Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 153


“Master, are you okay?” Asked Partner.

“Huh? Yeah, why?” I asked.

“You felt a bit down there… When I am near you, I can sense your emotions, and I can immediately tell!” She shouted.

“Y-You can?!” I asked.

“Yep,” She replied.

“Uhhh… N-Nothing, never mind….” I said.

“Are you sure?” Partner asked while squinting her eyes.

“Yeah! I am as fine as lettuce…! I mean, fresh as lettuce!” I said with a bright smile.

“Huh… I don’t believe you a single bit!” Said Partner.

“Aw, come on now, don’t do me like that! You have to believe me! How come you won’t believe me?” I asked in between giggles.

“You were having sad thoughts again?” She asked with puppy eyes.

“S-Sad thoughts?” I asked.

“After you saw the memories of these people… you were let down a bit, weren’t you? You don’t really have to do that again…” She sighed.

“I… Maybe a little bit but… don’t worry! I am super fine,” I said.

“J-Just remember that I am here for you whenever you need anything… Okay? I am not simply a skeleton that you made into an undead anymore… I-I’ve grown to be a person of my own now… So I want to help you out… to get through those things….” She said.

“P-Partner… You’re such a sweet girl….” I sighed.

Partner suddenly hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.

“Of course! Master, I love you… S-So the thing I must do is make you happy and make sure you’re not sad!” She said with a gentle smile.

“Y-You… shouldn’t really love me… there’s no reason….” I sighed.

“Eh?!” She cried out.

“I… I only created you, but this is not the reason for such a thing… You shouldn’t… dedicate your life to me in such away. In the future, I want you to meet more people and have a life of yours aside from mine, so you can… know better and meet… better people more deserving of your love,” I said.

“W-What with such a hurtful thing out of nowhere?! How did you come to such a bad conclusion?!” she asked.

“Huh?! B-But… I am… Right? It’s not natural… Maybe it is just Stockholm syndrome… you only feel this clinginess to me because you don’t have anyone else for you…. When you meet more people, you will realize it….” I sighed.

“M-Master… I… Don’t say that!” Partner said, and she suddenly slapped my face.

“Geh… P-Partner, how could you do that?!” I asked, shocked.

Has this become a TV Drama now?!

“Don’t have such stupid thoughts! I am not being brainwashed or anything! But I love you because you’re special to me! Not because of some weird power over me or because I don’t have anyone else…!” Said Partner.


“No buts! E-Even if I had the chance… even if I had more friends, I don’t think I would like anyone else… y-you’re just way too amazing for that!” She said.

“A-Ah… I-Is that so?” I sighed.

“Hmm! You’re my beloved Master!” Shouted Partner as she hugged me tightly.

“Beloved… Master?” I asked.

“Yes! You’re so gentle… Motherly… you always took care of me… gave me food, and raised me! E-Even if that’s more like a mother figure… My feelings are stronger than just that… You always help the people who need help, and you slay the idiots’ bad guys who only make the innocent suffer! W-Who wouldn’t admire such a heroic figure?!” Said Partner.

“Guh… Y-You’ve become very eloquent at talking….” I said.

“T-That’s because you always taught me how to talk properly too… every day in the mornings you teach me how to read and more… It is about to be a year since I was brought to this world but… it has been an amazing ride…!” Said Partner.

“R-Really…? I am surprised… T-To think you would think this… It is not some brainwashing of my powers?” I sighed.

“No! Dummy… That power only makes the brainless Undead obey you. Those with intelligence can still deny you and go away… But why would I do that? You’re my world, master…” She said, deeply looking at my eyes with her own crimson-red eyes.

“Uwaah… P-Partner…” I sighed.

Maybe I was being a very idiotic person just now? But… Ah, I just wanted to hug her so much, so I hugged her.

“Never leave me… *Sniff*….” I cried.

“Okay, I wasn’t planning to leave you….” She said.

We ended up hugging for a bit as I cuddled my head over her bouncy and soft chest.

“You two…”

“What are you doing?!”

Emeraldine and Lucifer showed up out of nowhere around us while we were hugging lovingly.

“Eh? Ah… I-I can explain it… I was… in a very dark place… I had… Partner, help me get through it!” I said.

“Is that so? You should have asked me to help you out too!” Said Lucifer.

“But I don’t want to bother you….” I said.

“But Maria! We are always telling you that we are here for you, and you still don’t even get it?” Sighed Emeraldine.

“I-I… but you guys got your own problems! I can’t bother you with my own. That would be way too selfish, right? I am not the only person in this world after all!” I said.

“That’s a stupid excuse when we are always here for you!” Said Lucifer.

“Yeah… But are you feeling alright now? Thank you, Partner. Let’s make sure she never gets depressed…. Hug!” Said Emeraldine as she extended her arms around me, and she hugged me too.

“Uwahh… Y-You’re all clingy today….” I sighed.

Lucifer then petted my head.

“Well, is the food ready? The people are starving. I think most of the goblin village people woken up, Gofumin included,” Said Lucifer with a charming smile.

“Ooohh! Gofumin-chan! Alright! Let’s get to it!” I said as I quickly took out some plates and began to serve soup.

Extending my body into many hands and serving each plate with soup over and over again…


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