching over Ashfallen City under the sea of stars."

"Sounds like a quiet and peaceful existence."

"It is, but it got terribly lonely," Nox said, crouching on the ground and plucking a jasmine flower. "Nobody came to visit or talk to me."

"Is that why you made this body?"

Nox nodded, "I used our Shadow Soul technique to make this form, and once I ascended to Nascent Soul Realm, it became more detailed and capable of speech."

"You reached Nascent Soul Realm?! Nobody in Nightshade City is even near that realm of power! Only those in the pavilion are at that level. If you came back, you could elevate the Duskwalker name—"

"No, Evelyn," Nox stood up and put the jasmine flower she had plucked behind Evelyn's ear, "My home is here now. I still consider you my sister, but I have left the Duskwalker name behind."

Evelyn felt rather stupid, "Sorry. I got carried away for a moment and forgot you are a tree now. Even if you wanted to, it's not like you could move back home..."

Nox cracked a smile, "Who said I couldn't move?"

"You can?"

A sudden pressure descended on the area.

"Sorry to interrupt," the immortal's voice thundered in Evelyn's mind, "But could you three make your way to my Inner World? The service is about to begin."

Inner World? Does that mean the immortal is in the Monarch Realm?!

The sky overhead split open as a giant rift formed.

"Us three?" Evelyn wondered. But there's just Diana and I who can go.

The ground began to tremble, followed by the sound of falling rock. Evelyn stumbled before catching herself by leaning on the tree. "Whoa, what is happening... are we flying?!"

"Up we go!" Nox gestured upwards, and a whole section of the mountain floated up toward the portal.

Evelyn's ears popped as they phased through the rift and emerged above a forest of flesh trees shrouded in a bloodied mist that encircled a gigantic pillar of white flesh. It was covered in eyes that Evelyn felt were watching her as the island floated to join the many other floating islands wreathed in spatial Qi and supporting spires of black stone covered in intricate carvings of eyes.

Squinting at the other islands, Evelyn saw hundreds of mortals and cultivators wearing the same cult-like cloaks pouring out of portals.

"An impressive sight, isn't it?" Diana mused as she stood on the edge of the floating island with her arms crossed. "To think the Ashfallen Sect wasn't even known a year ago, and now our leader has become a recognized deity revered through the land."

Evelyn gulped. This was indeed an awe-inspiring display of power.

"Oh look, it's about to start." Diana pointed into the distance as a gong sound reverberated through the world. The sky tore apart, and an impossible-to-describe eye of godly proportions gazed down at its believers.

The cult of the All-Seeing Eye was about to make its entrance onto the world stage.

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